Monte Carlo Solver


Where as the density matrix formalism describes the ensemble average over many identical realizations of a quantum system, the Monte Carlo (MC), or quantum-jump approach to wave function evolution, allows for simulating an individual realization of the system dynamics. Here, the environment is continuously monitored, resulting in a series of quantum jumps in the system wave function, conditioned on the increase in information gained about the state of the system via the environmental measurements. In general, this evolution is governed by the Schrödinger equation with a non-Hermitian effective Hamiltonian

(1)\[H_{\rm eff}=H_{\rm sys}-\frac{i\hbar}{2}\sum_{i}C^{+}_{n}C_{n},\]

where again, the \(C_{n}\) are collapse operators, each corresponding to a separate irreversible process with rate \(\gamma_{n}\). Here, the strictly negative non-Hermitian portion of Eq. (1) gives rise to a reduction in the norm of the wave function, that to first-order in a small time \(\delta t\), is given by \(\left<\psi(t+\delta t)|\psi(t+\delta t)\right>=1-\delta p\) where

(2)\[\delta p =\delta t \sum_{n}\left<\psi(t)|C^{+}_{n}C_{n}|\psi(t)\right>,\]

and \(\delta t\) is such that \(\delta p \ll 1\). With a probability of remaining in the state \(\left|\psi(t+\delta t)\right>\) given by \(1-\delta p\), the corresponding quantum jump probability is thus Eq. (2). If the environmental measurements register a quantum jump, say via the emission of a photon into the environment, or a change in the spin of a quantum dot, the wave function undergoes a jump into a state defined by projecting \(\left|\psi(t)\right>\) using the collapse operator \(C_{n}\) corresponding to the measurement

(3)\[\left|\psi(t+\delta t)\right>=C_{n}\left|\psi(t)\right>/\left<\psi(t)|C_{n}^{+}C_{n}|\psi(t)\right>^{1/2}.\]

If more than a single collapse operator is present in Eq. (1), the probability of collapse due to the \(i\mathrm{th}\)-operator \(C_{i}\) is given by

(4)\[P_{i}(t)=\left<\psi(t)|C_{i}^{+}C_{i}|\psi(t)\right>/\delta p.\]

Evaluating the MC evolution to first-order in time is quite tedious. Instead, QuTiP uses the following algorithm to simulate a single realization of a quantum system. Starting from a pure state \(\left|\psi(0)\right>\):

  • Ia: Choose a random number \(r_1\) between zero and one, representing the probability that a quantum jump occurs.

  • Ib: Choose a random number \(r_2\) between zero and one, used to select which collapse operator was responsible for the jump.

  • II: Integrate the Schrödinger equation, using the effective Hamiltonian (1) until a time \(\tau\) such that the norm of the wave function satisfies \(\left<\psi(\tau)\right.\left|\psi(\tau)\right> = r_1\), at which point a jump occurs.

  • III: The resultant jump projects the system at time \(\tau\) into one of the renormalized states given by Eq. (3). The corresponding collapse operator \(C_{n}\) is chosen such that \(n\) is the smallest integer satisfying:

(5)\[\sum_{i=1}^{n} P_{n}(\tau) \ge r_2\]

where the individual \(P_{n}\) are given by Eq. (4). Note that the left hand side of Eq. (5) is, by definition, normalized to unity.

  • IV: Using the renormalized state from step III as the new initial condition at time \(\tau\), draw a new random number, and repeat the above procedure until the final simulation time is reached.

Monte Carlo in QuTiP

In QuTiP, Monte Carlo evolution is implemented with the mcsolve function. It takes nearly the same arguments as the mesolve function for master-equation evolution, except that the initial state must be a ket vector, as oppose to a density matrix, and there is an optional keyword parameter ntraj that defines the number of stochastic trajectories to be simulated. By default, ntraj=500 indicating that 500 Monte Carlo trajectories will be performed.

To illustrate the use of the Monte Carlo evolution of quantum systems in QuTiP, let’s again consider the case of a two-level atom coupled to a leaky cavity. The only differences to the master-equation treatment is that in this case we invoke the mcsolve function instead of mesolve

times = np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, 200)
psi0 = tensor(fock(2, 0), fock(10, 8))
a  = tensor(qeye(2), destroy(10))
sm = tensor(destroy(2), qeye(10))
H = 2*np.pi*a.dag()*a + 2*np.pi*sm.dag()*sm + 2*np.pi*0.25*(sm*a.dag() + sm.dag()*a)
data = mcsolve(H, psi0, times, [np.sqrt(0.1) * a], e_ops=[a.dag() * a, sm.dag() * sm])

plt.plot(times, data.expect[0], times, data.expect[1])
plt.title('Monte Carlo time evolution')
plt.ylabel('Expectation values')
plt.legend(("cavity photon number", "atom excitation probability"))

The advantage of the Monte Carlo method over the master equation approach is that only the state vector is required to be kept in the computers memory, as opposed to the entire density matrix. For large quantum system this becomes a significant advantage, and the Monte Carlo solver is therefore generally recommended for such systems. For example, simulating a Heisenberg spin-chain consisting of 10 spins with random parameters and initial states takes almost 7 times longer using the master equation rather than Monte Carlo approach with the default number of trajectories running on a quad-CPU machine. Furthermore, it takes about 7 times the memory as well. However, for small systems, the added overhead of averaging a large number of stochastic trajectories to obtain the open system dynamics, as well as starting the multiprocessing functionality, outweighs the benefit of the minor (in this case) memory saving. Master equation methods are therefore generally more efficient when Hilbert space sizes are on the order of a couple of hundred states or smaller.

Monte Carlo Solver Result

The Monte Carlo solver returns a McResult object consisting of expectation values and/or states. The main difference with mesolve’s Result is that it optionally stores the result of each trajectory together with their averages. When trajectories are stored, result.runs_expect is a list over the expectation operators, trajectories and times in that order. The averages are stored in result.average_expect and the standard derivation of the expectation values in result.std_expect. When the states are returned, result.runs_states will be an array of length ntraj. Each element contains an array of “Qobj” type ket with the same number of elements as times. result.average_states is a list of density matrices computed as the average of the states at each time step. Furthermore, the output will also contain a list of times at which the collapse occurred, and which collapse operators did the collapse. These can be obtained in result.col_times and result.col_which respectively.

Changing the Number of Trajectories

By default, the mcsolve function runs 500 trajectories. This value was chosen because it gives good accuracy, Monte Carlo errors scale as \(1/n\) where \(n\) is the number of trajectories, and simultaneously does not take an excessive amount of time to run. However, you can change the number of trajectories to fit your needs. In order to run 1000 trajectories in the above example, we can simply modify the call to mcsolve like:

data = mcsolve(H, psi0, times, c_ops e_ops=e_ops, ntraj=1000)

where we have added the keyword argument ntraj=1000 at the end of the inputs. Now, the Monte Carlo solver will calculate expectation values for both operators, a.dag() * a, sm.dag() * sm averaging over 1000 trajectories.

Other than a target number of trajectories, it is possible to use a computation time or errors bars as condition to stop computing trajectories.

timeout is quite simple as mcsolve will stop starting the computation of new trajectories when it is reached. Thus:

data = mcsolve(H, psi0, times, [np.sqrt(0.1) * a], e_ops=e_ops, ntraj=1000, timeout=60)

Will compute 60 seconds of trajectories or 1000, which ever is reached first. The solver will finish any trajectory started when the timeout is reached. Therefore if the computation time of a single trajectory is quite long, the overall computation time can be much longer that the provided timeout.

Lastly, mcsolve can be instructed to stop when the statistical error of the expectation values get under a certain value. When computing the average over trajectories, the error on these are computed using jackknife resampling for each expect and each time and the computation will be stopped when all these values are under the tolerance passed to target_tol. Therefore:

data = mcsolve(H, psi0, times, [np.sqrt(0.1) * a], e_ops=e_ops,
               ntraj=1000, target_tol=0.01, timeout=600)

will stop either after all errors bars on expectation values are under 0.01, 1000 trajectories are computed or 10 minutes have passed, whichever comes first. When a single values is passed, it is used as the absolute value of the tolerance. When a pair of values is passed, it is understood as an absolute and relative tolerance pair. For even finer control, one such pair can be passed for each e_ops. For example:

data = mcsolve(H, psi0, times, c_ops, e_ops=e_ops,  target_tol=[
    (1e-5, 0.1),
    (0, 0),

will stop when the error bars on the expectation values of the first e_ops are under 10% of their average values.

If after computation of some trajectories, it is determined that more are needed, it is possible to add trajectories to existing result by adding result together:

>>> run1 = mcsolve(H, psi, times, c_ops, e_ops=e_ops, ntraj=25)
>>> print(run1.num_trajectories)
>>> run2 = mcsolve(H, psi, times, c_ops, e_ops=e_ops, ntraj=25)
>>> print(run2.num_trajectories)
>>> merged = run1 + run2
>>> print(merged.num_trajectories)

Note that this merging operation only checks that the result are compatible – i.e. that the e_ops and tlist are the same. It does not check that the same initial state or Hamiltonian where used.

This can be used to explore the convergence of the Monte Carlo solver. For example, the following code block plots expectation values for 1, 10 and 100 trajectories:

solver = MCSolver(H, c_ops=[np.sqrt(0.1) * a])
c_ops=[np.sqrt(0.1) * a]
e_ops = [a.dag() * a, sm.dag() * sm]

data1 = mcsolve(H, psi0, times, c_ops, e_ops=e_ops, ntraj=1)
data10 = data1 + mcsolve(H, psi0, times, c_ops, e_ops=e_ops, ntraj=9)
data100 = data10 + mcsolve(H, psi0, times, c_ops, e_ops=e_ops, ntraj=90)

expt1 = data1.expect
expt10 = data10.expect
expt100 = data100.expect

plt.plot(times, expt1[0], label="ntraj=1")
plt.plot(times, expt10[0], label="ntraj=10")
plt.plot(times, expt100[0], label="ntraj=100")
plt.title('Monte Carlo time evolution')
plt.ylabel('Expectation values')

Using the Improved Sampling Algorithm

Oftentimes, quantum jumps are rare. This is especially true in the context of simulating gates for quantum information purposes, where typical gate times are orders of magnitude smaller than typical timescales for decoherence. In this case, using the standard monte-carlo sampling algorithm, we often repeatedly sample the no-jump trajectory. We can thus reduce the number of required runs by only sampling the no-jump trajectory once. We then extract the no-jump probability \(p\), and for all future runs we only sample random numbers \(r_1\) where \(r_1>p\), thus ensuring that a jump will occur. When it comes time to compute expectation values, we weight the no-jump trajectory by \(p\) and the jump trajectories by \(1-p\). This algorithm is described in [Abd19] and can be utilized by setting the option "improved_sampling" in the call to mcsolve:

data = mcsolve(H, psi0, times, [np.sqrt(0.1) * a], options={"improved_sampling": True})

where in this case the first run samples the no-jump trajectory, and the remaining 499 trajectories are all guaranteed to include (at least) one jump.

The power of this algorithm is most obvious when considering systems that rarely undergo jumps. For instance, consider the following T1 simulation of a qubit with a lifetime of 10 microseconds (assuming time is in units of nanoseconds)

times = np.linspace(0.0, 300.0, 100)
psi0 = fock(2, 1)
sm = fock(2, 0) * fock(2, 1).dag()
omega = 2.0 * np.pi * 1.0
H0 = -0.5 * omega * sigmaz()
gamma = 1/10000
data = mcsolve(
    [H0], psi0, times, [np.sqrt(gamma) * sm], [sm.dag() * sm], ntraj=100
data_imp = mcsolve(
    [H0], psi0, times, [np.sqrt(gamma) * sm], [sm.dag() * sm], ntraj=100,
    options={"improved_sampling": True}

plt.plot(times, data.expect[0], label="original")
plt.plot(times, data_imp.expect[0], label="improved sampling")
plt.plot(times, np.exp(-gamma * times), label=r"$\exp(-\gamma t)$")
plt.title('Monte Carlo: improved sampling algorithm')
plt.xlabel("time [ns]")

The original sampling algorithm samples the no-jump trajectory on average 96.7% of the time, while the improved sampling algorithm only does so once.


For reproducibility of Monte-Carlo computations it is possible to set the seed of the random number generator:

>>> res1 = mcsolve(H, psi0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops=e_ops, seeds=1, ntraj=1)
>>> res2 = mcsolve(H, psi0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops=e_ops, seeds=1, ntraj=1)
>>> res3 = mcsolve(H, psi0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops=e_ops, seeds=2, ntraj=1)
>>> np.allclose(res1, res2)
>>> np.allclose(res1, res3)

The seeds parameter can either be an integer or a numpy SeedSequence, which will then be used to create seeds for each trajectory. Alternatively it may be a list of intergers or SeedSequence s with one seed for each trajectories. Seeds available in the result object can be used to redo the same evolution:

>>> res1 = mcsolve(H, psi0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops=e_ops, ntraj=10)
>>> res2 = mcsolve(H, psi0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops=e_ops, seeds=res1.seeds, ntraj=10)
>>> np.allclose(res1, res2)

Running trajectories in parallel

Monte-Carlo evolutions often need hundreds of trajectories to obtain sufficient statistics. Since all trajectories are independent of each other, they can be computed in parallel. The option map can take "serial", "parallel" or "loky". Both "parallel" and "loky" compute trajectories on multiple CPUs using respectively the multiprocessing and loky python modules.

>>> res_par = mcsolve(H, psi0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops=e_ops, options={"map": "parallel"}, seeds=1)
>>> res_ser = mcsolve(H, psi0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops=e_ops, options={"map": "serial"}, seeds=1)
>>> np.allclose(res_par.average_expect, res_ser.average_expect)

Note that when running in parallel, the order in which the trajectories are added to the result can differ. Therefore

>>> print(res_par.seeds[:3])

>>> print(res_ser.seeds[:3])


The photocurrent, previously computed using the photocurrent_sesolve and photocurrent_sesolve functions, are now included in the output of mcsolve as result.photocurrent.

times = np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, 200)
psi0 = tensor(fock(2, 0), fock(10, 8))
a  = tensor(qeye(2), destroy(10))
sm = tensor(destroy(2), qeye(10))
e_ops = [a.dag() * a, sm.dag() * sm]
H = 2*np.pi*a.dag()*a + 2*np.pi*sm.dag()*sm + 2*np.pi*0.25*(sm*a.dag() + sm.dag()*a)
data = mcsolve(H, psi0, times, [np.sqrt(0.1) * a], e_ops=e_ops)

plt.plot((times[:-1] + times[1:])/2, data.photocurrent[0])
plt.title('Monte Carlo Photocurrent')
plt.ylabel('Photon detections')

Open Systems

mcsolve can be used to study systems which have measurement and dissipative interactions with their environment. This is done by passing a Liouvillian including the dissipative interaction to the solver instead of a Hamiltonian.

times = np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, 200)
psi0 = tensor(fock(2, 0), fock(10, 8))
a  = tensor(qeye(2), destroy(10))
sm = tensor(destroy(2), qeye(10))
H = 2*np.pi*a.dag()*a + 2*np.pi*sm.dag()*sm + 2*np.pi*0.25*(sm*a.dag() + sm.dag()*a)
L = liouvillian(H, [0.01 * sm, np.sqrt(0.1) * a])
data = mcsolve(L, psi0, times, [np.sqrt(0.1) * a], e_ops=[a.dag() * a, sm.dag() * sm])

plt.plot((times[:-1] + times[1:])/2, data.photocurrent[0])
plt.title('Monte Carlo Photocurrent')
plt.ylabel('Photon detections')