Source code for qutip.bloch

__all__ = ['Bloch']

import os
from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
from numpy import (outer, cos, sin, ones)

from packaging.version import parse as parse_version

from . import Qobj, expect, sigmax, sigmay, sigmaz

    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import proj3d

    # Define a custom _axes3D function based on the matplotlib version.
    # The auto_add_to_figure keyword is new for matplotlib>=3.4.
    if parse_version(matplotlib.__version__) >= parse_version('3.4'):
        def _axes3D(fig, *args, **kwargs):
            ax = Axes3D(fig, *args, auto_add_to_figure=False, **kwargs)
            return fig.add_axes(ax)
        def _axes3D(*args, **kwargs):
            return Axes3D(*args, **kwargs)

    class Arrow3D(FancyArrowPatch):
        def __init__(self, xs, ys, zs, *args, **kwargs):
            FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, (0, 0), (0, 0), *args, **kwargs)

            self._verts3d = xs, ys, zs

        def draw(self, renderer):
            xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._verts3d
            xs, ys, zs = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d, ys3d, zs3d, self.axes.M)

            self.set_positions((xs[0], ys[0]), (xs[1], ys[1]))
            FancyArrowPatch.draw(self, renderer)

        def do_3d_projection(self, renderer=None):
            # only called by matplotlib >= 3.5
            xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._verts3d
            xs, ys, zs = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d, ys3d, zs3d, self.axes.M)
            self.set_positions((xs[0], ys[0]), (xs[1], ys[1]))
            return np.min(zs)
except ImportError:

    from IPython.display import display
except ImportError:

[docs] class Bloch: r""" Class for plotting data on the Bloch sphere. Valid data can be either points, vectors, or Qobj objects. Attributes ---------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes User supplied Matplotlib axes for Bloch sphere animation. fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure User supplied Matplotlib Figure instance for plotting Bloch sphere. font_color : str, default 'black' Color of font used for Bloch sphere labels. font_size : int, default 20 Size of font used for Bloch sphere labels. frame_alpha : float, default 0.1 Sets transparency of Bloch sphere frame. frame_color : str, default 'gray' Color of sphere wireframe. frame_width : int, default 1 Width of wireframe. point_color : list, default ["b", "r", "g", "#CC6600"] List of colors for Bloch sphere point markers to cycle through, i.e. by default, points 0 and 4 will both be blue ('b'). point_marker : list, default ["o", "s", "d", "^"] List of point marker shapes to cycle through. point_size : list, default [25, 32, 35, 45] List of point marker sizes. Note, not all point markers look the same size when plotted! sphere_alpha : float, default 0.2 Transparency of Bloch sphere itself. sphere_color : str, default '#FFDDDD' Color of Bloch sphere. figsize : list, default [7, 7] Figure size of Bloch sphere plot. Best to have both numbers the same; otherwise you will have a Bloch sphere that looks like a football. vector_color : list, ["g", "#CC6600", "b", "r"] List of vector colors to cycle through. vector_width : int, default 5 Width of displayed vectors. vector_style : str, default '-\|>' Vector arrowhead style (from matplotlib's arrow style). vector_mutation : int, default 20 Width of vectors arrowhead. view : list, default [-60, 30] Azimuthal and Elevation viewing angles. xlabel : list, default ["$x$", ""] List of strings corresponding to +x and -x axes labels, respectively. xlpos : list, default [1.1, -1.1] Positions of +x and -x labels respectively. ylabel : list, default ["$y$", ""] List of strings corresponding to +y and -y axes labels, respectively. ylpos : list, default [1.2, -1.2] Positions of +y and -y labels respectively. zlabel : list, default ['$\\left\|0\\right>$', '$\\left\|1\\right>$'] List of strings corresponding to +z and -z axes labels, respectively. zlpos : list, default [1.2, -1.2] Positions of +z and -z labels respectively. """ def __init__(self, fig=None, axes=None, view=None, figsize=None, background=False): # Figure and axes self.fig = fig self._ext_fig = fig is not None self.axes = axes # Background axes, default = False self.background = background # The size of the figure in inches, default = [5,5]. self.figsize = figsize if figsize else [5, 5] # Azimuthal and Elvation viewing angles, default = [-60,30]. self.view = view if view else [-60, 30] # Color of Bloch sphere, default = #FFDDDD self.sphere_color = '#FFDDDD' # Transparency of Bloch sphere, default = 0.2 self.sphere_alpha = 0.2 # Color of wireframe, default = 'gray' self.frame_color = 'gray' # Width of wireframe, default = 1 self.frame_width = 1 # Transparency of wireframe, default = 0.2 self.frame_alpha = 0.2 # Labels for x-axis (in LaTex), default = ['$x$', ''] self.xlabel = ['$x$', ''] # Position of x-axis labels, default = [1.2, -1.2] self.xlpos = [1.2, -1.2] # Labels for y-axis (in LaTex), default = ['$y$', ''] self.ylabel = ['$y$', ''] # Position of y-axis labels, default = [1.1, -1.1] self.ylpos = [1.2, -1.2] # Labels for z-axis (in LaTex), # default = [r'$\left\|0\right>$', r'$\left|1\right>$'] self.zlabel = [r'$\left|0\right>$', r'$\left|1\right>$'] # Position of z-axis labels, default = [1.2, -1.2] self.zlpos = [1.2, -1.2] # ---font options--- # Color of fonts, default = 'black' self.font_color = 'black' # Size of fonts, default = 20 self.font_size = 20 # ---vector options--- # List of colors for Bloch vectors, default = ['b','g','r','y'] self.vector_default_color = ['g', '#CC6600', 'b', 'r'] # List that stores the display colors for each vector self.vector_color = [] # Width of Bloch vectors, default = 5 self.vector_width = 3 # Style of Bloch vectors, default = '-\|>' (or 'simple') self.vector_style = '-|>' # Sets the width of the vectors arrowhead self.vector_mutation = 20 # ---point options--- # List of colors for Bloch point markers, default = ['b','g','r','y'] self.point_default_color = ['b', 'r', 'g', '#CC6600'] # Old variable used in V4 to customise the color of the points self.point_color = None # List that stores the display colors for each set of points self._inner_point_color = [] # Size of point markers, default = 25 self.point_size = [25, 32, 35, 45] # Shape of point markers, default = ['o','^','d','s'] self.point_marker = ['o', 's', 'd', '^'] # ---data lists--- # Data for point markers self.points = [] # Data for Bloch vectors self.vectors = [] # Transparency of vectors, alpha value from 0 to 1 self.vector_alpha = [] # Data for annotations self.annotations = [] # Number of times sphere has been saved self.savenum = 0 # Style of points, 'm' for multiple colors, 's' for single color self.point_style = [] # Transparency of points, alpha value from 0 to 1 self.point_alpha = [] # Data for line segment self._lines = [] # Data for arcs and arc style self._arcs = []
[docs] def set_label_convention(self, convention): """Set x, y and z labels according to one of conventions. Parameters ---------- convention : string One of the following: - "original" - "xyz" - "sx sy sz" - "01" - "polarization jones" - "polarization jones letters" see also: - "polarization stokes" see also: """ ketex = "$\\left.|%s\\right\\rangle$" # \left.| is on purpose, so that every ket has the same size if convention == "original": self.xlabel = ['$x$', ''] self.ylabel = ['$y$', ''] self.zlabel = ['$\\left|0\\right>$', '$\\left|1\\right>$'] elif convention == "xyz": self.xlabel = ['$x$', ''] self.ylabel = ['$y$', ''] self.zlabel = ['$z$', ''] elif convention == "sx sy sz": self.xlabel = ['$s_x$', ''] self.ylabel = ['$s_y$', ''] self.zlabel = ['$s_z$', ''] elif convention == "01": self.xlabel = ['', ''] self.ylabel = ['', ''] self.zlabel = ['$\\left|0\\right>$', '$\\left|1\\right>$'] elif convention == "polarization jones": self.xlabel = [ketex % "\\nearrow\\hspace{-1.46}\\swarrow", ketex % "\\nwarrow\\hspace{-1.46}\\searrow"] self.ylabel = [ketex % "\\circlearrowleft", ketex % "\\circlearrowright"] self.zlabel = [ketex % "\\leftrightarrow", ketex % "\\updownarrow"] elif convention == "polarization jones letters": self.xlabel = [ketex % "D", ketex % "A"] self.ylabel = [ketex % "L", ketex % "R"] self.zlabel = [ketex % "H", ketex % "V"] elif convention == "polarization stokes": self.ylabel = ["$\\nearrow\\hspace{-1.46}\\swarrow$", "$\\nwarrow\\hspace{-1.46}\\searrow$"] self.zlabel = ["$\\circlearrowleft$", "$\\circlearrowright$"] self.xlabel = ["$\\leftrightarrow$", "$\\updownarrow$"] else: raise Exception("No such convention.")
def __str__(self): s = "" s += "Bloch data:\n" s += "-----------\n" s += "Number of points: " + str(len(self.points)) + "\n" s += "Number of vectors: " + str(len(self.vectors)) + "\n" s += "\n" s += "Bloch sphere properties:\n" s += "------------------------\n" s += "font_color: " + str(self.font_color) + "\n" s += "font_size: " + str(self.font_size) + "\n" s += "frame_alpha: " + str(self.frame_alpha) + "\n" s += "frame_color: " + str(self.frame_color) + "\n" s += "frame_width: " + str(self.frame_width) + "\n" s += "point_default_color:" + str(self.point_default_color) + "\n" s += "point_marker: " + str(self.point_marker) + "\n" s += "point_size: " + str(self.point_size) + "\n" s += "sphere_alpha: " + str(self.sphere_alpha) + "\n" s += "sphere_color: " + str(self.sphere_color) + "\n" s += "figsize: " + str(self.figsize) + "\n" s += "vector_default_color:" + str(self.vector_default_color) + "\n" s += "vector_width: " + str(self.vector_width) + "\n" s += "vector_style: " + str(self.vector_style) + "\n" s += "vector_mutation: " + str(self.vector_mutation) + "\n" s += "view: " + str(self.view) + "\n" s += "xlabel: " + str(self.xlabel) + "\n" s += "xlpos: " + str(self.xlpos) + "\n" s += "ylabel: " + str(self.ylabel) + "\n" s += "ylpos: " + str(self.ylpos) + "\n" s += "zlabel: " + str(self.zlabel) + "\n" s += "zlpos: " + str(self.zlpos) + "\n" return s def _repr_png_(self): from IPython.core.pylabtools import print_figure self.render() fig_data = print_figure(self.fig, 'png') plt.close(self.fig) return fig_data def _repr_svg_(self): from IPython.core.pylabtools import print_figure self.render() fig_data = print_figure(self.fig, 'svg') plt.close(self.fig) return fig_data
[docs] def clear(self): """Resets Bloch sphere data sets to empty. """ self.points = [] self.vectors = [] self.point_style = [] self.point_alpha = [] self.vector_alpha = [] self.annotations = [] self.vector_color = [] self.point_color = None self._lines = [] self._arcs = []
[docs] def add_points(self, points, meth: Literal['s', 'm', 'l'] = 's', colors=None, alpha=1.0): """Add a list of data points to bloch sphere. Parameters ---------- points : array_like Collection of data points. meth : {'s', 'm', 'l'} Type of points to plot, use 'm' for multicolored, 'l' for points connected with a line. colors : array_like Optional array with colors for the points. A single color for meth 's', and list of colors for meth 'm' alpha : float, default=1. Transparency value for the vectors. Values between 0 and 1. Notes ----- When using ``meth=l`` in QuTiP 4.6, the line transparency defaulted to ``0.75`` and there was no way to alter it. When the ``alpha`` parameter was added in QuTiP 4.7, the default became ``alpha=1.0`` for values of ``meth``. """ points = np.asarray(points) if points.ndim == 1: points = points[:, np.newaxis] if points.ndim != 2 or points.shape[0] != 3: raise ValueError("The included points are not valid. Points must " "be equivalent to a 2D array where the first " "index represents the x,y,z values and the " "second index iterates over the points.") if meth not in ['s', 'm', 'l']: raise ValueError(f"The value for meth = {meth} is not valid." " Please use 's', 'l' or 'm'.") if meth == 's' and points.shape[1] == 1: points = np.append(points[:, :1], points, axis=1) self.point_style.append(meth) self.points.append(points) self.point_alpha.append(alpha) self._inner_point_color.append(colors)
[docs] def add_states(self, state, kind: Literal['vector', 'point'] = 'vector', colors=None, alpha=1.0): """Add a state vector Qobj to Bloch sphere. Parameters ---------- state : :obj:`.Qobj` or array_like Input state vector or list. kind : {'vector', 'point'} Type of object to plot. colors : array_like Optional array with colors for the states. alpha : float, default=1. Transparency value for the vectors. Values between 0 and 1. """ state = np.asarray(state) if state.ndim == 0: state = state[np.newaxis] if state.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("The included states are not valid. " "State should be a Qobj or a list of Qobj.") if colors is not None: colors = np.asarray(colors) if colors.ndim == 0: colors = colors[np.newaxis] if colors.shape != state.shape: raise ValueError("The included colors are not valid. " "colors must be equivalent to a 1D array " "with the same size as the number of states.") else: colors = np.array([None] * state.size) for k, st in enumerate(state): vec = [expect(sigmax(), st), expect(sigmay(), st), expect(sigmaz(), st)] if kind == 'vector': self.add_vectors(vec, colors=[colors[k]], alpha=alpha) elif kind == 'point': self.add_points(vec, colors=[colors[k]], alpha=alpha)
[docs] def add_vectors(self, vectors, colors=None, alpha=1.0): """Add a list of vectors to Bloch sphere. Parameters ---------- vectors : array_like Array with vectors of unit length or smaller. colors : array_like Optional array with colors for the vectors. alpha : float, default=1. Transparency value for the vectors. Values between 0 and 1. """ vectors = np.asarray(vectors) if vectors.ndim == 1: vectors = vectors[np.newaxis, :] if vectors.ndim != 2 or vectors.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError( "The included vectors are not valid. Vectors must " "be equivalent to a 2D array where the first " "index represents the iteration over the vectors and the " "second index represents the position in 3D of vector head.") n_vectors = vectors.shape[0] if colors is None: colors = np.array([None] * n_vectors) else: colors = np.asarray(colors) if colors.ndim != 1 or colors.size != n_vectors: raise ValueError("The included colors are not valid. colors must " "be equivalent to a 1D array with the same " "size as the number of vectors. ") for k, vec in enumerate(vectors): self.vectors.append(vec) self.vector_alpha.append(alpha) self.vector_color.append(colors[k])
[docs] def add_annotation(self, state_or_vector, text, **kwargs): """ Add a text or LaTeX annotation to Bloch sphere, parametrized by a qubit state or a vector. Parameters ---------- state_or_vector : :obj:`.Qobj`/array/list/tuple Position for the annotaion. Qobj of a qubit or a vector of 3 elements. text : str Annotation text. You can use LaTeX, but remember to use raw string e.g. r"$\\langle x \\rangle$" or escape backslashes e.g. "$\\\\langle x \\\\rangle$". kwargs : Options as for mplot3d.axes3d.text, including: fontsize, color, horizontalalignment, verticalalignment. """ if isinstance(state_or_vector, Qobj): vec = [expect(sigmax(), state_or_vector), expect(sigmay(), state_or_vector), expect(sigmaz(), state_or_vector)] elif isinstance(state_or_vector, (list, np.ndarray, tuple)) \ and len(state_or_vector) == 3: vec = state_or_vector else: raise Exception("Position needs to be specified by a qubit " + "state or a 3D vector.") self.annotations.append({'position': vec, 'text': text, 'opts': kwargs})
[docs] def add_arc(self, start, end, fmt="b", steps=None, **kwargs): """Adds an arc between two points on a sphere. The arc is set to be blue solid curve by default. The start and end points must be on the same sphere (i.e. have the same radius) but need not be on the unit sphere. Parameters ---------- start : :obj:`.Qobj` or array-like Array with cartesian coordinates of the first point, or a state vector or density matrix that can be mapped to a point on or within the Bloch sphere. end : :obj:`.Qobj` or array-like Array with cartesian coordinates of the second point, or a state vector or density matrix that can be mapped to a point on or within the Bloch sphere. fmt : str, default: "b" A matplotlib format string for rendering the arc. steps : int, default: None The number of segments to use when rendering the arc. The default uses 100 steps times the distance between the start and end points, with a minimum of 2 steps. **kwargs : dict Additional parameters to pass to the matplotlib .plot function when rendering this arc. """ if isinstance(start, Qobj): pt1 = [ expect(sigmax(), start), expect(sigmay(), start), expect(sigmaz(), start), ] else: pt1 = start if isinstance(end, Qobj): pt2 = [ expect(sigmax(), end), expect(sigmay(), end), expect(sigmaz(), end), ] else: pt2 = end pt1 = np.asarray(pt1) pt2 = np.asarray(pt2) len1 = np.linalg.norm(pt1) len2 = np.linalg.norm(pt2) if len1 < 1e-12 or len2 < 1e-12: raise ValueError('Polar and azimuthal angles undefined at origin.') elif abs(len1 - len2) > 1e-12: raise ValueError("Points not on the same sphere.") elif (pt1 == pt2).all(): raise ValueError( "Start and end represent the same point. No arc can be formed." ) elif (pt1 == -pt2).all(): raise ValueError( "Start and end are diagonally opposite, no unique arc is" " possible." ) if steps is None: steps = int(np.linalg.norm(pt1 - pt2) * 100) steps = max(2, steps) t = np.linspace(0, 1, steps) # All the points in this line are contained in the plane defined # by pt1, pt2 and the origin. line = pt1[:, np.newaxis] * t + pt2[:, np.newaxis] * (1 - t) # Normalize all the points in the line so that are distance len1 from # the origin. arc = line * len1 / np.linalg.norm(line, axis=0) self._arcs.append([arc, fmt, kwargs])
[docs] def add_line(self, start, end, fmt="k", **kwargs): """Adds a line segment connecting two points on the bloch sphere. The line segment is set to be a black solid line by default. Parameters ---------- start : :obj:`.Qobj` or array-like Array with cartesian coordinates of the first point, or a state vector or density matrix that can be mapped to a point on or within the Bloch sphere. end : :obj:`.Qobj` or array-like Array with cartesian coordinates of the second point, or a state vector or density matrix that can be mapped to a point on or within the Bloch sphere. fmt : str, default: "k" A matplotlib format string for rendering the line. **kwargs : dict Additional parameters to pass to the matplotlib .plot function when rendering this line. """ if isinstance(start, Qobj): pt1 = [ expect(sigmax(), start), expect(sigmay(), start), expect(sigmaz(), start), ] else: pt1 = start if isinstance(end, Qobj): pt2 = [ expect(sigmax(), end), expect(sigmay(), end), expect(sigmaz(), end), ] else: pt2 = end pt1 = np.asarray(pt1) pt2 = np.asarray(pt2) x = [pt1[1], pt2[1]] y = [-pt1[0], -pt2[0]] z = [pt1[2], pt2[2]] v = [x, y, z] self._lines.append([v, fmt, kwargs])
[docs] def make_sphere(self): """ Plots Bloch sphere and data sets. """ self.render()
def run_from_ipython(self): try: __IPYTHON__ return True except NameError: return False def _is_inline_backend(self): backend = matplotlib.get_backend() return backend == "module://matplotlib_inline.backend_inline"
[docs] def render(self): """ Render the Bloch sphere and its data sets in on given figure and axes. """ if not self._ext_fig and not self._is_inline_backend(): # If no external figure was supplied, we check to see if the # figure we created in a previous call to .render() has been # closed, and re-create if has been. This has the unfortunate # side effect of losing any modifications made to the axes or # figure, but the alternative is to crash the matplotlib backend. # # The inline backend used by, e.g. jupyter notebooks, is happy to # use closed figures so we leave those figures intact. if ( self.fig is not None and not plt.fignum_exists(self.fig.number) ): self.fig = None self.axes = None if self.fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.figsize) if self._is_inline_backend(): # We immediately close the inline figure do avoid displaying # the figure twice when .show() calls display. plt.close(self.fig) if self.axes is None: self.axes = _axes3D(self.fig, azim=self.view[0], elev=self.view[1]) # Clearing the axes is horrifically slow and loses a lot of the # axes state, but matplotlib doesn't seem to provide a better way # to redraw Axes3D. :/ self.axes.clear() self.axes.grid(False) if self.background: self.axes.set_xlim3d(-1.3, 1.3) self.axes.set_ylim3d(-1.3, 1.3) self.axes.set_zlim3d(-1.3, 1.3) else: self.axes.set_axis_off() self.axes.set_xlim3d(-0.7, 0.7) self.axes.set_ylim3d(-0.7, 0.7) self.axes.set_zlim3d(-0.7, 0.7) # Manually set aspect ratio to fit a square bounding box. # Matplotlib did this stretching for < 3.3.0, but not above. if parse_version(matplotlib.__version__) >= parse_version('3.3'): self.axes.set_box_aspect((1, 1, 1)) if not self.background: self.plot_axes() self.plot_back() self.plot_points() self.plot_vectors() self.plot_lines() self.plot_arcs() self.plot_front() self.plot_axes_labels() self.plot_annotations() # Trigger an update of the Bloch sphere if it is already shown: self.fig.canvas.draw()
def plot_back(self): # back half of sphere u = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 25) v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 25) x = outer(cos(u), sin(v)) y = outer(sin(u), sin(v)) z = outer(ones(np.size(u)), cos(v)) self.axes.plot_surface(x, y, z, rstride=2, cstride=2, color=self.sphere_color, linewidth=0, alpha=self.sphere_alpha) # wireframe self.axes.plot_wireframe(x, y, z, rstride=5, cstride=5, color=self.frame_color, alpha=self.frame_alpha) # equator self.axes.plot(1.0 * cos(u), 1.0 * sin(u), zs=0, zdir='z', lw=self.frame_width, color=self.frame_color) self.axes.plot(1.0 * cos(u), 1.0 * sin(u), zs=0, zdir='x', lw=self.frame_width, color=self.frame_color) def plot_front(self): # front half of sphere u = np.linspace(-np.pi, 0, 25) v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 25) x = outer(cos(u), sin(v)) y = outer(sin(u), sin(v)) z = outer(ones(np.size(u)), cos(v)) self.axes.plot_surface(x, y, z, rstride=2, cstride=2, color=self.sphere_color, linewidth=0, alpha=self.sphere_alpha) # wireframe self.axes.plot_wireframe(x, y, z, rstride=5, cstride=5, color=self.frame_color, alpha=self.frame_alpha) # equator self.axes.plot(1.0 * cos(u), 1.0 * sin(u), zs=0, zdir='z', lw=self.frame_width, color=self.frame_color) self.axes.plot(1.0 * cos(u), 1.0 * sin(u), zs=0, zdir='x', lw=self.frame_width, color=self.frame_color) def plot_axes(self): # axes span = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 2) self.axes.plot(span, 0 * span, zs=0, zdir='z', label='X', lw=self.frame_width, color=self.frame_color) self.axes.plot(0 * span, span, zs=0, zdir='z', label='Y', lw=self.frame_width, color=self.frame_color) self.axes.plot(0 * span, span, zs=0, zdir='y', label='Z', lw=self.frame_width, color=self.frame_color) def plot_axes_labels(self): # axes labels opts = {'fontsize': self.font_size, 'color': self.font_color, 'horizontalalignment': 'center', 'verticalalignment': 'center'} self.axes.text(0, -self.xlpos[0], 0, self.xlabel[0], **opts) self.axes.text(0, -self.xlpos[1], 0, self.xlabel[1], **opts) self.axes.text(self.ylpos[0], 0, 0, self.ylabel[0], **opts) self.axes.text(self.ylpos[1], 0, 0, self.ylabel[1], **opts) self.axes.text(0, 0, self.zlpos[0], self.zlabel[0], **opts) self.axes.text(0, 0, self.zlpos[1], self.zlabel[1], **opts) for a in (self.axes.xaxis.get_ticklines() + self.axes.xaxis.get_ticklabels()): a.set_visible(False) for a in (self.axes.yaxis.get_ticklines() + self.axes.yaxis.get_ticklabels()): a.set_visible(False) for a in (self.axes.zaxis.get_ticklines() + self.axes.zaxis.get_ticklabels()): a.set_visible(False) def plot_vectors(self): # -X and Y data are switched for plotting purposes for k, vec in enumerate(self.vectors): xs3d = vec[1] * np.array([0, 1]) ys3d = -vec[0] * np.array([0, 1]) zs3d = vec[2] * np.array([0, 1]) alpha = self.vector_alpha[k] color = self.vector_color[k] if color is None: idx = k % len(self.vector_default_color) color = self.vector_default_color[idx] # decorated style, with arrow heads a = Arrow3D(xs3d, ys3d, zs3d, mutation_scale=self.vector_mutation, lw=self.vector_width, arrowstyle=self.vector_style, color=color, alpha=alpha) self.axes.add_artist(a) def plot_points(self): # -X and Y data are switched for plotting purposes for k, points in enumerate(self.points): points = np.asarray(points) num_points = points.shape[1] dist = np.linalg.norm(points, axis=0) if not np.allclose(dist, dist[0], rtol=1e-12): indperm = np.argsort(dist) else: indperm = np.arange(num_points) s = self.point_size[np.mod(k, len(self.point_size))] marker = self.point_marker[np.mod(k, len(self.point_marker))] style = self.point_style[k] if self._inner_point_color[k] is not None: color = self._inner_point_color[k] elif self.point_color is not None: color = self.point_color elif self.point_style[k] in ['s', 'l']: color = [self.point_default_color[ k % len(self.point_default_color) ]] elif self.point_style[k] == 'm': length = np.ceil(num_points/len(self.point_default_color)) color = np.tile(self.point_default_color, length.astype(int)) color = color[indperm] color = list(color) if self.point_style[k] in ['s', 'm']: self.axes.scatter(np.real(points[1][indperm]), -np.real(points[0][indperm]), np.real(points[2][indperm]), s=s, marker=marker, color=color, alpha=self.point_alpha[k], edgecolor=None, zdir='z', ) elif self.point_style[k] == 'l': color = color[k % len(color)] self.axes.plot(np.real(points[1]), -np.real(points[0]), np.real(points[2]), color=color, alpha=self.point_alpha[k], zdir='z', ) def plot_annotations(self): # -X and Y data are switched for plotting purposes for annotation in self.annotations: vec = annotation['position'] opts = {'fontsize': self.font_size, 'color': self.font_color, 'horizontalalignment': 'center', 'verticalalignment': 'center'} opts.update(annotation['opts']) self.axes.text(vec[1], -vec[0], vec[2], annotation['text'], **opts) def plot_lines(self): for line, fmt, kw in self._lines: self.axes.plot(line[0], line[1], line[2], fmt, **kw) def plot_arcs(self): for arc, fmt, kw in self._arcs: self.axes.plot(arc[1, :], -arc[0, :], arc[2, :], fmt, **kw)
[docs] def show(self): """ Display Bloch sphere and corresponding data sets. Notes ----- When using inline plotting in Jupyter notebooks, any figure created in a notebook cell is displayed after the cell executes. Thus if you create a figure yourself and use it create a Bloch sphere with ``b = Bloch(..., fig=fig)`` and then call ```` in the same cell, then the figure will be displayed twice. If you do create your own figure, the simplest solution to this is to not call ``.show()`` in the cell you create the figure in. """ self.render() if self.run_from_ipython(): display(self.fig) else:
[docs] def save(self, name=None, format='png', dirc=None, dpin=None): """Saves Bloch sphere to file of type ``format`` in directory ``dirc``. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of saved image. Must include path and format as well. i.e. '/Users/Me/Desktop/bloch.png' This overrides the 'format' and 'dirc' arguments. format : str Format of output image. dirc : str Directory for output images. Defaults to current working directory. dpin : int Resolution in dots per inch. Returns ------- File containing plot of Bloch sphere. """ self.render() # Conditional variable for first argument to savefig # that is set in subsequent if-elses complete_path = "" if dirc: if not os.path.isdir(os.getcwd() + "/" + str(dirc)): os.makedirs(os.getcwd() + "/" + str(dirc)) if name is None: if dirc: complete_path = os.getcwd() + "/" + str(dirc) + '/bloch_' \ + str(self.savenum) + '.' + format else: complete_path = os.getcwd() + '/bloch_' + \ str(self.savenum) + '.' + format else: complete_path = name if dpin: self.fig.savefig(complete_path, dpi=dpin) else: self.fig.savefig(complete_path) self.savenum += 1 if self.fig: plt.close(self.fig)
def _hide_tick_lines_and_labels(axis): ''' Set visible property of ticklines and ticklabels of an axis to False ''' for a in axis.get_ticklines() + axis.get_ticklabels(): a.set_visible(False)