Generating Random Quantum States & Operators

QuTiP includes a collection of random state, unitary and channel generators for simulations, Monte Carlo evaluation, theorem evaluation, and code testing. Each of these objects can be sampled from one of several different distributions.

For example, a random Hermitian operator can be sampled by calling rand_herm function:

>>> rand_herm(5) 
Quantum object: dims = [[5], [5]], shape = (5, 5), type = oper, isherm = True
Qobj data =
[[-0.25091976+0.j          0.        +0.j          0.        +0.j
  -0.21793701+0.47037633j -0.23212846-0.61607187j]
 [ 0.        +0.j         -0.88383278+0.j          0.836086  -0.23956218j
  -0.09464275+0.45370863j -0.15243356+0.65392096j]
 [ 0.        +0.j          0.836086  +0.23956218j  0.66488528+0.j
  -0.26290446+0.64984451j -0.52603038-0.07991553j]
 [-0.21793701-0.47037633j -0.09464275-0.45370863j -0.26290446-0.64984451j
  -0.13610996+0.j         -0.34240902-0.2879303j ]
 [-0.23212846+0.61607187j -0.15243356-0.65392096j -0.52603038+0.07991553j
  -0.34240902+0.2879303j   0.        +0.j        ]]

Random Variable Type

Sampling Functions


State vector (ket)


\(N \times 1\)

Hermitian operator (oper)


\(N \times N\)

Density operator (oper)


\(N \times N\)

Unitary operator (oper)


\(N \times N\)

stochastic matrix (oper)


\(N \times N\)

CPTP channel (super)

rand_super, rand_super_bcsz

\((N \times N) \times (N \times N)\)

CPTP map (list of oper)


\(N \times N\) (N**2 operators)

In all cases, these functions can be called with a single parameter \(dimensions\) that can be the size of the relevant Hilbert space or the dimensions of a random state, unitary or channel.

>>> rand_super_bcsz(7).dims
[[[7], [7]], [[7], [7]]]
>>> rand_super_bcsz([[2, 3], [2, 3]]).dims
[[[2, 3], [2, 3]], [[2, 3], [2, 3]]]

Several of the random Qobj function in QuTiP support additional parameters as well, namely density and distribution. rand_dm, rand_herm, rand_unitary and rand_ket can be created using multiple method controlled by distribution. The rand_ket, rand_herm and rand_unitary functions can return quantum objects such that a fraction of the elements are identically equal to zero. The ratio of nonzero elements is passed as the density keyword argument. By contrast, rand_super_bcsz take as an argument the rank of the generated object, such that passing rank=1 returns a random pure state or unitary channel, respectively. Passing rank=None specifies that the generated object should be full-rank for the given dimension. rand_dm can support density or rank depending on the chosen distribution.

For example,

>>> rand_dm(5, density=0.5, distribution="herm")
Quantum object: dims = [[5], [5]], shape = (5, 5), type = oper, isherm = True
Qobj data =
[[ 0.298+0.j   ,  0.   +0.j   , -0.095+0.1j  ,  0.   +0.j   ,-0.105+0.122j],
 [ 0.   +0.j   ,  0.088+0.j   ,  0.   +0.j   , -0.018-0.001j, 0.   +0.j   ],
 [-0.095-0.1j  ,  0.   +0.j   ,  0.328+0.j   ,  0.   +0.j   ,-0.077-0.033j],
 [ 0.   +0.j   , -0.018+0.001j,  0.   +0.j   ,  0.084+0.j   , 0.   +0.j   ],
 [-0.105-0.122j,  0.   +0.j   , -0.077+0.033j,  0.   +0.j   , 0.201+0.j   ]]

>>> rand_dm_ginibre(5, rank=2)
Quantum object: dims = [[5], [5]], shape = (5, 5), type = oper, isherm = True
Qobj data =
[[ 0.307+0.j   , -0.258+0.039j, -0.039+0.184j,  0.041-0.054j, 0.016+0.045j],
 [-0.258-0.039j,  0.239+0.j   ,  0.075-0.15j , -0.053+0.008j,-0.057-0.078j],
 [-0.039-0.184j,  0.075+0.15j ,  0.136+0.j   , -0.05 -0.052j,-0.028-0.058j],
 [ 0.041+0.054j, -0.053-0.008j, -0.05 +0.052j,  0.083+0.j   , 0.101-0.056j],
 [ 0.016-0.045j, -0.057+0.078j, -0.028+0.058j,  0.101+0.056j, 0.236+0.j   ]]

See the API documentation: Quantum Objects for details.


When using the density keyword argument, setting the density too low may result in not enough diagonal elements to satisfy trace constraints.

Random objects with a given eigen spectrum

It is also possible to generate random Hamiltonian (rand_herm) and densitiy matrices (rand_dm) with a given eigen spectrum. This is done by passing an array to eigenvalues argument to either function and choosing the “eigen” distribution. For example,

>>> eigs = np.arange(5)

>>> H = rand_herm(5, density=0.5, eigenvalues=eigs, distribution="eigen")

>>> H 
Quantum object: dims = [[5], [5]], shape = (5, 5), type = oper, isherm = True
Qobj data =
[[ 0.5  +0.j  ,  0.228+0.27j,  0.   +0.j  ,  0.   +0.j  ,-0.228-0.27j],
 [ 0.228-0.27j,  1.75 +0.j  ,  0.456+0.54j,  0.   +0.j  , 1.25 +0.j  ],
 [ 0.   +0.j  ,  0.456-0.54j,  3.   +0.j  ,  0.   +0.j  , 0.456-0.54j],
 [ 0.   +0.j  ,  0.   +0.j  ,  0.   +0.j  ,  3.   +0.j  , 0.   +0.j  ],
 [-0.228+0.27j,  1.25 +0.j  ,  0.456+0.54j,  0.   +0.j  , 1.75 +0.j  ]]

>>> H.eigenenergies() 
array([7.70647994e-17, 1.00000000e+00, 2.00000000e+00, 3.00000000e+00,

In order to generate a random object with a given spectrum QuTiP applies a series of random complex Jacobi rotations. This technique requires many steps to build the desired quantum object, and is thus suitable only for objects with Hilbert dimensionality \(\lesssim 1000\).

Composite random objects

In many cases, one is interested in generating random quantum objects that correspond to composite systems generated using the tensor function. Specifying the tensor structure of a quantum object is done passing a list for the first argument. The resulting quantum objects size will be the product of the elements in the list and the resulting Qobj dimensions will be [dims, dims]:

>>> rand_unitary([2, 2], density=0.5) 
Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2], [2, 2]], shape = (4, 4), type = oper, isherm = True
Qobj data =
[[ 0.887+0.061j,  0.   +0.j   ,  0.   +0.j   , -0.191-0.416j],
 [ 0.   +0.j   ,  0.604+0.116j, -0.32 -0.721j,  0.   +0.j   ],
 [ 0.   +0.j   ,  0.768+0.178j,  0.227+0.572j,  0.   +0.j   ],
 [ 0.412-0.2j  ,  0.   +0.j   ,  0.   +0.j   ,  0.724+0.516j]]

Controlling the random number generator

Qutip uses numpy random number generator to create random quantum objects. To control the random number, a seed as an int or numpy.random.SeedSequence or a numpy.random.Generator can be passed to the seed keyword argument:

>>> rng = np.random.default_rng(12345)
>>> rand_ket(2, seed=rng) 
Quantum object: dims=[[2], [1]], shape=(2, 1), type='ket'
Qobj data =

Internal matrix format

The internal storage type of the generated random quantum objects can be set with the dtype keyword.

>>> rand_ket(2, dtype="dense").data
Dense(shape=(2, 1), fortran=True)

>>> rand_ket(2, dtype="CSR").data
CSR(shape=(2, 1), nnz=2)