__all__ = ['expect', 'variance']
import numpy as np
from typing import overload, Sequence
from .qobj import Qobj
from . import data as _data
from ..settings import settings
def expect(oper: Qobj, state: Qobj) -> complex: ...
def expect(
oper: Qobj,
state: Qobj | Sequence[Qobj],
) -> np.typing.NDArray[complex]: ...
def expect(
oper: Qobj | Sequence[Qobj],
state: Qobj,
) -> list[complex]: ...
def expect(
oper: Qobj | Sequence[Qobj],
state: Qobj | Sequence[Qobj]
) -> list[np.typing.NDArray[complex]]: ...
def expect(oper, state):
Calculate the expectation value for operator(s) and state(s). The
expectation of state ``k`` on operator ``A`` is defined as
``k.dag() @ A @ k``, and for density matrix ``R`` on operator ``A`` it is
``trace(A @ R)``.
oper : qobj / list of Qobj
A single or a `list` of operators for expectation value.
state : qobj / list of Qobj
A single or a `list` of quantum states or density matrices.
expt : float / complex / list / array
Expectation value(s). ``real`` if ``oper`` is Hermitian, ``complex``
otherwise. If multiple ``oper`` are passed, a list of array.
A (nested) array of expectaction values if ``state`` or
``oper`` are arrays.
>>> expect(num(4), basis(4, 3)) == 3 # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
if isinstance(state, Qobj) and isinstance(oper, Qobj):
return _single_qobj_expect(oper, state)
elif isinstance(oper, Sequence):
return [expect(op, state) for op in oper]
elif isinstance(state, Sequence):
dtype = np.complex128
if oper.isherm and all(op.isherm or op.isket for op in state):
dtype = np.float64
return np.array([_single_qobj_expect(oper, x) for x in state],
raise TypeError('Arguments must be quantum objects')
def _single_qobj_expect(oper, state):
Private function used by expect to calculate expectation values of Qobjs.
if not oper.isoper or not (state.isket or state.isoper):
raise TypeError('invalid operand types')
if oper.dims[1] != state.dims[0]:
msg = (
"incompatible dimensions "
+ str(oper.dims[1]) + " and " + str(state.dims[0])
raise ValueError(msg)
out = _data.expect(oper.data, state.data)
# This ensures that expect can return something that is not a number such
# as a `tensorflow.Tensor` in qutip-tensorflow.
if (
and oper.isherm
and (state.isket or state.isherm)
out = out.real
return out
def variance(oper: Qobj, state: Qobj) -> complex: ...
def variance(oper: Qobj, state: list[Qobj]) -> np.typing.NDArray[complex]: ...
def variance(oper, state):
Variance of an operator for the given state vector or density matrix.
oper : Qobj
Operator for expectation value.
state : Qobj / list of Qobj
A single or ``list`` of quantum states or density matrices..
var : float
Variance of operator 'oper' for given state.
return expect(oper**2, state) - expect(oper, state)**2