Internal use module for manipulating dims specifications.
# Required for Sphinx to follow autodoc_type_aliases
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
import numbers
from operator import getitem
from functools import partial
from typing import Literal
from qutip.settings import settings
from qutip.typing import SpaceLike, DimensionLike
__all__ = ["to_tensor_rep", "from_tensor_rep", "Space", "Dimensions"]
def flatten(l):
"""Flattens a list of lists to the first level.
Given a list containing a mix of scalars and lists or a dimension object,
flattens it down to a list of the scalars within the original list.
l : scalar, list, Space, Dimension
Object to flatten.
>>> flatten([[[0], 1], 2]) # doctest: +SKIP
[0, 1, 2]
Any scalar will be returned wrapped in a list: ``flaten(1) == [1]``.
A non-list iterable will not be treated as a list by flatten. For example, flatten would treat a tuple
as a scalar.
if isinstance(l, (Space, Dimensions)):
l = l.as_list()
if not isinstance(l, list):
return [l]
return sum(map(flatten, l), [])
def deep_remove(l, *what):
"""Removes scalars from all levels of a nested list.
Given a list containing a mix of scalars and lists,
returns a list of the same structure, but where one or
more scalars have been removed.
>>> deep_remove([[[[0, 1, 2]], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]], 0, 5) # doctest: +SKIP
[[[[1, 2]], [3, 4], [], [6, 7]]]
if isinstance(l, list):
# Make a shallow copy at this level.
l = l[:]
for to_remove in what:
if to_remove in l:
l = [deep_remove(elem, to_remove) for elem in l]
return l
def unflatten(l, idxs):
"""Unflattens a list by a given structure.
Given a list of scalars and a deep list of indices
as produced by `flatten`, returns an "unflattened"
form of the list. This perfectly inverts `flatten`.
>>> l = [[[10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60]], [[70, 80, 90], [100, 110, 120]]] # doctest: +SKIP
>>> idxs = enumerate_flat(l) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> unflatten(flatten(l), idxs) == l # doctest: +SKIP
acc = []
for idx in idxs:
if isinstance(idx, list):
acc.append(unflatten(l, idx))
return acc
def _enumerate_flat(l, idx=0):
if not isinstance(l, list):
# Found a scalar, so return and increment.
return idx, idx + 1
# Found a list, so append all the scalars
# from it and recurse to keep the increment
# correct.
acc = []
for elem in l:
labels, idx = _enumerate_flat(elem, idx)
return acc, idx
def _collapse_composite_index(dims):
Given the dimensions specification for a composite index
(e.g.: [2, 3] for the right index of a ket with dims [[1], [2, 3]]),
returns a dimensions specification for an index of the same shape,
but collapsed to a single "leg." In the previous example, [2, 3]
would collapse to [6].
return [np.prod(dims)]
def _collapse_dims_to_level(dims, level=1):
Recursively collapses all indices in a dimensions specification
appearing at a given level, such that the returned dimensions
specification does not represent any composite systems.
if level == 0:
return _collapse_composite_index(dims)
return [_collapse_dims_to_level(index, level=level - 1) for index in dims]
def collapse_dims_oper(dims):
Given the dimensions specifications for a ket-, bra- or oper-type
Qobj, returns a dimensions specification describing the same shape
by collapsing all composite systems. For instance, the bra-type
dimensions specification ``[[2, 3], [1]]`` collapses to
``[[6], [1]]``.
dims : list of lists of ints
Dimensions specifications to be collapsed.
collapsed_dims : list of lists of ints
Collapsed dimensions specification describing the same shape
such that ``len(collapsed_dims[0]) == len(collapsed_dims[1]) == 1``.
return _collapse_dims_to_level(dims, 1)
def collapse_dims_super(dims):
Given the dimensions specifications for an operator-ket-, operator-bra- or
super-type Qobj, returns a dimensions specification describing the same
shape by collapsing all composite systems. For instance, the super-type
dimensions specification ``[[[2, 3], [2, 3]], [[2, 3], [2, 3]]]`` collapses
to ``[[[6], [6]], [[6], [6]]]``.
dims : list of lists of ints
Dimensions specifications to be collapsed.
collapsed_dims : list of lists of ints
Collapsed dimensions specification describing the same shape
such that ``len(collapsed_dims[i][j]) == 1`` for ``i`` and ``j``
in ``range(2)``.
return _collapse_dims_to_level(dims, 2)
def enumerate_flat(l):
"""Labels the indices at which scalars occur in a flattened list.
Given a list containing a mix of scalars and lists,
returns a list of the same structure, where each scalar
has been replaced by an index into the flattened list.
>>> print(enumerate_flat([[[10], [20, 30]], 40])) # doctest: +SKIP
[[[0], [1, 2]], 3]
return _enumerate_flat(l)[0]
def deep_map(fn, collection, over=(tuple, list)):
if isinstance(collection, over):
return type(collection)(deep_map(fn, el, over) for el in collection)
return fn(collection)
def dims_to_tensor_perm(dims):
Given the dims of a Qobj instance, returns a list representing
a permutation from the flattening of that dims specification to
the corresponding tensor indices.
dims : list, Dimensions
Dimensions specification for a Qobj.
perm : list
A list such that ``data[flatten(dims)[idx]]`` gives the
index of the tensor ``data`` corresponding to the ``idx``th
dimension of ``dims``.
if isinstance(dims, list):
dims = Dimensions(dims)
return dims._get_tensor_perm()
def dims_to_tensor_shape(dims):
Given the dims of a Qobj instance, returns the shape of the
corresponding tensor. This helps, for instance, resolve the
column-stacking convention for superoperators.
dims : list, Dimensions
Dimensions specification for a Qobj.
tensor_shape : tuple
NumPy shape of the corresponding tensor.
perm = np.argsort(dims_to_tensor_perm(dims))
dims = flatten(dims)
return tuple(map(partial(getitem, dims), perm))
def dims_idxs_to_tensor_idxs(dims, indices):
Given the dims of a Qobj instance, and some indices into
dims, returns the corresponding tensor indices. This helps
resolve, for instance, that column-stacking for superoperators,
oper-ket and oper-bra implies that the input and output tensor
indices are reversed from their order in dims.
dims : list, Dimensions
Dimensions specification for a Qobj.
indices : int, list or tuple
Indices to convert to tensor indices. Can be specified
as a single index, or as a collection of indices.
In the latter case, this can be nested arbitrarily
deep. For instance, [0, [0, (2, 3)]].
tens_indices : int, list or tuple
Container of the same structure as indices containing
the tensor indices for each element of indices.
perm = dims_to_tensor_perm(dims)
return deep_map(partial(getitem, perm), indices)
def to_tensor_rep(q_oper):
Transform a ``Qobj`` to a numpy array whose shape is the flattened
q_oper: Qobj
Object to reshape
Numpy array with one dimension for each index in dims.
>>> ket.dims
[[2, 3], [1]]
>>> to_tensor_rep(ket).shape
(2, 3, 1)
>>> oper.dims
[[2, 3], [2, 3]]
>>> to_tensor_rep(oper).shape
(2, 3, 2, 3)
>>> super_oper.dims
[[[2, 3], [2, 3]], [[2, 3], [2, 3]]]
>>> to_tensor_rep(super_oper).shape
(2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3)
dims = q_oper._dims
data = q_oper.full().reshape(dims._get_tensor_shape())
return data.transpose(dims._get_tensor_perm())
def from_tensor_rep(tensorrep, dims):
Reverse operator of :func:`to_tensor_rep`.
Create a Qobj From a N-dimensions numpy array and dimensions with N
tensorrep: ndarray
Numpy array with one dimension for each index in dims.
dims: list of list, Dimensions
Dimensions of the Qobj.
Re constructed Qobj
from . import Qobj
dims = Dimensions(dims)
data = tensorrep.transpose(np.argsort(dims._get_tensor_perm()))
return Qobj(data.reshape(dims.shape), dims=dims)
def _frozen(*args, **kwargs):
raise RuntimeError("Dimension cannot be modified.")
def einsum(subscripts, *operands):
Implementation of numpy.einsum for Qobj.
Evaluates the Einstein summation convention on the operands.
subscripts: str
Specifies the subscripts for summation as comma
separated list of subscript labels.
operands: list of array_like
These are the arrays for the operation.
Qobj (numpy.complex128)
Result of einsum as Qobj (numpy.complex128 if result is scalar)
operands_array = [to_tensor_rep(op) for op in operands]
result = np.einsum(subscripts, *operands_array)
if result.shape == ():
return result
dims = [
[d for d in result.shape[:result.ndim // 2]],
[d for d in result.shape[result.ndim // 2:]]
return from_tensor_rep(result, dims)
class MetaSpace(type):
def __call__(cls, *args: SpaceLike, rep: str = None) -> "Space":
Select which subclass is instantiated.
if cls is Space and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], list):
# From a list of int.
return cls.from_list(args[0], rep=rep)
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Space):
# Already a Space
return args[0]
if cls is Space:
if len(args) == 0:
# Empty space: a Field.
cls = Field
elif len(args) == 1 and args[0] == 1:
# Space(1): a Field.
cls = Field
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Dimensions):
# Making a Space out of a Dimensions object: Super Operator.
cls = SuperSpace
elif len(args) > 1 and all(isinstance(arg, Space) for arg in args):
# list of space: tensor product space.
cls = Compound
if settings.core['auto_tidyup_dims']:
if cls is Compound and all(isinstance(arg, Field) for arg in args):
cls = Field
if cls is SuperSpace and args[0].type == "scalar":
cls = Field
args = tuple([
tuple(arg) if isinstance(arg, list) else arg
for arg in args
if cls is Field:
return cls.field_instance
if cls is SuperSpace:
args = (*args, rep or 'super')
if args not in cls._stored_dims:
instance = cls.__new__(cls)
cls._stored_dims[args] = instance
return cls._stored_dims[args]
def from_list(
list_dims: list[int] | list[list[int]],
rep: str = None
) -> "Space":
if len(list_dims) == 0:
raise ValueError("Empty list can't be used as dims.")
elif (
sum(isinstance(entry, list) for entry in list_dims)
not in [0, len(list_dims)]
raise ValueError(f"Format dims not understood {list_dims}.")
elif not isinstance(list_dims[0], list):
# Tensor
spaces = [Space(size) for size in list_dims]
elif len(list_dims) == 1:
# [[2, 3]]: tensor with an extra layer of list.
spaces = [Space(size) for size in list_dims[0]]
elif len(list_dims) % 2 == 0:
# Superoperators or tensor of Superoperators
spaces = [
), rep=rep)
for i in range(0, len(list_dims), 2)
raise ValueError(f'Format not understood {list_dims}')
if len(spaces) == 1:
return spaces[0]
elif len(spaces) >= 2:
return Space(*spaces)
raise ValueError(f'Format not understood {list_dims}')
class Space(metaclass=MetaSpace):
_stored_dims = {}
def __init__(self, dims):
idims = int(dims)
if idims <= 0 or idims != dims:
raise ValueError("Dimensions must be integers > 0")
# Size of the hilbert space
self.size = dims
self.issuper = False
# Super representation, should be an empty string except for SuperSpace
self.superrep = None
# Does the size and dims match directly: size == prod(dims)
self._pure_dims = True
self.__setitem__ = _frozen
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return self is other or (
type(other) is type(self)
and other.size == self.size
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.size)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Space({self.size})"
def as_list(self) -> list[int]:
return [self.size]
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.as_list())
def dims2idx(self, dims: list[int]) -> int:
Transform dimensions indices to full array indices.
if not isinstance(dims, list) or len(dims) != 1:
raise ValueError("Dimensions must be a list of one element")
if not (0 <= dims[0] < self.size):
raise IndexError("Dimensions out of range")
if not isinstance(dims[0], numbers.Integral):
raise TypeError("Dimensions must be integers")
return dims[0]
def idx2dims(self, idx: int) -> list[int]:
Transform full array indices to dimensions indices.
if not (0 <= idx < self.size):
raise IndexError("Index out of range")
return [idx]
def step(self) -> list[int]:
Get the step in the array between for each dimensions index.
If element ``[i, j, k]`` is ``ket.full()[m, 0]`` then element
``[i, j+1, k]`` is ``ket.full()[m + ket._dims.step()[1], 0]``.
return [1]
def flat(self) -> list[int]:
""" Dimensions as a flat list. """
return [self.size]
def remove(self, idx: int):
Remove a Space from a Dimensons or complex Space.
``Space([2, 3, 4]).remove(1) == Space([2, 4])``
raise RuntimeError("Cannot delete a flat space.")
def replace(self, idx: int, new: int) -> "Space":
Reshape a Space from a Dimensons or complex Space.
``Space([2, 3, 4]).replace(1, 5) == Space([2, 5, 4])``
if idx != 0:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot replace a non-zero index in a flat space."
return Space(new)
def replace_superrep(self, super_rep: str) -> "Space":
return self
def scalar_like(self) -> "Space":
return Field()
class Field(Space):
field_instance = None
def __init__(self):
self.size = 1
self.issuper = False
self.superrep = None
self._pure_dims = True
self.__setitem__ = _frozen
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return type(other) is Field
def __hash__(self):
return hash(0)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "Field()"
def as_list(self) -> list[int]:
return [1]
def step(self) -> list[int]:
return [1]
def flat(self) -> list[int]:
return [1]
def remove(self, idx: int) -> Space:
return self
def replace(self, idx: int, new: int) -> Space:
return Space(new)
Field.field_instance = Field.__new__(Field)
class Compound(Space):
_stored_dims = {}
def __init__(self, *spaces: Space):
spaces_ = []
if len(spaces) <= 1:
raise ValueError("Compound need multiple space to join.")
for space in spaces:
if isinstance(space, Compound):
spaces_ += space.spaces
spaces_ += [space]
self.spaces = tuple(spaces_)
self.size = np.prod([space.size for space in self.spaces])
self.issuper = all(space.issuper for space in self.spaces)
if not self.issuper and any(space.issuper for space in self.spaces):
raise TypeError(
"Cannot create compound space of super and non super."
self._pure_dims = all(space._pure_dims for space in self.spaces)
superrep = [space.superrep for space in self.spaces]
if all(superrep[0] == rep for rep in superrep):
self.superrep = superrep[0]
raise TypeError(
"Cannot create compound space of of super operators "
"with different representation."
self.__setitem__ = _frozen
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return self is other or (
type(other) is type(self) and
self.spaces == other.spaces
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.spaces)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
parts_rep = ", ".join(repr(space) for space in self.spaces)
return f"Compound({parts_rep})"
def as_list(self) -> list[int]:
return sum([space.as_list() for space in self.spaces], [])
def dims2idx(self, dims: list[int]) -> int:
if len(dims) != len(self.spaces):
raise ValueError("Length of supplied dims does not match the number of subspaces.")
pos = 0
step = 1
for space, dim in zip(self.spaces[::-1], dims[::-1]):
pos += space.dims2idx([dim]) * step
step *= space.size
return pos
def idx2dims(self, idx: int) -> list[int]:
dims = []
for space in self.spaces[::-1]:
idx, dim = divmod(idx, space.size)
dims = space.idx2dims(dim) + dims
return dims
def step(self) -> list[int]:
steps = []
step = 1
for space in self.spaces[::-1]:
steps = [step * N for N in space.step()] + steps
step *= space.size
return steps
def flat(self) -> list[int]:
return sum([space.flat() for space in self.spaces], [])
def remove(self, idx: int) -> Space:
new_spaces = []
for space in self.spaces:
n_indices = len(space.flat())
idx_space = [i for i in idx if i < n_indices]
idx = [i-n_indices for i in idx if i >= n_indices]
new_space = space.remove(idx_space)
if new_spaces:
return Compound(*new_spaces)
return Field()
def replace(self, idx: int, new: int) -> Space:
new_spaces = []
for space in self.spaces:
n_indices = len(space.flat())
if 0 <= idx < n_indices:
new_spaces.append(space.replace(idx, new))
idx -= n_indices
return Compound(*new_spaces)
def replace_superrep(self, super_rep: str) -> Space:
return Compound(
*[space.replace_superrep(super_rep) for space in self.spaces]
def scalar_like(self) -> Space:
return Space([space.scalar_like() for space in self.spaces])
class SuperSpace(Space):
_stored_dims = {}
def __init__(self, oper: "Dimensions", rep: str = 'super'):
self.oper = oper
self.superrep = rep
self.size = oper.shape[0] * oper.shape[1]
self.issuper = True
self._pure_dims = oper._pure_dims
self.__setitem__ = _frozen
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return (
self is other
or self.oper == other
or (
type(other) is type(self)
and self.oper == other.oper
and self.superrep == other.superrep
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.oper, self.superrep))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Super({repr(self.oper)}, rep={self.superrep})"
def as_list(self) -> list[list[int]]:
return self.oper.as_list()
def dims2idx(self, dims: list[int]) -> int:
posl, posr = self.oper.dims2idx(dims)
return posl + posr * self.oper.shape[0]
def idx2dims(self, idx: int) -> list[int]:
posl = idx % self.oper.shape[0]
posr = idx // self.oper.shape[0]
return self.oper.idx2dims(posl, posr)
def step(self) -> list[int]:
stepl, stepr = self.oper.step()
step = self.oper.shape[0]
return stepl + [step * N for N in stepr]
def flat(self) -> list[int]:
return sum(self.oper.flat(), [])
def remove(self, idx: int) -> Space:
new_dims = self.oper.remove(idx)
if new_dims.type == 'scalar':
return Field()
return SuperSpace(new_dims, rep=self.superrep)
def replace(self, idx: int, new: int) -> Space:
return SuperSpace(self.oper.replace(idx, new), rep=self.superrep)
def replace_superrep(self, super_rep: str) -> Space:
return SuperSpace(self.oper, rep=super_rep)
def scalar_like(self) -> Space:
return SuperSpace(self.oper.scalar_like(), rep=self.superrep)
class MetaDims(type):
def __call__(cls, *args: DimensionLike, rep: str = None) -> "Dimensions":
if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Dimensions):
return args[0]
elif len(args) == 1 and len(args[0]) == 2:
args = (
Space(args[0][1], rep=rep),
Space(args[0][0], rep=rep)
elif len(args) != 2:
raise NotImplementedError('No Dual, Ket, Bra...', args)
elif (
and args[0] == args[1] == Field()
return Field()
if args not in cls._stored_dims:
instance = cls.__new__(cls)
cls._stored_dims[args] = instance
return cls._stored_dims[args]
class Dimensions(metaclass=MetaDims):
_stored_dims = {}
_type: str = None
def __init__(self, from_: Space, to_: Space):
self.from_ = from_
self.to_ = to_
self.shape = to_.size, from_.size
self.issuper = from_.issuper
self._pure_dims = from_._pure_dims and to_._pure_dims
self.issquare = False
if self.from_.size == 1 and self.to_.size == 1:
self.type = 'scalar'
self.issquare = True
self.superrep = None
elif self.from_.size == 1:
self.issuper = self.to_.issuper
self.type = 'operator-ket' if self.issuper else 'ket'
self.superrep = self.to_.superrep
elif self.to_.size == 1:
self.issuper = self.from_.issuper
self.type = 'operator-bra' if self.issuper else 'bra'
self.superrep = self.from_.superrep
elif self.from_ == self.to_:
self.issuper = self.from_.issuper
self.type = 'super' if self.issuper else 'oper'
self.superrep = self.from_.superrep
self.issquare = True
if from_.issuper != to_.issuper:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Operator with both space and superspace dimensions are "
"not supported. Please open an issue if you have an use "
f"case for these: {from_}, {to_}]"
self.type = 'super' if self.from_.issuper else 'oper'
if self.from_.superrep == self.to_.superrep:
self.superrep = self.from_.superrep
self.superrep = 'mixed'
self.__setitem__ = _frozen
def __eq__(self, other: "Dimensions") -> bool:
if isinstance(other, Dimensions):
return (
self is other
or (
self.to_ == other.to_
and self.from_ == other.from_
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, other: "Dimensions") -> bool:
if isinstance(other, Dimensions):
return not (
self is other
or (
self.to_ == other.to_
and self.from_ == other.from_
return NotImplemented
def __matmul__(self, other: "Dimensions") -> "Dimensions":
if self.from_ != other.to_:
raise TypeError(f"incompatible dimensions {self} and {other}")
args = other.from_, self.to_
if args in Dimensions._stored_dims:
return Dimensions._stored_dims[args]
return Dimensions(*args)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.to_, self.from_))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Dimensions({repr(self.from_)}, {repr(self.to_)})"
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.as_list())
def as_list(self) -> list:
Return the list representation of the Dimensions object.
return [self.to_.as_list(), self.from_.as_list()]
def __getitem__(self, key: Literal[0, 1]) -> Space:
if key == 0:
return self.to_
elif key == 1:
return self.from_
raise IndexError("Dimensions index out of range")
def dims2idx(self, dims):
Transform dimensions indices to full array indices.
return self.to_.dims2idx(dims[0]), self.from_.dims2idx(dims[1])
def idx2dims(self, idxl, idxr):
Transform full array indices to dimensions indices.
return [self.to_.idx2dims(idxl), self.from_.idx2dims(idxr)]
def step(self) -> list[list[int]]:
Get the step in the array between for each dimensions index.
If element ``[i, j, k]`` is ``ket.full()[m, 0]`` then element
``[i, j+1, k]`` is ``ket.full()[m + ket._dims.step()[1], 0]``.
return [self.to_.step(), self.from_.step()]
def flat(self) -> list[list[int]]:
""" Dimensions as a flat list. """
return [self.to_.flat(), self.from_.flat()]
def _get_tensor_shape(self):
Get the shape to of the Nd tensor with one dimensions for each
Dimension index. The order of the space values are not in the order of
the Dimension index.
# dims_to_tensor_shape
stepl = self.to_.step()
flatl = self.to_.flat()
stepr = self.from_.step()
flatr = self.from_.flat()
return tuple(np.concatenate([
def _get_tensor_perm(self):
Get the permutation of a tensor created using ``_get_tensor_shape`` to
reorder the tensor dimensions with those of the Dimensions object.
# dims_to_tensor_perm
stepl = self.to_.step()
stepr = self.from_.step()
return list(np.argsort(np.concatenate([
np.argsort(stepr)[::-1] + len(stepl)
def remove(self, idx: int | list[int]) -> "Dimensions":
Remove a Space from a Dimensons or complex Space.
``Space([2, 3, 4]).remove(1) == Space([2, 4])``
if not isinstance(idx, list):
idx = [idx]
if not idx:
return self
idx = sorted(idx)
n_indices = len(self.to_.flat())
idx_to = [i for i in idx if i < n_indices]
idx_from = [i-n_indices for i in idx if i >= n_indices]
return Dimensions(
def replace(self, idx: int, new: int) -> "Dimensions":
Reshape a Space from a Dimensons or complex Space.
``Space([2, 3, 4]).replace(1, 5) == Space([2, 5, 4])``
n_indices = len(self.to_.flat())
if idx < n_indices:
new_to = self.to_.replace(idx, new)
new_from = self.from_
new_to = self.to_
new_from = self.from_.replace(idx-n_indices, new)
return Dimensions(new_from, new_to)
def replace_superrep(self, super_rep: str) -> "Dimensions":
if not self.issuper and super_rep is not None:
raise TypeError("Can't set a superrep of a non super object.")
return Dimensions(
def scalar_like(self) -> "Dimensions":
return Dimensions([self.to_.scalar_like(), self.from_.scalar_like()])