Source code for qutip.core.qobj

"""The Quantum Object (Qobj) class, for representing quantum states and
operators, and related functions.
from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import numbers
import warnings
from typing import Any, Literal
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
import scipy.sparse

from .. import __version__
from ..settings import settings
from . import data as _data
from qutip.typing import LayerType, DimensionLike
import qutip
from .dimensions import (
    enumerate_flat, collapse_dims_super, flatten, unflatten, Dimensions

__all__ = ['Qobj', 'ptrace']

    'tr': _data.norm.trace,
    'max': _data.norm.max,
    'fro': _data.norm.frobenius,
    'l2': _data.norm.l2,
_NORM_ALLOWED_MATRIX = {'tr', 'fro', 'one', 'max'}
_NORM_ALLOWED_VECTOR = {'l2', 'max'}

    ('super', 'oper'),
    ('super', 'ket'),
    ('oper', 'ket'),

def _require_equal_type(method):
    Decorate a binary Qobj method to ensure both operands are Qobj and of the
    same type and dimensions.  Promote numeric scalar to identity matrices of
    the same type and shape.
    def out(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Qobj):
            if self._dims != other._dims:
                msg = (
                    "incompatible dimensions "
                    + repr(self.dims) + " and " + repr(other.dims)
                raise ValueError(msg)
            return method(self, other)
        if other == 0:
            return method(self, other)
        if self._dims.issquare and isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
            scale = complex(other)
            other = Qobj(_data.identity(self.shape[0], scale,
                         isherm=(scale.imag == 0),
                         isunitary=(abs(abs(scale)-1) < settings.core['atol']),
            return method(self, other)
        return NotImplemented

    return out

def _latex_real(x):
    if not x:
        return "0"
    if not 0.001 <= abs(x) < 1000:
        base, exp = "{:.3e}".format(x).split('e')
        return base + r"\times10^{{ {:d} }}".format(int(exp))
    if abs(x - int(x)) < 0.001:
        return "{:d}".format(round(x))
    return "{:.3f}".format(x)

def _latex_complex(x):
    if abs(x.imag) < 0.001:
        return _latex_real(x.real)
    if abs(x.real) < 0.001:
        return _latex_real(x.imag) + "j"
    sign = "+" if x.imag > 0 else "-"
    return "(" + _latex_real(x.real) + sign + _latex_real(abs(x.imag)) + "j)"

def _latex_row(row, cols, data):
    if row is None:
        bits = (r"\ddots" if col is None else r"\vdots" for col in cols)
        bits = (r"\cdots" if col is None else _latex_complex(data[row, col])
                for col in cols)
    return " & ".join(bits)

[docs] class Qobj: """ A class for representing quantum objects, such as quantum operators and states. The Qobj class is the QuTiP representation of quantum operators and state vectors. This class also implements math operations +,-,* between Qobj instances (and / by a C-number), as well as a collection of common operator/state operations. The Qobj constructor optionally takes a dimension ``list`` and/or shape ``list`` as arguments. Parameters ---------- arg: array_like, data object or :obj:`.Qobj` Data for vector/matrix representation of the quantum object. dims: list Dimensions of object used for tensor products. copy: bool Flag specifying whether Qobj should get a copy of the input data, or use the original. Attributes ---------- data : object The data object storing the vector / matrix representation of the `Qobj`. dtype : type The data-layer type used for storing the data. The possible types are described in ` <./>`__. dims : list List of dimensions keeping track of the tensor structure. shape : list Shape of the underlying `data` array. type : str Type of quantum object: 'bra', 'ket', 'oper', 'operator-ket', 'operator-bra', or 'super'. superrep : str Representation used if `type` is 'super'. One of 'super' (Liouville form), 'choi' (Choi matrix with tr = dimension), or 'chi' (chi-matrix representation). isherm : bool Indicates if quantum object represents Hermitian operator. isunitary : bool Indictaes if quantum object represents unitary operator. iscp : bool Indicates if the quantum object represents a map, and if that map is completely positive (CP). ishp : bool Indicates if the quantum object represents a map, and if that map is hermicity preserving (HP). istp : bool Indicates if the quantum object represents a map, and if that map is trace preserving (TP). iscptp : bool Indicates if the quantum object represents a map that is completely positive and trace preserving (CPTP). isket : bool Indicates if the quantum object represents a ket. isbra : bool Indicates if the quantum object represents a bra. isoper : bool Indicates if the quantum object represents an operator. issuper : bool Indicates if the quantum object represents a superoperator. isoperket : bool Indicates if the quantum object represents an operator in column vector form. isoperbra : bool Indicates if the quantum object represents an operator in row vector form. Methods ------- copy() Create copy of Qobj conj() Conjugate of quantum object. contract() Contract subspaces of the tensor structure which are 1D. cosm() Cosine of quantum object. dag() Adjoint (dagger) of quantum object. data_as(format, copy) Vector / matrix representation of quantum object. diag() Diagonal elements of quantum object. dnorm() Diamond norm of quantum operator. dual_chan() Dual channel of quantum object representing a CP map. eigenenergies(sparse=False, sort='low', eigvals=0, tol=0, maxiter=100000) Returns eigenenergies (eigenvalues) of a quantum object. eigenstates(sparse=False, sort='low', eigvals=0, tol=0, maxiter=100000) Returns eigenenergies and eigenstates of quantum object. expm() Matrix exponential of quantum object. full(order='C') Returns dense array of quantum object `data` attribute. groundstate(sparse=False, tol=0, maxiter=100000) Returns eigenvalue and eigenket for the groundstate of a quantum object. inv() Return a Qobj corresponding to the matrix inverse of the operator. logm() Matrix logarithm of quantum operator. matrix_element(bra, ket) Returns the matrix element of operator between `bra` and `ket` vectors. norm(norm='tr', sparse=False, tol=0, maxiter=100000) Returns norm of a ket or an operator. overlap(other) Overlap between two state vectors or two operators. permute(order) Returns composite qobj with indices reordered. proj() Computes the projector for a ket or bra vector. ptrace(sel) Returns quantum object for selected dimensions after performing partial trace. purity() Calculates the purity of a quantum object. sinm() Sine of quantum object. sqrtm() Matrix square root of quantum object. tidyup(atol=1e-12) Removes small elements from quantum object. tr() Trace of quantum object. trans() Transpose of quantum object. transform(inpt, inverse=False) Performs a basis transformation defined by `inpt` matrix. trunc_neg(method='clip') Removes negative eigenvalues and returns a new Qobj that is a valid density operator. unit(norm='tr', sparse=False, tol=0, maxiter=100000) Returns normalized quantum object. """ # Disable ufuncs from acting directly on Qobj. __array_ufunc__ = None def _initialize_data(self, arg, dims, copy): if isinstance(arg, _data.Data): self._data = arg.copy() if copy else arg self._dims = Dimensions(dims or [[arg.shape[0]], [arg.shape[1]]]) elif isinstance(arg, Qobj): self._data = if copy else self._dims = Dimensions(dims or arg._dims) if self._isherm is None and arg._isherm is not None: self._isherm = arg._isherm if self._isunitary is None and arg._isunitary is not None: self._isunitary = arg._isunitary else: self._data = _data.create(arg, copy=copy) self._dims = Dimensions( dims or [[self._data.shape[0]], [self._data.shape[1]]] ) if self._dims.shape != self._data.shape: raise ValueError('Provided dimensions do not match the data: ' + f"{self._dims.shape} vs {self._data.shape}") def __init__( self, arg: ArrayLike | Any = None, dims: DimensionLike = None, copy: bool = True, superrep: str = None, isherm: bool = None, isunitary: bool = None ): self._isherm = isherm self._isunitary = isunitary self._initialize_data(arg, dims, copy) if superrep is not None: self.superrep = superrep
[docs] def copy(self) -> Qobj: """Create identical copy""" return Qobj(arg=self._data, dims=self._dims, isherm=self._isherm, isunitary=self._isunitary, copy=True)
@property def dims(self) -> list[list[int]] | list[list[list[int]]]: return self._dims.as_list() @dims.setter def dims(self, dims: list[list[int]] | list[list[list[int]]] | Dimensions): dims = Dimensions(dims, rep=self.superrep) if dims.shape != self._data.shape: raise ValueError('Provided dimensions do not match the data: ' + f"{dims.shape} vs {self._data.shape}") self._dims = dims @property def type(self) -> str: return self._dims.type @property def superrep(self) -> str: return self._dims.superrep @superrep.setter def superrep(self, super_rep: str): self._dims = self._dims.replace_superrep(super_rep) @property def data(self) -> _data.Data: return self._data @data.setter def data(self, data: _data.Data): if not isinstance(data, _data.Data): raise TypeError('Qobj data must be a data-layer format.') if self._dims.shape != data.shape: raise ValueError('Provided data do not match the dimensions: ' + f"{self._dims.shape} vs {data.shape}") self._data = data @property def dtype(self): return type(self._data)
[docs] def to(self, data_type: LayerType, copy: bool=False) -> Qobj: """ Convert the underlying data store of this `Qobj` into a different storage representation. The different storage representations available are the "data-layer types" which are known to :obj:``. By default, these are :class:``, :class:`` and :class:``, which respectively construct a compressed sparse row matrix, diagonal matrix and a dense one. Certain algorithms and operations may be faster or more accurate when using a more appropriate data store. Parameters ---------- data_type : type, str The data-layer type or its string alias that the data of this :class:`Qobj` should be converted to. copy : Bool If the data store is already in the format requested, whether the function should return returns `self` or a copy. Returns ------- Qobj A :class:`Qobj` with the data stored in the requested format. """ data_type = if type(self._data) is data_type and copy: return self.copy() elif type(self._data) is data_type: return self return Qobj(, self._data), dims=self._dims, isherm=self._isherm, isunitary=self._isunitary, copy=False )
@_require_equal_type def __add__(self, other: Qobj | complex) -> Qobj: if other == 0: return self.copy() return Qobj(_data.add(self._data, other._data), dims=self._dims, isherm=(self._isherm and other._isherm) or None, copy=False) def __radd__(self, other: Qobj | complex) -> Qobj: return self.__add__(other) @_require_equal_type def __sub__(self, other: Qobj | complex) -> Qobj: if other == 0: return self.copy() return Qobj(_data.sub(self._data, other._data), dims=self._dims, isherm=(self._isherm and other._isherm) or None, copy=False) def __rsub__(self, other: Qobj | complex) -> Qobj: return self.__neg__().__add__(other) def __mul__(self, other: complex) -> Qobj: """ If other is a Qobj, we dispatch to __matmul__. If not, we check that other is a valid complex scalar, i.e., we can do complex(other). Otherwise, we return NotImplemented. """ if isinstance(other, Qobj): return self.__matmul__(other) # We send other to mul instead of complex(other) to be more flexible. # The dispatcher can then decide how to handle other and return # TypeError if it does not know what to do with the type of other. try: out = _data.mul(self._data, other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented # Infer isherm and isunitary if possible try: multiplier = complex(other) isherm = (self._isherm and multiplier.imag == 0) or None isunitary = (abs(abs(multiplier) - 1) < settings.core['atol'] if self._isunitary else None) except TypeError: isherm = None isunitary = None return Qobj(out, dims=self._dims, isherm=isherm, isunitary=isunitary, copy=False) def __rmul__(self, other: complex) -> Qobj: # Shouldn't be here unless `other.__mul__` has already been tried, so # we _shouldn't_ check that `other` is `Qobj`. return self.__mul__(other) def __matmul__(self, other: Qobj) -> Qobj: if not isinstance(other, Qobj): try: other = Qobj(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented new_dims = self._dims @ other._dims if new_dims.type == 'scalar': return _data.inner(self._data, other._data) return Qobj( _data.matmul(self._data, other._data), dims=new_dims, isunitary=self._isunitary and other._isunitary, copy=False ) def __truediv__(self, other: complex) -> Qobj: return self.__mul__(1 / other) def __neg__(self) -> Qobj: return Qobj(_data.neg(self._data), dims=self._dims, isherm=self._isherm, isunitary=self._isunitary, copy=False) def __getitem__(self, ind): # TODO: should we require that data-layer types implement this? This # isn't the right way of handling it, for sure. if isinstance(self._data, _data.CSR): data = self._data.as_scipy() elif isinstance(self._data, _data.Dense): data = self._data.as_ndarray() else: data = self._data try: out = data[ind] return out.toarray() if scipy.sparse.issparse(out) else out except TypeError: pass return data.to_array()[ind] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if self is other: return True if not isinstance(other, Qobj) or self._dims != other._dims: return False # isequal uses both atol and rtol from settings.core return _data.isequal(self._data, other._data) def __pow__(self, n: int, m=None) -> Qobj: # calculates powers of Qobj if ( self.type not in ('oper', 'super') or self._dims[0] != self._dims[1] or m is not None or not isinstance(n, numbers.Integral) or n < 0 ): return NotImplemented return Qobj(_data.pow(self._data, n), dims=self._dims, isherm=self._isherm, isunitary=self._isunitary, copy=False) def _str_header(self): out = ", ".join([ "Quantum object: dims=" + str(self.dims), "shape=" + str(self._data.shape), "type=" + repr(self.type), "dtype=" + self.dtype.__name__, ]) if self.type in ('oper', 'super'): out += ", isherm=" + str(self.isherm) if self.issuper and self.superrep != 'super': out += ", superrep=" + repr(self.superrep) return out def __str__(self): if[0] *[0] > 100_000_000: # If the system is huge, don't attempt to convert to a dense matrix # and then to string, because it is pointless and is likely going # to produce memory errors. Instead print the sparse data string # representation. data =, elif _data.iszero(_data.sub(, data = np.real(self.full()) else: data = self.full() return self._str_header() + "\nQobj data =\n" + str(data) def __repr__(self): # give complete information on Qobj without print statement in # command-line we cant realistically serialize a Qobj into a string, # so we simply return the informal __str__ representation instead.) return self.__str__()
[docs] def __call__(self, other: Qobj) -> Qobj: """ Acts this Qobj on another Qobj either by left-multiplication, or by vectorization and devectorization, as appropriate. """ if not isinstance(other, Qobj): raise TypeError("Only defined for quantum objects.") if (self.type, other.type) not in _CALL_ALLOWED: raise TypeError(self.type + " cannot act on " + other.type) if self.issuper: if other.isket: other = other.proj() return qutip.vector_to_operator(self @ qutip.operator_to_vector(other)) return self.__matmul__(other)
def __getstate__(self): # defines what happens when Qobj object gets pickled self.__dict__.update({'qutip_version': __version__[:5]}) return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state): # defines what happens when loading a pickled Qobj if 'qutip_version' in state.keys(): del state['qutip_version'] (self.__dict__).update(state) def _repr_latex_(self): """ Generate a LaTeX representation of the Qobj instance. Can be used for formatted output in ipython notebook. """ half_length = 5 n_rows, n_cols = # Choose which rows and columns we're going to output, or None if that # element should be truncated. rows = list(range(min((half_length, n_rows)))) if n_rows <= half_length * 2: rows += list(range(half_length, min((2*half_length, n_rows)))) else: rows.append(None) rows += list(range(n_rows - half_length, n_rows)) cols = list(range(min((half_length, n_cols)))) if n_cols <= half_length * 2: cols += list(range(half_length, min((2*half_length, n_cols)))) else: cols.append(None) cols += list(range(n_cols - half_length, n_cols)) # Make the data array. data = r'$$\left(\begin{array}{cc}' data += r"\\".join(_latex_row(row, cols, for row in rows) data += r'\end{array}\right)$$' return self._str_header() + data def __and__(self, other: Qobj) -> Qobj: """ Syntax shortcut for tensor: A & B ==> tensor(A, B) """ return qutip.tensor(self, other)
[docs] def dag(self) -> Qobj: """Get the Hermitian adjoint of the quantum object.""" if self._isherm: return self.copy() return Qobj(_data.adjoint(self._data), dims=Dimensions(self._dims[0], self._dims[1]), isherm=self._isherm, isunitary=self._isunitary, copy=False)
[docs] def conj(self) -> Qobj: """Get the element-wise conjugation of the quantum object.""" return Qobj(_data.conj(self._data), dims=self._dims, isherm=self._isherm, isunitary=self._isunitary, copy=False)
[docs] def trans(self) -> Qobj: """Get the matrix transpose of the quantum operator. Returns ------- oper : :class:`.Qobj` Transpose of input operator. """ return Qobj(_data.transpose(self._data), dims=Dimensions(self._dims[0], self._dims[1]), isherm=self._isherm, isunitary=self._isunitary, copy=False)
[docs] def dual_chan(self) -> Qobj: """Dual channel of quantum object representing a completely positive map. """ # Uses the technique of Johnston and Kribs (arXiv:1102.0948), which # is only valid for completely positive maps. if not self.iscp: raise ValueError("Dual channels are only implemented for CP maps.") J = qutip.to_choi(self) tensor_idxs = enumerate_flat(J.dims) J_dual = qutip.tensor_swap(J, *( list(zip(tensor_idxs[0][1], tensor_idxs[0][0])) + list(zip(tensor_idxs[1][1], tensor_idxs[1][0])) )).trans() J_dual.superrep = 'choi' return J_dual
[docs] def norm( self, norm: Literal["l2", "max", "fro", "tr", "one"] = None, kwargs: dict[str, Any] = None ) -> float: """ Norm of a quantum object. Default norm is L2-norm for kets and trace-norm for operators. Other ket and operator norms may be specified using the `norm` parameter. Parameters ---------- norm : str Which type of norm to use. Allowed values for vectors are 'l2' and 'max'. Allowed values for matrices are 'tr' for the trace norm, 'fro' for the Frobenius norm, 'one' and 'max'. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments to pass on to the relevant norm solver. See details for each norm function in :mod:`.data.norm`. Returns ------- norm : float The requested norm of the operator or state quantum object. """ if self.type in ('oper', 'super'): norm = norm or 'tr' if norm not in _NORM_ALLOWED_MATRIX: raise ValueError( "matrix norm must be in " + repr(_NORM_ALLOWED_MATRIX) ) else: norm = norm or 'l2' if norm not in _NORM_ALLOWED_VECTOR: raise ValueError( "vector norm must be in " + repr(_NORM_ALLOWED_VECTOR) ) kwargs = kwargs or {} return _NORM_FUNCTION_LOOKUP[norm](self._data, **kwargs)
[docs] def proj(self) -> Qobj: """Form the projector from a given ket or bra vector. Parameters ---------- Q : :class:`.Qobj` Input bra or ket vector Returns ------- P : :class:`.Qobj` Projection operator. """ if not (self.isket or self.isbra): raise TypeError("projection is only defined for bras and kets") dims = ([self._dims[0], self._dims[0]] if self.isket else [self._dims[1], self._dims[1]]) return Qobj(_data.project(self._data), dims=dims, isherm=True, copy=False)
[docs] def tr(self) -> complex: """Trace of a quantum object. Returns ------- trace : float Returns the trace of the quantum object. """ out = _data.trace(self._data) # This ensures that trace can return something that is not a number such # as a `tensorflow.Tensor` in qutip-tensorflow. if settings.core["auto_real_casting"] and self.isherm: out = out.real return out
[docs] def purity(self) -> complex: """Calculate purity of a quantum object. Returns ------- state_purity : float Returns the purity of a quantum object. For a pure state, the purity is 1. For a mixed state of dimension `d`, 1/d<=purity<1. """ if self.type in ("super", "operator-ket", "operator-bra"): raise TypeError('purity is only defined for states.') if self.isket or self.isbra: return _data.norm.l2(self._data)**2 return _data.trace(_data.matmul(self._data, self._data)).real
[docs] def full( self, order: Literal['C', 'F'] = 'C', squeeze: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: """Dense array from quantum object. Parameters ---------- order : str {'C', 'F'} Return array in C (default) or Fortran ordering. squeeze : bool {False, True} Squeeze output array. Returns ------- data : array Array of complex data from quantum objects `data` attribute. """ out = np.asarray(, order=order) return out.squeeze() if squeeze else out
[docs] def data_as(self, format: str = None, copy: bool = True) -> Any: """Matrix from quantum object. Parameters ---------- format : str, default: None Type of the output, "ndarray" for ``Dense``, "csr_matrix" for ``CSR``. A ValueError will be raised if the format is not supported. copy : bool {False, True} Whether to return a copy Returns ------- data : numpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse.matrix_csr, etc. Matrix in the type of the underlying libraries. """ return _data.extract(self._data, format, copy)
[docs] def diag(self) -> np.ndarray: """Diagonal elements of quantum object. Returns ------- diags : array Returns array of ``real`` values if operators is Hermitian, otherwise ``complex`` values are returned. """ # TODO: add a `diagonal` method to the data layer? out =, if settings.core["auto_real_casting"] and self.isherm: out = np.real(out) return out
[docs] def expm(self, dtype: LayerType = None) -> Qobj: """Matrix exponential of quantum operator. Input operator must be square. Parameters ---------- dtype : type The data-layer type that should be output. Returns ------- oper : :class:`.Qobj` Exponentiated quantum operator. Raises ------ TypeError Quantum operator is not square. """ if not self._dims.issquare: raise TypeError("expm is only valid for square operators") if dtype is None and isinstance(, (_data.CSR, _data.Dia)): dtype = _data.Dense return Qobj(_data.expm(self._data, dtype=dtype), dims=self._dims, isherm=self._isherm, copy=False)
[docs] def logm(self) -> Qobj: """Matrix logarithm of quantum operator. Input operator must be square. Returns ------- oper : :class:`.Qobj` Logarithm of the quantum operator. Raises ------ TypeError Quantum operator is not square. """ if not self._dims.issquare: raise TypeError("expm is only valid for square operators") return Qobj(_data.logm(self._data), dims=self._dims, isherm=self._isherm, copy=False)
[docs] def check_herm(self) -> bool: """Check if the quantum object is hermitian. Returns ------- isherm : bool Returns the new value of isherm property. """ self._isherm = None return self.isherm
[docs] def sqrtm( self, sparse: bool = False, tol: float = 0, maxiter: int = 100000 ) -> Qobj: """ Sqrt of a quantum operator. Operator must be square. Parameters ---------- sparse : bool Use sparse eigenvalue/vector solver. tol : float Tolerance used by sparse solver (0 = machine precision). maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations used by sparse solver. Returns ------- oper : :class:`.Qobj` Matrix square root of operator. Raises ------ TypeError Quantum object is not square. Notes ----- The sparse eigensolver is much slower than the dense version. Use sparse only if memory requirements demand it. """ if self._dims[0] != self._dims[1]: raise TypeError('sqrt only valid on square matrices') return Qobj(_data.sqrtm(self._data), dims=self._dims, copy=False)
[docs] def cosm(self) -> Qobj: """Cosine of a quantum operator. Operator must be square. Returns ------- oper : :class:`.Qobj` Matrix cosine of operator. Raises ------ TypeError Quantum object is not square. Notes ----- Uses the Q.expm() method. """ if self._dims[0] != self._dims[1]: raise TypeError('invalid operand for matrix cosine') return 0.5 * ((1j * self).expm() + (-1j * self).expm())
[docs] def sinm(self) -> Qobj: """Sine of a quantum operator. Operator must be square. Returns ------- oper : :class:`.Qobj` Matrix sine of operator. Raises ------ TypeError Quantum object is not square. Notes ----- Uses the Q.expm() method. """ if self._dims[0] != self._dims[1]: raise TypeError('invalid operand for matrix sine') return -0.5j * ((1j * self).expm() - (-1j * self).expm())
[docs] def inv(self, sparse: bool = False) -> Qobj: """Matrix inverse of a quantum operator Operator must be square. Returns ------- oper : :class:`.Qobj` Matrix inverse of operator. Raises ------ TypeError Quantum object is not square. """ if[0] !=[1]: raise TypeError('Invalid operand for matrix inverse') if isinstance(, _data.CSR) and not sparse: data =, else: data = return Qobj(_data.inv(data), dims=[self._dims[1], self._dims[0]], copy=False)
[docs] def unit( self, inplace: bool = False, norm: Literal["l2", "max", "fro", "tr", "one"] = None, kwargs: dict[str, Any] = None ) -> Qobj: """ Operator or state normalized to unity. Uses norm from Qobj.norm(). Parameters ---------- inplace : bool Do an in-place normalization norm : str Requested norm for states / operators. kwargs : dict Additional key-word arguments to be passed on to the relevant norm function (see :meth:`.norm` for more details). Returns ------- obj : :class:`.Qobj` Normalized quantum object. Will be the `self` object if in place. """ norm_ = self.norm(norm=norm, kwargs=kwargs) if inplace: = _data.mul(, 1 / norm_) self._isherm = self._isherm if norm_.imag == 0 else None self._isunitary = (self._isunitary if abs(norm_) - 1 < settings.core['atol'] else None) out = self else: out = self / norm_ return out
[docs] def ptrace(self, sel: int | list[int], dtype: LayerType = None) -> Qobj: """ Take the partial trace of the quantum object leaving the selected subspaces. In other words, trace out all subspaces which are _not_ passed. This is typically a function which acts on operators; bras and kets will be promoted to density matrices before the operation takes place since the partial trace is inherently undefined on pure states. For operators which are currently being represented as states in the superoperator formalism (i.e. the object has type `operator-ket` or `operator-bra`), the partial trace is applied as if the operator were in the conventional form. This means that for any operator `x`, ``operator_to_vector(x).ptrace(0) == operator_to_vector(x.ptrace(0))`` and similar for `operator-bra`. The story is different for full superoperators. In the formalism that QuTiP uses, if an operator has dimensions (`dims`) of `[[2, 3], [2, 3]]` then it can be represented as a state on a Hilbert space of dimensions `[2, 3, 2, 3]`, and a superoperator would be an operator which acts on this joint space. This function performs the partial trace on superoperators by letting the selected components refer to elements of the _joint_ _space_, and then returns a regular operator (of type `oper`). Parameters ---------- sel : int or iterable of int An ``int`` or ``list`` of components to keep after partial trace. The selected subspaces will _not_ be reordered, no matter order they are supplied to `ptrace`. Returns ------- oper : :class:`.Qobj` Quantum object representing partial trace with selected components remaining. """ try: sel = sorted(sel) except TypeError: if not isinstance(sel, numbers.Integral): raise TypeError( "selection must be an integer or list of integers" ) from None sel = [sel] if self.isoperket: dims = self.dims[0] data = qutip.vector_to_operator(self).data elif self.isoperbra: dims = self.dims[1] data = qutip.vector_to_operator(self.dag()).data elif self.issuper or self.isoper: dims = self.dims data = else: dims = [self.dims[0] if self.isket else self.dims[1]] * 2 data = _data.project( if dims[0] != dims[1]: raise ValueError("partial trace is not defined on non-square maps") dims = flatten(dims[0]) new_data = _data.ptrace(data, dims, sel, dtype=dtype) new_dims = [[dims[x] for x in sel]] * 2 if sel else None out = Qobj(new_data, dims=new_dims, copy=False) if self.isoperket: return qutip.operator_to_vector(out) if self.isoperbra: return qutip.operator_to_vector(out).dag() return out
[docs] def contract(self, inplace: bool = False) -> Qobj: """ Contract subspaces of the tensor structure which are 1D. Not defined on superoperators. If all dimensions are scalar, a Qobj of dimension [[1], [1]] is returned, i.e. _multiple_ scalar dimensions are contracted, but one is left. Parameters ---------- inplace: bool, optional If ``True``, modify the dimensions in place. If ``False``, return a copied object. Returns ------- out: :class:`.Qobj` Quantum object with dimensions contracted. Will be ``self`` if ``inplace`` is ``True``. """ if self.isket: sub = [x for x in self.dims[0] if x > 1] or [1] dims = [sub, [1]*len(sub)] elif self.isbra: sub = [x for x in self.dims[1] if x > 1] or [1] dims = [[1]*len(sub), sub] elif self.isoper or self.isoperket or self.isoperbra: if self.isoper: oper_dims = self.dims elif self.isoperket: oper_dims = self.dims[0] else: oper_dims = self.dims[1] if len(oper_dims[0]) != len(oper_dims[1]): raise ValueError("cannot parse Qobj dimensions: " + repr(self.dims)) dims_ = [ (x, y) for x, y in zip(oper_dims[0], oper_dims[1]) if x > 1 or y > 1 ] or [(1, 1)] dims = [[x for x, _ in dims_], [y for _, y in dims_]] if self.isoperket: dims = [dims, [1]] elif self.isoperbra: dims = [[1], dims] else: raise TypeError("not defined for superoperators") if inplace: self.dims = dims return self return Qobj(, dims=dims, copy=False)
[docs] def permute(self, order: list) -> Qobj: """ Permute the tensor structure of a quantum object. For example, ``qutip.tensor(x, y).permute([1, 0])`` will give the same result as ``qutip.tensor(y, x)`` and ``qutip.tensor(a, b, c).permute([1, 2, 0])`` will be the same as ``qutip.tensor(b, c, a)`` For regular objects (bras, kets and operators) we expect ``order`` to be a flat list of integers, which specifies the new order of the tensor product. For superoperators, we expect ``order`` to be something like ``[[0, 2], [1, 3]]`` which tells us to permute according to [0, 2, 1, 3], and then group indices according to the length of each sublist. As another example, permuting a superoperator with dimensions of ``[[[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]], [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]]`` by an ``order`` ``[[0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5]]`` should give a new object with dimensions ``[[[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]], [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]]``. Parameters ---------- order : list List of indices specifying the new tensor order. Returns ------- P : :class:`.Qobj` Permuted quantum object. """ if self.type in ('bra', 'ket', 'oper'): structure = self.dims[1] if self.isbra else self.dims[0] new_structure = [structure[x] for x in order] if self.isbra: dims = [self.dims[0], new_structure] elif self.isket: dims = [new_structure, self.dims[1]] else: if self._dims[0] != self._dims[1]: raise TypeError("undefined for non-square operators") dims = [new_structure, new_structure] data = _data.permute.dimensions(, structure, order) return Qobj(data, dims=dims, isherm=self._isherm, isunitary=self._isunitary, copy=False) # If we've got here, we're some form of superoperator, so we work with # the flattened structure. flat_order = flatten(order) flat_structure = flatten(self.dims[1] if self.isoperbra else self.dims[0]) new_structure = unflatten([flat_structure[x] for x in flat_order], enumerate_flat(order)) if self.isoperbra: dims = [self.dims[0], new_structure] elif self.isoperket: dims = [new_structure, self.dims[1]] else: if self._dims[0] != self._dims[1]: raise TypeError("undefined for non-square operators") dims = [new_structure, new_structure] data = _data.permute.dimensions(, flat_structure, flat_order) return Qobj(data, dims=dims, superrep=self.superrep, copy=False)
[docs] def tidyup(self, atol: float = None) -> Qobj: """ Removes small elements from the quantum object. Parameters ---------- atol : float Absolute tolerance used by tidyup. Default is set via qutip global settings parameters. Returns ------- oper : :class:`.Qobj` Quantum object with small elements removed. """ atol = atol or settings.core['auto_tidyup_atol'] = _data.tidyup(, atol) return self
[docs] def transform( self, inpt: list[Qobj] | ArrayLike, inverse: bool = False ) -> Qobj: """Basis transform defined by input array. Input array can be a ``matrix`` defining the transformation, or a ``list`` of kets that defines the new basis. Parameters ---------- inpt : array_like A ``matrix`` or ``list`` of kets defining the transformation. inverse : bool Whether to return inverse transformation. Returns ------- oper : :class:`.Qobj` Operator in new basis. Notes ----- This function is still in development. """ if isinstance(inpt, list) or (isinstance(inpt, np.ndarray) and inpt.ndim == 1): if len(inpt) != max(self.shape): raise TypeError( 'Invalid size of ket list for basis transformation') base = np.hstack([psi.full() for psi in inpt]) S = _data.adjoint(_data.create(base)) elif isinstance(inpt, Qobj) and inpt.isoper: S = elif isinstance(inpt, np.ndarray): S = _data.create(inpt).conj() else: raise TypeError('Invalid operand for basis transformation') # transform data if inverse: if self.isket: data = _data.matmul(S.adjoint(), elif self.isbra: data = _data.matmul(, S) else: data = _data.matmul(_data.matmul(S.adjoint(),, S) else: if self.isket: data = _data.matmul(S, elif self.isbra: data = _data.matmul(, S.adjoint()) else: data = _data.matmul(_data.matmul(S,, S.adjoint()) return Qobj(data, dims=self.dims, isherm=self._isherm, superrep=self.superrep, copy=False)
[docs] def trunc_neg(self, method: Literal["clip", "sgs"] = "clip") -> Qobj: """Truncates negative eigenvalues and renormalizes. Returns a new Qobj by removing the negative eigenvalues of this instance, then renormalizing to obtain a valid density operator. Parameters ---------- method : str Algorithm to use to remove negative eigenvalues. "clip" simply discards negative eigenvalues, then renormalizes. "sgs" uses the SGS algorithm (doi:10/bb76) to find the positive operator that is nearest in the Shatten 2-norm. Returns ------- oper : :class:`.Qobj` A valid density operator. """ if not self.isherm: raise ValueError("Must be a Hermitian operator to remove negative " "eigenvalues.") if method not in ('clip', 'sgs'): raise ValueError("Method {} not recognized.".format(method)) eigvals, eigstates = self.eigenstates() if all(eigval >= 0 for eigval in eigvals): # All positive, so just renormalize. return self.unit() idx_nonzero = eigvals != 0 eigvals = eigvals[idx_nonzero] eigstates = eigstates[idx_nonzero] if method == 'clip': eigvals[eigvals < 0] = 0 elif method == 'sgs': eigvals = eigvals[::-1] eigstates = eigstates[::-1] acc = 0.0 n_eigs = len(eigvals) for idx in reversed(range(n_eigs)): if eigvals[idx] + acc / (idx + 1) >= 0: break acc += eigvals[idx] eigvals[idx] = 0.0 eigvals[:idx+1] += acc / (idx + 1) out_data = _data.zeros(*self.shape) for value, state in zip(eigvals, eigstates): if value: # add in 3-argument form is fused-add-multiply out_data = _data.add(out_data, _data.project(, value) out_data = _data.mul(out_data, 1/_data.norm.trace(out_data)) return Qobj(out_data, dims=self._dims, isherm=True, copy=False)
[docs] def matrix_element(self, bra: Qobj, ket: Qobj) -> Qobj: """Calculates a matrix element. Gives the matrix element for the quantum object sandwiched between a `bra` and `ket` vector. Parameters ---------- bra : :class:`.Qobj` Quantum object of type 'bra' or 'ket' ket : :class:`.Qobj` Quantum object of type 'ket'. Returns ------- elem : complex Complex valued matrix element. Notes ----- It is slightly more computationally efficient to use a ket vector for the 'bra' input. """ if not self.isoper: raise TypeError("Can only get matrix elements for an operator.") if bra.type not in ('bra', 'ket') or ket.type not in ('bra', 'ket'): msg = "Can only calculate matrix elements between a bra and a ket." raise TypeError(msg) left, op, right =,, if ket.isbra: right = right.adjoint() return _data.inner_op(left, op, right, bra.isket)
[docs] def overlap(self, other: Qobj) -> complex: """ Overlap between two state vectors or two operators. Gives the overlap (inner product) between the current bra or ket Qobj and and another bra or ket Qobj. It gives the Hilbert-Schmidt overlap when one of the Qobj is an operator/density matrix. Parameters ---------- other : :class:`.Qobj` Quantum object for a state vector of type 'ket', 'bra' or density matrix. Returns ------- overlap : complex Complex valued overlap. Raises ------ TypeError Can only calculate overlap between a bra, ket and density matrix quantum objects. """ if not isinstance(other, Qobj): raise TypeError("".join([ "cannot calculate overlap with non-quantum object ", repr(other), ])) if ( self.type not in ('ket', 'bra', 'oper') or other.type not in ('ket', 'bra', 'oper') ): msg = "only bras, kets and density matrices have defined overlaps" raise TypeError(msg) left, right = self._data.adjoint(), if self.isoper or other.isoper: if not self.isoper: left = _data.project(left) if not other.isoper: right = _data.project(right) return _data.trace(_data.matmul(left, right)) if other.isbra: right = right.adjoint() out = _data.inner(left, right, self.isket) if self.isket and other.isbra: # In this particular case, we've basically doing # conj(other.overlap(self)) # so we take care to conjugate the output. out = np.conj(out) return out
[docs] def eigenstates( self, sparse: bool = False, sort: Literal["low", "high"] = 'low', eigvals: int = 0, tol: float = 0, maxiter: int = 100000, phase_fix: int = None ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, list[Qobj]]: """Eigenstates and eigenenergies. Eigenstates and eigenenergies are defined for operators and superoperators only. Parameters ---------- sparse : bool Use sparse Eigensolver sort : str Sort eigenvalues (and vectors) 'low' to high, or 'high' to low. eigvals : int Number of requested eigenvalues. Default is all eigenvalues. tol : float Tolerance used by sparse Eigensolver (0 = machine precision). The sparse solver may not converge if the tolerance is set too low. maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations performed by sparse solver (if used). phase_fix : int, None If not None, set the phase of each kets so that ket[phase_fix,0] is real positive. Returns ------- eigvals : array Array of eigenvalues for operator. eigvecs : array Array of quantum operators representing the oprator eigenkets. Order of eigenkets is determined by order of eigenvalues. Notes ----- The sparse eigensolver is much slower than the dense version. Use sparse only if memory requirements demand it. """ if isinstance(, _data.CSR) and sparse: evals, evecs = _data.eigs_csr(, isherm=self._isherm, sort=sort, eigvals=eigvals, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter) elif isinstance(, (_data.CSR, _data.Dia)): evals, evecs = _data.eigs(,, isherm=self._isherm, sort=sort, eigvals=eigvals) else: evals, evecs = _data.eigs(, isherm=self._isherm, sort=sort, eigvals=eigvals) if self.type == 'super': new_dims = [self._dims[0], [1]] else: new_dims = [self._dims[0], [1]*len(self.dims[0])] ekets = np.empty((evecs.shape[1],), dtype=object) ekets[:] = [Qobj(vec, dims=new_dims, copy=False) for vec in _data.split_columns(evecs, False)] norms = np.array([ket.norm() for ket in ekets]) if phase_fix is None: phase = np.array([1] * len(ekets)) else: phase = np.array([np.abs(ket[phase_fix, 0]) / ket[phase_fix, 0] if ket[phase_fix, 0] else 1 for ket in ekets]) return evals, ekets / norms * phase
[docs] def eigenenergies( self, sparse: bool = False, sort: Literal["low", "high"] = 'low', eigvals: int = 0, tol: float = 0, maxiter: int = 100000, ) -> np.ndarray: """Eigenenergies of a quantum object. Eigenenergies (eigenvalues) are defined for operators or superoperators only. Parameters ---------- sparse : bool Use sparse Eigensolver sort : str Sort eigenvalues 'low' to high, or 'high' to low. eigvals : int Number of requested eigenvalues. Default is all eigenvalues. tol : float Tolerance used by sparse Eigensolver (0=machine precision). The sparse solver may not converge if the tolerance is set too low. maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations performed by sparse solver (if used). Returns ------- eigvals : array Array of eigenvalues for operator. Notes ----- The sparse eigensolver is much slower than the dense version. Use sparse only if memory requirements demand it. """ # TODO: consider another way of handling the dispatch here. if isinstance(, _data.CSR) and sparse: return _data.eigs_csr(, vecs=False, isherm=self._isherm, sort=sort, eigvals=eigvals, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter) elif isinstance(, (_data.CSR, _data.Dia)): return _data.eigs(,, vecs=False, isherm=self._isherm, sort=sort, eigvals=eigvals) return _data.eigs(, vecs=False, isherm=self._isherm, sort=sort, eigvals=eigvals)
[docs] def groundstate( self, sparse: bool = False, tol: float = 0, maxiter: int = 100000, safe: bool = True ) -> tuple[float, Qobj]: """Ground state Eigenvalue and Eigenvector. Defined for quantum operators or superoperators only. Parameters ---------- sparse : bool Use sparse Eigensolver tol : float Tolerance used by sparse Eigensolver (0 = machine precision). The sparse solver may not converge if the tolerance is set too low. maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations performed by sparse solver (if used). safe : bool (default=True) Check for degenerate ground state Returns ------- eigval : float Eigenvalue for the ground state of quantum operator. eigvec : :class:`.Qobj` Eigenket for the ground state of quantum operator. Notes ----- The sparse eigensolver is much slower than the dense version. Use sparse only if memory requirements demand it. """ eigvals = 2 if safe else 1 evals, evecs = self.eigenstates(sparse=sparse, eigvals=eigvals, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter) if safe: tol = tol or settings.core['atol'] # This tol should be less strick than the tol for the eigensolver # so it's numerical errors are not seens as degenerate states. if (evals[1]-evals[0]) <= 10 * tol: warnings.warn("Ground state may be degenerate.", UserWarning) return evals[0], evecs[0]
[docs] def dnorm(self, B: Qobj = None) -> float: """Calculates the diamond norm, or the diamond distance to another operator. Parameters ---------- B : :class:`.Qobj` or None If B is not None, the diamond distance d(A, B) = dnorm(A - B) between this operator and B is returned instead of the diamond norm. Returns ------- d : float Either the diamond norm of this operator, or the diamond distance from this operator to B. """ return qutip.dnorm(self, B)
@property def ishp(self) -> bool: # FIXME: this needs to be cached in the same ways as isherm. if self.type in ["super", "oper"]: try: J = qutip.to_choi(self) return J.isherm except: return False else: return False @property def iscp(self) -> bool: # FIXME: this needs to be cached in the same ways as isherm. if self.type not in ["super", "oper"]: return False # We can test with either Choi or chi, since the basis # transformation between them is unitary and hence preserves # the CP and TP conditions. J = self if self.superrep in ('choi', 'chi') else qutip.to_choi(self) # If J isn't hermitian, then that could indicate either that J is not # normal, or is normal, but has complex eigenvalues. In either case, # it makes no sense to then demand that the eigenvalues be # non-negative. return J.isherm and np.all(J.eigenenergies() >= -settings.core['atol']) @property def istp(self) -> bool: if self.type not in ['super', 'oper']: return False # Normalize to a super of type choi or chi. # We can test with either Choi or chi, since the basis # transformation between them is unitary and hence # preserves the CP and TP conditions. if self.issuper and self.superrep in ('choi', 'chi'): qobj = self else: qobj = qutip.to_choi(self) # Possibly collapse dims. if any([len(index) > 1 for super_index in qobj.dims for index in super_index]): qobj = Qobj(, dims=collapse_dims_super(qobj.dims), superrep=qobj.superrep, copy=False) # We use the condition from John Watrous' lecture notes, # Tr_1(J(Phi)) = identity_2. # See:, # Theory of Quantum Information (Fall 2011), theorem 5.4. tr_oper = qobj.ptrace([0]) return np.allclose(tr_oper.full(), np.eye(tr_oper.shape[0]), atol=settings.core['atol']) @property def iscptp(self) -> bool: if not (self.issuper or self.isoper): return False reps = ('choi', 'chi') q_oper = qutip.to_choi(self) if self.superrep not in reps else self return q_oper.iscp and q_oper.istp @property def isherm(self) -> bool: if self._isherm is not None: return self._isherm self._isherm = _data.isherm(self._data) return self._isherm @isherm.setter def isherm(self, isherm: bool): self._isherm = isherm def _calculate_isunitary(self): """ Checks whether qobj is a unitary matrix """ if not self.isoper or self._data.shape[0] != self._data.shape[1]: return False cmp = _data.matmul(self._data, self._data.adjoint()) iden = _data.identity_like(cmp) return _data.iszero(_data.sub(cmp, iden), tol=settings.core['atol']) @property def isunitary(self) -> bool: if self._isunitary is not None: return self._isunitary self._isunitary = self._calculate_isunitary() return self._isunitary @property def shape(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """Return the shape of the Qobj data.""" return self._data.shape @property def isoper(self) -> bool: """Indicates if the Qobj represents an operator.""" return self._dims.type in ['oper', 'scalar'] @property def isbra(self) -> bool: """Indicates if the Qobj represents a bra state.""" return self._dims.type in ['bra', 'scalar'] @property def isket(self) -> bool: """Indicates if the Qobj represents a ket state.""" return self._dims.type in ['ket', 'scalar'] @property def issuper(self) -> bool: """Indicates if the Qobj represents a superoperator.""" return self._dims.type == 'super' @property def isoperket(self) -> bool: """Indicates if the Qobj represents a operator-ket state.""" return self._dims.type == 'operator-ket' @property def isoperbra(self) -> bool: """Indicates if the Qobj represents a operator-bra state.""" return self._dims.type == 'operator-bra'
[docs] def ptrace(Q: Qobj, sel: int | list[int]) -> Qobj: """ Partial trace of the Qobj with selected components remaining. Parameters ---------- Q : :class:`.Qobj` Composite quantum object. sel : int/list An ``int`` or ``list`` of components to keep after partial trace. Returns ------- oper : :class:`.Qobj` Quantum object representing partial trace with selected components remaining. Notes ----- This function is for legacy compatibility only. It is recommended to use the ``ptrace()`` Qobj method. """ if not isinstance(Q, Qobj): raise TypeError("Input is not a quantum object") return Q.ptrace(sel)