Source code for qutip.solver.multitrajresult

This module provides result classes for multi-trajectory solvers.
Note that single trajectories are described by regular `Result` objects from the
`qutip.solver.result` module.
# Required for Sphinx to follow autodoc_type_aliases
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TypedDict
from ..core.numpy_backend import np

from copy import copy

from .result import _BaseResult
from ..core import qzero_like

__all__ = [

class MultiTrajResultOptions(TypedDict):
    store_states: bool
    store_final_state: bool
    keep_runs_results: bool

[docs] class MultiTrajResult(_BaseResult): """ Base class for storing results for solver using multiple trajectories. Parameters ---------- e_ops : :obj:`.Qobj`, :obj:`.QobjEvo`, function or list or dict of these The ``e_ops`` parameter defines the set of values to record at each time step ``t``. If an element is a :obj:`.Qobj` or :obj:`.QobjEvo` the value recorded is the expectation value of that operator given the state at ``t``. If the element is a function, ``f``, the value recorded is ``f(t, state)``. The values are recorded in the ``.expect`` attribute of this result object. ``.expect`` is a list, where each item contains the values of the corresponding ``e_op``. Function ``e_ops`` must return a number so the average can be computed. options : dict The options for this result class. solver : str or None The name of the solver generating these results. stats : dict or None The stats generated by the solver while producing these results. Note that the solver may update the stats directly while producing results. kw : dict Additional parameters specific to a result sub-class. Attributes ---------- times : list A list of the times at which the expectation values and states were recorded. average_states : list of :obj:`.Qobj` The state at each time ``t`` (if the recording of the state was requested) averaged over all trajectories as a density matrix. runs_states : list of list of :obj:`.Qobj` The state for each trajectory and each time ``t`` (if the recording of the states and trajectories was requested) average_final_state : :obj:`.Qobj`: The final state (if the recording of the final state was requested) averaged over all trajectories as a density matrix. runs_final_state : list of :obj:`.Qobj` The final state for each trajectory (if the recording of the final state and trajectories was requested). average_expect : list of array of expectation values A list containing the values of each ``e_op`` averaged over each trajectories. The list is in the same order in which the ``e_ops`` were supplied and empty if no ``e_ops`` were given. Each element is itself an array and contains the values of the corresponding ``e_op``, with one value for each time in ``.times``. std_expect : list of array of expectation values A list containing the standard derivation of each ``e_op`` over each trajectories. The list is in the same order in which the ``e_ops`` were supplied and empty if no ``e_ops`` were given. Each element is itself an array and contains the values of the corresponding ``e_op``, with one value for each time in ``.times``. runs_expect : list of array of expectation values A list containing the values of each ``e_op`` for each trajectories. The list is in the same order in which the ``e_ops`` were supplied and empty if no ``e_ops`` were given. Only available if the storing of trajectories was requested. The order of the elements is ``runs_expect[e_ops][trajectory][time]``. Each element is itself an array and contains the values of the corresponding ``e_op``, with one value for each time in ``.times``. average_e_data : dict A dictionary containing the values of each ``e_op`` averaged over each trajectories. If the ``e_ops`` were supplied as a dictionary, the keys are the same as in that dictionary. Otherwise the keys are the index of the ``e_op`` in the ``.expect`` list. The lists of expectation values returned are the *same* lists as those returned by ``.expect``. std_e_data : dict A dictionary containing the standard derivation of each ``e_op`` over each trajectories. If the ``e_ops`` were supplied as a dictionary, the keys are the same as in that dictionary. Otherwise the keys are the index of the ``e_op`` in the ``.expect`` list. The lists of expectation values returned are the *same* lists as those returned by ``.expect``. runs_e_data : dict A dictionary containing the values of each ``e_op`` for each trajectories. If the ``e_ops`` were supplied as a dictionary, the keys are the same as in that dictionary. Otherwise the keys are the index of the ``e_op`` in the ``.expect`` list. Only available if the storing of trajectories was requested. The order of the elements is ``runs_expect[e_ops][trajectory][time]``. The lists of expectation values returned are the *same* lists as those returned by ``.expect``. runs_weights : list For each trajectory, the weight with which that trajectory enters averages. deterministic_weights : list For each deterministic trajectory, (when using improved_sampling) the weight with which that trajectory enters averages. solver : str or None The name of the solver generating these results. num_trajectories: int Number of trajectories computed. seeds: list of SeedSequence The seeds used to compute each trajectories. trajectories: list of Result If the option `keep_runs_results` is set, a list of all trajectories. deterministic_trajectories: list of Result A list of the no-jump trajectories if the option ``improved_sampling`` is set. stats : dict or None The stats generated by the solver while producing these results. options : :obj:`~SolverResultsOptions` The options for this result class. """ options: MultiTrajResultOptions def __init__( self, e_ops, options: MultiTrajResultOptions, *, solver=None, stats=None, **kw, ): super().__init__(options, solver=solver, stats=stats) self._raw_ops = self._e_ops_to_dict(e_ops) self.trajectories = [] self.deterministic_trajectories = [] self.num_trajectories = 0 self.seeds = [] self._average_e_data = {} self._std_e_data = {} if self.options["keep_runs_results"]: self.runs_e_data = {k: [] for k in self._raw_ops} else: self.runs_e_data = {} # Will be initialized at the first trajectory self.times = None self.e_ops = None # We separate all sums into terms of trajectories with specified # deterministic trajectories weight (_det) or without (_rel). They will # be initialized when the first trajectory of the respective type is # added. self._sum_rel = None self._sum_det = None # Needed for merging results self._trajectories_weight_info = [] self._deterministic_weight_info = [] self._post_init(**kw) @property def _store_average_density_matrices(self) -> bool: return ( self.options["store_states"] or (self.options["store_states"] is None and self._raw_ops == {}) ) and not self.options["keep_runs_results"] @property def _store_final_density_matrix(self) -> bool: return ( self.options["store_final_state"] and not self._store_average_density_matrices and not self.options["keep_runs_results"] ) def _add_first_traj(self, trajectory): """ Read the first trajectory, intitializing needed data. """ self.times = trajectory.times self.e_ops = trajectory.e_ops def _store_trajectory(self, trajectory, *, abs=None, rel=None): if abs is None: self.trajectories.append(trajectory) def _reduce_states(self, trajectory, *, abs=None, rel=None): if abs is not None: self._sum_det.reduce_states(trajectory, abs) else: self._sum_rel.reduce_states(trajectory, rel) def _reduce_final_state(self, trajectory, *, abs=None, rel=None): if abs is not None: self._sum_det.reduce_final_state(trajectory, abs) else: self._sum_rel.reduce_final_state(trajectory, rel) def _reduce_expect(self, trajectory, *, abs=None, rel=None): """ Compute the average of the expectation values and store it in it's multiple formats. """ if abs is not None: self._sum_det.reduce_expect(trajectory, abs) else: self._sum_rel.reduce_expect(trajectory, rel) if self.runs_e_data: for k in self._raw_ops: self.runs_e_data[k].append(trajectory.e_data[k]) def _create_e_data(self): for i, k in enumerate(self._raw_ops): avg = 0 avg2 = 0 if self._sum_det: avg += self._sum_det.sum_expect[i] avg2 += self._sum_det.sum2_expect[i] if self._sum_rel: avg += ( self._sum_rel.sum_expect[i] / self.num_trajectories ) avg2 += ( self._sum_rel.sum2_expect[i] / self.num_trajectories ) self._average_e_data[k] = list(avg) # mean(expect**2) - mean(expect)**2 can something be very small # negative (-1e-15) which raise an error for float sqrt. self._std_e_data[k] = list(np.sqrt(np.abs(avg2 - np.abs(avg**2)))) def _increment_traj(self, trajectory, *, abs=None, rel=None): if self.num_trajectories == 0 and not self._deterministic_weight_info: self._add_first_traj(trajectory) if abs is not None: if self._sum_det is None: self._sum_det = _TrajectorySum( trajectory, self._store_average_density_matrices, self._store_final_density_matrix) else: self.num_trajectories += 1 if self._sum_rel is None: self._sum_rel = _TrajectorySum( trajectory, self._store_average_density_matrices, self._store_final_density_matrix) def _no_end(self): """ Remaining number of trajectories needed to finish cannot be determined by this object. """ return np.inf def _fixed_end(self): """ Finish at a known number of trajectories. """ ntraj_left = self._target_ntraj - self.num_trajectories if ntraj_left == 0: self.stats["end_condition"] = "ntraj reached" return ntraj_left def _average_computer(self): avg = np.array(self._sum_rel.sum_expect) / self.num_trajectories avg2 = np.array(self._sum_rel.sum2_expect) / self.num_trajectories return avg, avg2 def _target_tolerance_end(self): """ Compute the error on the expectation values using jackknife resampling. Return the approximate number of trajectories needed to have this error within the tolerance fot all e_ops and times. """ if self.num_trajectories >= self._target_ntraj: # First make sure that "ntraj" setting is always respected self.stats["end_condition"] = "ntraj reached" return 0 if self.num_trajectories <= 1: return np.inf avg, avg2 = self._average_computer() target = np.array( [ atol + rtol * mean for mean, (atol, rtol) in zip(avg, self._target_tols) ] ) one = np.array(1) if sum(self._deterministic_weight_info): # We do not include deterministic traj. in this calculation. # When there is a deterministic trajectory, the weights don't add # up to one. We have to consider that as follows: # err = (std * <w>**2 / (N-1)) ** 0.5 # avg = <x * w> # avg2 = <x**2 * w> # std * <w>**2 = (<x**2> - <x>**2) * <w>**2 # = avg2 * <w> - avg**2 # and "<w>" is one minus the sum of all deterministic trajectories # weights one = one - sum(self._deterministic_weight_info) std = avg2 * one - abs(avg)**2 target_ntraj = np.max(std / target**2) + 1 self._estimated_ntraj = min(target_ntraj - self.num_trajectories, self._target_ntraj - self.num_trajectories) if self._estimated_ntraj <= 0: self.stats["end_condition"] = "target tolerance reached" return self._estimated_ntraj def _post_init(self): self._target_ntraj = None self._target_tols = None self._early_finish_check = self._no_end self.add_processor(self._increment_traj) store_trajectory = self.options["keep_runs_results"] if store_trajectory: self.add_processor(self._store_trajectory) if self._store_average_density_matrices: self.add_processor(self._reduce_states) if self._store_final_density_matrix: self.add_processor(self._reduce_final_state) if self._raw_ops: self.add_processor(self._reduce_expect) # self.add_processor(self._store_weight_info) self.stats["end_condition"] = "unknown"
[docs] def add_deterministic(self, trajectory, weight): """ Add a trajectory that was not randomly generated. The weight provided here is the exact weight that will be used for this trajectory in all averages. Parameters ---------- trajectory : :class:`Result` The result of the simulation of the deterministic trajectory weight : float Number (usually between 0 and 1), exact weight of this trajectory """ for op in self._state_processors: op(trajectory, abs=weight) self._deterministic_weight_info.append(weight) self.deterministic_trajectories.append(trajectory)
def add(self, trajectory_info): """ Add a trajectory to the evolution. Trajectories can be saved or average canbe extracted depending on the options ``keep_runs_results``. Parameters ---------- trajectory_info : tuple of seed and trajectory - seed: int, SeedSequence Seed used to generate the trajectory. - trajectory : :class:`Result` Run result for one evolution over the times. - *weight: float, optional Relative weight of the trajectory. Returns ------- remaing_traj : number Return the number of trajectories still needed to reach the target tolerance. If no tolerance is provided, return infinity. """ seed, trajectory, *weight = trajectory_info weight = weight[0] if weight else 1 self.seeds.append(seed) self._trajectories_weight_info.append(weight) for op in self._state_processors: op(trajectory, rel=weight) return self._early_finish_check() def add_end_condition(self, ntraj, target_tol=None): """ Set the condition to stop the computing trajectories when the certain condition are fullfilled. Supported end condition for multi trajectories computation are: - Reaching a number of trajectories. - Error bar on the expectation values reach smaller than a given tolerance. Parameters ---------- ntraj : int Number of trajectories expected. target_tol : float, array_like, [optional] Target tolerance of the evolution. The evolution will compute trajectories until the error on the expectation values is lower than this tolerance. The error is computed using jackknife resampling. ``target_tol`` can be an absolute tolerance, a pair of absolute and relative tolerance, in that order. Lastly, it can be a list of pairs of (atol, rtol) for each e_ops. Error estimation is done with jackknife resampling. """ self._target_ntraj = ntraj self.stats["end_condition"] = "timeout" if target_tol is None: self._early_finish_check = self._fixed_end return num_e_ops = len(self._raw_ops) if not num_e_ops: raise ValueError("Cannot target a tolerance without e_ops") self._estimated_ntraj = ntraj targets = np.array(target_tol) if targets.ndim == 0: self._target_tols = np.array([(target_tol, 0.0)] * num_e_ops) elif targets.shape == (2,): self._target_tols = np.ones((num_e_ops, 2)) * targets elif targets.shape == (num_e_ops, 2): self._target_tols = targets else: raise ValueError( "target_tol must be a number, a pair of (atol, " "rtol) or a list of (atol, rtol) for each e_ops" ) self._early_finish_check = self._target_tolerance_end @property def runs_states(self): """ States of every runs as ``states[run][t]``. """ if self.trajectories and self.trajectories[0].states: return [traj.states for traj in self.trajectories] else: return None @property def average_states(self): """ States averages as density matrices. """ trajectory_states_available = (self.trajectories and self.trajectories[0].states) need_to_reduce_states = False if self._sum_det and not self._sum_det.sum_states: if not trajectory_states_available: return None self._sum_det._initialize_sum_states(self.trajectories[0]) need_to_reduce_states = True if self._sum_rel and not self._sum_rel.sum_states: if not trajectory_states_available: return None self._sum_rel._initialize_sum_states(self.trajectories[0]) need_to_reduce_states = True if need_to_reduce_states: for trajectory, weight in zip( self.deterministic_trajectories, self._deterministic_weight_info ): self._reduce_states(trajectory, abs=weight) for trajectory, weight in zip( self.trajectories, self._trajectories_weight_info ): self._reduce_states(trajectory, rel=weight) if self._sum_det and self._sum_rel: return [a + r / self.num_trajectories for a, r in zip( self._sum_det.sum_states, self._sum_rel.sum_states) ] if self._sum_rel: return [r / self.num_trajectories for r in self._sum_rel.sum_states] return self._sum_det.sum_states @property def states(self): """ Runs final states if available, average otherwise. """ return self.runs_states or self.average_states @property def runs_final_states(self): """ Last states of each trajectories. """ if self.trajectories and self.trajectories[0].final_state: return [traj.final_state for traj in self.trajectories] else: return None @property def average_final_state(self): """ Last states of each trajectories averaged into a density matrix. """ trajectory_states_available = (self.trajectories and self.trajectories[0].final_state) states = self.average_states need_to_reduce_states = False if self._sum_det and not self._sum_det.sum_final_state: if not (trajectory_states_available or states): return None need_to_reduce_states = True if self._sum_rel and not self._sum_rel.sum_final_state: if not (trajectory_states_available or states): return None need_to_reduce_states = True if need_to_reduce_states and states: return states[-1] elif need_to_reduce_states: if self._sum_det: self._sum_det._initialize_sum_finalstate(self.trajectories[0]) if self._sum_rel: self._sum_rel._initialize_sum_finalstate(self.trajectories[0]) for trajectory, weight in zip( self.deterministic_trajectories, self._deterministic_weight_info ): self._reduce_final_state(trajectory, abs=weight) for trajectory, weight in zip( self.trajectories, self._trajectories_weight_info ): self._reduce_final_state(trajectory, rel=weight) if self._sum_det and self._sum_rel: return (self._sum_det.sum_final_state + self._sum_rel.sum_final_state / self.num_trajectories) if self._sum_rel: return self._sum_rel.sum_final_state / self.num_trajectories return self._sum_det.sum_final_state @property def final_state(self): """ Runs final states if available, average otherwise. """ return self.runs_final_states or self.average_final_state @property def average_e_data(self): if not self._average_e_data: self._create_e_data() return self._average_e_data @property def std_e_data(self): if not self._std_e_data: self._create_e_data() return self._std_e_data @property def average_expect(self): return [np.array(val) for val in self.average_e_data.values()] @property def std_expect(self): return [np.array(val) for val in self.std_e_data.values()] @property def runs_expect(self): return [np.array(val) for val in self.runs_e_data.values()] @property def expect(self): return [np.array(val) for val in self.e_data.values()] @property def e_data(self): return self.runs_e_data or self.average_e_data @property def deterministic_weights(self): return self._deterministic_weight_info.copy() @property def runs_weights(self): return [ w / self.num_trajectories for w in self._trajectories_weight_info ]
[docs] def steady_state(self, N=0): """ Average the states of the last ``N`` times of every runs as a density matrix. Should converge to the steady state in the right circumstances. Parameters ---------- N : int [optional] Number of states from the end of ``tlist`` to average. Per default all states will be averaged. """ N = int(N) or len(self.times) N = len(self.times) if N > len(self.times) else N states = self.average_states if states is not None: return sum(states[-N:]) / N else: return None
def __repr__(self): lines = [ f"<{self.__class__.__name__}", f" Solver: {self.solver}", ] if self.stats: lines.append(" Solver stats:") lines.extend(f" {k}: {v!r}" for k, v in self.stats.items()) if self.times: lines.append( f" Time interval: [{self.times[0]}, {self.times[-1]}]" f" ({len(self.times)} steps)" ) lines.append(f" Number of e_ops: {len(self.e_data)}") if self.states: lines.append(" States saved.") elif self.final_state is not None: lines.append(" Final state saved.") else: lines.append(" State not saved.") lines.append(f" Number of trajectories: {self.num_trajectories}") if self.trajectories: lines.append(" Trajectories saved.") else: lines.append(" Trajectories not saved.") lines.append(">") return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def merge(self, other, p=None): r""" Merges two multi-trajectory results. If this result represent an ensemble :math:`\rho`, and `other` represents an ensemble :math:`\rho'`, then the merged result represents the ensemble .. math:: \rho_{\mathrm{merge}} = p \rho + (1 - p) \rho' where p is a parameter between 0 and 1. Its default value is :math:`p_{\textrm{def}} = N / (N + N')`, N and N' being the number of trajectories in the two result objects. Parameters ---------- other : MultiTrajResult The multi-trajectory result to merge with this one p : float [optional] The relative weight of this result in the combination. By default, will be chosen such that all trajectories contribute equally to the merged result. """ if not isinstance(other, MultiTrajResult): return NotImplemented if self._raw_ops != other._raw_ops: raise ValueError("Shared `e_ops` is required to merge results") if self.times != other.times: raise ValueError("Shared `times` are is required to merge results") new = self.__class__( self._raw_ops, self.options, solver=self.solver, stats=self.stats ) new.times = self.times new.e_ops = self.e_ops if bool(self.trajectories) != bool(other.trajectories): # ensure the states are reduced. if self.trajectories: self.average_states self.average_final_state else: other.average_states other.average_final_state new.num_trajectories = self.num_trajectories + other.num_trajectories new.seeds = self.seeds + other.seeds p_equal = self.num_trajectories / new.num_trajectories if p is None: p = self.num_trajectories / new.num_trajectories new._deterministic_weight_info = [ w * p for w in self._deterministic_weight_info ] + [ w * (1 - p) for w in other._deterministic_weight_info ] new._trajectories_weight_info = [ w * p / p_equal for w in self._trajectories_weight_info ] + [ w * (1 - p) / (1 - p_equal) for w in other._trajectories_weight_info ] if self.trajectories and other.trajectories: new.deterministic_trajectories = ( self.deterministic_trajectories + other.deterministic_trajectories ) new.trajectories = self.trajectories + other.trajectories else: new.trajectories = [] new.options["keep_runs_results"] = False new.runs_e_data = {} self_states = self.options["store_states"] self_fstate = self.options["store_final_state"] other_states = other.options["store_states"] other_fstate = other.options["store_final_state"] new.options["store_states"] = self_states and other_states new.options["store_final_state"] = ( (self_fstate or self_states) and (other_fstate or other_states) ) new._sum_det = _TrajectorySum.merge( self._sum_det, p, other._sum_det, 1 - p) new._sum_rel = _TrajectorySum.merge( self._sum_rel, p / p_equal, other._sum_rel, (1 - p) / (1 - p_equal)) if self.runs_e_data and other.runs_e_data: for k in self._raw_ops: new.runs_e_data[k] = self.runs_e_data[k] + other.runs_e_data[k] new.stats["run time"] += other.stats["run time"] new.stats["end_condition"] = "Merged results" return new
def __add__(self, other): return self.merge(other, p=None)
class _TrajectorySum: """ Keeps running sums of expectation values, and (if requested) states and final states, over a set of trajectories as they are added one-by-one. This is used in the `MultiTrajResult` class, which needs to keep track of several sums of this type. Parameters ---------- example_trajectory : :obj:`.Result` An example trajectory with expectation values and states of the same shape like for the trajectories that will be added later. The data is only used for initializing arrays in the correct shape and otherwise ignored. store_states : bool Whether the states of the trajectories will be summed. store_final_state : bool Whether the final states of the trajectories will be summed. """ def __init__(self, example_trajectory, store_states, store_final_state): if example_trajectory.states and store_states: self._initialize_sum_states(example_trajectory) else: self.sum_states = None if example_trajectory.final_state and store_final_state: self._initialize_sum_finalstate(example_trajectory) else: self.sum_final_state = None self.sum_expect = [ np.zeros_like(expect) for expect in example_trajectory.expect ] self.sum2_expect = [ np.zeros_like(expect) for expect in example_trajectory.expect ] def _initialize_sum_states(self, example_trajectory): self.sum_states = [ qzero_like(_to_dm(state)) for state in example_trajectory.states] def _initialize_sum_finalstate(self, example_trajectory): self.sum_final_state = qzero_like( _to_dm(example_trajectory.final_state) ) def reduce_states(self, trajectory, weight=1., td_weight=None): """ Adds the states stored in the given trajectory to the running sum `sum_states`. Takes account of the trajectory's total weight if present. """ if td_weight is not None: self.sum_states = [ accu + weight * weight_t * _to_dm(state) for accu, state, weight_t in zip( self.sum_states, trajectory.states, td_weight ) ] else: self.sum_states = [ accu + weight * _to_dm(state) for accu, state in zip(self.sum_states, trajectory.states) ] def reduce_final_state(self, trajectory, weight=1.): """ Adds the final state stored in the given trajectory to the running sum `sum_final_state`. Takes account of the trajectory's total weight if present. """ self.sum_final_state += weight * _to_dm(trajectory.final_state) def reduce_expect(self, trajectory, weight=1.): """ Adds the expectation values, and their squares, that are stored in the given trajectory to the running sums `sum_expect` and `sum2_expect`. Takes account of the trajectory's total weight if present. """ for i, expect_traj in enumerate(trajectory.expect): self.sum_expect[i] += weight * expect_traj self.sum2_expect[i] += weight * expect_traj**2 @staticmethod def merge(sum1, weight1, sum2, weight2): """ Merges the sums of expectation values, states and final states with the given weights, i.e., `result = weight1 * sum1 + weight2 * sum2`. """ if sum1 is None and sum2 is None: return None if sum1 is None: return _TrajectorySum.merge(sum2, weight2, sum1, weight1) new = copy(sum1) if sum2 is None: if sum1.sum_states: new.sum_states = [ weight1 * state1 for state1 in sum1.sum_states ] if sum1.sum_final_state: new.sum_final_state = weight1 * sum1.sum_final_state new.sum_expect = [weight1 * e1 for e1 in sum1.sum_expect] new.sum2_expect = [weight1 * e1 for e1 in sum1.sum2_expect] return new if sum1.sum_states and sum2.sum_states: new.sum_states = [ weight1 * state1 + weight2 * state2 for state1, state2 in zip( sum1.sum_states, sum2.sum_states ) ] else: new.sum_states = None if sum1.sum_final_state and sum2.sum_final_state: new.sum_final_state = ( weight1 * sum1.sum_final_state + weight2 * sum2.sum_final_state) else: new.sum_final_state = None new.sum_expect = [weight1 * e1 + weight2 * e2 for e1, e2 in zip( sum1.sum_expect, sum2.sum_expect) ] new.sum2_expect = [weight1 * e1 + weight2 * e2 for e1, e2 in zip( sum1.sum2_expect, sum2.sum2_expect) ] return new class _McBaseResult(MultiTrajResult): # Collapse are only produced by mcsolve. def _add_collapse(self, trajectory, *, rel=None, abs=None): if rel is not None: self.collapse.append(trajectory.collapse) def _post_init(self): super()._post_init() self.num_c_ops = self.stats["num_collapse"] self.collapse = [] self.add_processor(self._add_collapse) @property def col_times(self): """ List of the times of the collapses for each runs. """ out = [] for col_ in self.collapse: col = list(zip(*col_)) col = [] if len(col) == 0 else col[0] out.append(col) return out @property def col_which(self): """ List of the indexes of the collapses for each runs. """ out = [] for col_ in self.collapse: col = list(zip(*col_)) col = [] if len(col) == 0 else col[1] out.append(col) return out def merge(self, other, p=None): new = super().merge(other, p) new.collapse = self.collapse + other.collapse return new
[docs] class McResult(_McBaseResult): """ Class for storing Monte-Carlo solver results. Parameters ---------- e_ops : :obj:`.Qobj`, :obj:`.QobjEvo`, function or list or dict of these The ``e_ops`` parameter defines the set of values to record at each time step ``t``. If an element is a :obj:`.Qobj` or :obj:`.QobjEvo` the value recorded is the expectation value of that operator given the state at ``t``. If the element is a function, ``f``, the value recorded is ``f(t, state)``. The values are recorded in the ``.expect`` attribute of this result object. ``.expect`` is a list, where each item contains the values of the corresponding ``e_op``. options : :obj:`~SolverResultsOptions` The options for this result class. solver : str or None The name of the solver generating these results. stats : dict The stats generated by the solver while producing these results. Note that the solver may update the stats directly while producing results. Must include a value for "num_collapse". kw : dict Additional parameters specific to a result sub-class. Attributes ---------- collapse : list For each run, a list of every collapse as a tuple of the time it happened and the corresponding ``c_ops`` index. """ @property def photocurrent(self): """ Average photocurrent or measurement of the evolution. """ collapse_times = [[] for _ in range(self.num_c_ops)] collapse_weights = [[] for _ in range(self.num_c_ops)] tlist = self.times for collapses, weight in zip(self.collapse, self.runs_weights): for t, which in collapses: collapse_times[which].append(t) collapse_weights[which].append(weight) mesurement = [ np.histogram(times, bins=tlist, weights=weights)[0] / np.diff(tlist) for times, weights in zip(collapse_times, collapse_weights) ] return mesurement @property def runs_photocurrent(self): """ Photocurrent or measurement of each runs. """ tlist = self.times measurements = [] for collapses in self.collapse: collapse_times = [[] for _ in range(self.num_c_ops)] for t, which in collapses: collapse_times[which].append(t) measurements.append( [ np.histogram(times, tlist)[0] / np.diff(tlist) for times in collapse_times ] ) return measurements
[docs] class NmmcResult(_McBaseResult): """ Class for storing the results of the non-Markovian Monte-Carlo solver. Parameters ---------- e_ops : :obj:`.Qobj`, :obj:`.QobjEvo`, function or list or dict of these The ``e_ops`` parameter defines the set of values to record at each time step ``t``. If an element is a :obj:`.Qobj` or :obj:`.QobjEvo` the value recorded is the expectation value of that operator given the state at ``t``. If the element is a function, ``f``, the value recorded is ``f(t, state)``. The values are recorded in the ``.expect`` attribute of this result object. ``.expect`` is a list, where each item contains the values of the corresponding ``e_op``. options : :obj:`~SolverResultsOptions` The options for this result class. solver : str or None The name of the solver generating these results. stats : dict The stats generated by the solver while producing these results. Note that the solver may update the stats directly while producing results. Must include a value for "num_collapse". kw : dict Additional parameters specific to a result sub-class. Attributes ---------- average_trace : list The average trace (i.e., averaged over all trajectories) at each time. std_trace : list The standard deviation of the trace at each time. runs_trace : list of lists For each recorded trajectory, the trace at each time. Only present if ``keep_runs_results`` is set in the options. """ def _post_init(self): super()._post_init() self._sum_trace_det = None self._sum_trace_rel = None self._sum2_trace_det = None self._sum2_trace_rel = None self._average_trace = None self._std_trace = None self.runs_trace = [] self.add_processor(self._add_trace) def _reduce_states(self, trajectory, *, abs=None, rel=None): if abs is not None: self._sum_det.reduce_states(trajectory, abs, trajectory.trace) else: self._sum_rel.reduce_states(trajectory, rel, trajectory.trace) def _reduce_final_state(self, trajectory, *, abs=None, rel=None): if abs is not None: self._sum_det.reduce_final_state( trajectory, abs * trajectory.trace[-1]) else: self._sum_rel.reduce_final_state( trajectory, rel * trajectory.trace[-1]) def _reduce_expect(self, trajectory, *, abs=None, rel=None): """ Compute the average of the expectation values and store it in it's multiple formats. """ if abs is not None: self._sum_det.reduce_expect( trajectory, abs * np.array(trajectory.trace)) else: self._sum_rel.reduce_expect( trajectory, rel * np.array(trajectory.trace)) if self.runs_e_data: for k in self._raw_ops: self.runs_e_data[k].append(trajectory.e_data[k]) def _add_first_traj(self, trajectory): super()._add_first_traj(trajectory) self._sum_trace_det = np.zeros_like(trajectory.trace) self._sum_trace_rel = np.zeros_like(trajectory.trace) self._sum2_trace_det = np.zeros_like(trajectory.trace) self._sum2_trace_rel = np.zeros_like(trajectory.trace) def _add_trace(self, trajectory, *, abs=None, rel=None): if abs is not None: self._sum_trace_det += np.array(trajectory.trace) * abs self._sum2_trace_det += np.abs(trajectory.trace) ** 2 * abs else: self._sum_trace_rel += np.array(trajectory.trace) * rel self._sum2_trace_rel += np.abs(trajectory.trace) ** 2 * rel if self.options["keep_runs_results"]: self.runs_trace.append(trajectory.trace) def _compute_avg_trace(self): avg = self._sum_trace_det if self.num_trajectories > 0: avg = avg + self._sum_trace_rel / self.num_trajectories avg2 = self._sum2_trace_det if self.num_trajectories > 0: avg2 = avg2 + self._sum2_trace_rel / self.num_trajectories self._average_trace = avg self._std_trace = np.sqrt(np.abs(avg2 - np.abs(avg) ** 2)) @property def average_trace(self): """ Refers to ``average_trace`` or ``runs_trace``, depending on whether ``keep_runs_results`` is set in the options. """ if self._average_trace is None: self._compute_avg_trace() return self._average_trace @property def std_trace(self): """ Refers to ``average_trace`` or ``runs_trace``, depending on whether ``keep_runs_results`` is set in the options. """ if self._std_trace is None: self._compute_avg_trace() return self._std_trace @property def trace(self): """ Refers to ``average_trace`` or ``runs_trace``, depending on whether ``keep_runs_results`` is set in the options. """ return self.runs_trace or self.average_trace
[docs] def merge(self, other, p=None): new = super().merge(other, p) p_eq = self.num_trajectories / new.num_trajectories if p is None: p = p_eq new._sum_trace_det = ( p * self._sum_trace_det + (1 - p) * other._sum_trace_det ) new._sum2_trace_det = ( p * self._sum2_trace_det + (1 - p) * other._sum2_trace_det ) new._sum_trace_rel = ( (p / p_eq) * self._sum_trace_rel + ((1 - p) / (1 - p_eq)) * other._sum_trace_rel ) new._sum2_trace_rel = ( (p / p_eq) * self._sum2_trace_rel + ((1 - p) / (1 - p_eq)) * other._sum2_trace_rel ) new._compute_avg_trace() if self.runs_trace and other.runs_trace: new.runs_trace = self.runs_trace + other.runs_trace return new
def _to_dm(state): if state.type == "ket": state = state.proj() return state