Source code for qutip.core.superop_reps

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This module was initially contributed by Ben Criger.
This module implements transformations between superoperator representations,
including supermatrix, Kraus, Choi and Chi (process) matrix formalisms.

__all__ = [
    'kraus_to_choi', 'kraus_to_super',
    'to_choi', 'to_chi', 'to_super', 'to_kraus', 'to_stinespring',

import itertools
import numbers

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg

from . import data as _data
from .superoperator import stack_columns, unstack_columns, sprepost
from .tensor import tensor
from .dimensions import flatten
from .qobj import Qobj
from .operators import identity, sigmax, sigmay, sigmaz
from .states import basis

# TODO: revisit when creation routines have dispatching.

def _superpauli_basis(nq=1):
    dims = [[[2] * nq] * 2] * 2
    nnz = 8**nq
    data = _data.csr.empty(4**nq, 4**nq, nnz)
    sci = data.as_scipy(full=True)
    ptr, ptr_inc = 0, 2**nq
    # Construct the Pauli basis by vertically stacking rows in sparse format.
    # The CSR format is much more efficient at handling row-stacking, so we
    # actually have to do a little dance through adjoint/transpose to get it
    # into the right format.
    for i, paulis in enumerate(itertools.product(_SINGLE_QUBIT_PAULI_BASIS,
        basis = paulis[0].data
        for pauli in paulis[1:]:
            basis = _data.kron_csr(basis,
        basis_ket_sci = _data.column_stack_csr(basis).transpose().as_scipy()[ptr : ptr+ptr_inc] =
        sci.indices[ptr : ptr+ptr_inc] = basis_ket_sci.indices
        sci.indptr[i] = ptr
        ptr += ptr_inc
    sci.indptr[-1] = nnz
    return Qobj(data.adjoint(),

def _int_log_two(x):
    return int(x).bit_length() - 1

def _is_power_of_two(x):
    return isinstance(x, numbers.Integral) and x == 2**_int_log_two(x)

def _nq(dims):
    dim =[0][0])
    nq = _int_log_two(dim)
    if 2 ** nq != dim:
        raise ValueError("{} is not an integer power of 2.".format(dim))
    return nq

def isqubitdims(dims: list[list[int]] | list[list[list[int]]]) -> bool:
    Checks whether all entries in a dims list are integer powers of 2.

    dims : nested list of ints
        Dimensions to be checked.

    isqubitdims : bool
        True if and only if every member of the flattened dims
        list is an integer power of 2.
    return all(_is_power_of_two(dim) for dim in flatten(dims))

def _to_superpauli(q_oper):
    Convert a superoperator to the Pauli basis (assuming qubit dimensions).

    This is an internal function, as QuTiP does not currently have
    a way to mark that superoperators are represented in the Pauli
    basis as opposed to the column-stacking basis; a Pauli-basis
    ``type='super'`` would thus break other conversion functions.
    # Ensure we start with a column-stacking-basis superoperator.
    sqobj = to_super(q_oper)
    if not isqubitdims(sqobj.dims):
        raise ValueError("Pauli basis is only defined for qubits.")
    nq = _int_log_two(sqobj.shape[0]) // 2
    B = _superpauli_basis(nq) * 2**(-0.5 * nq)
    # To do this, we have to hack a bit and force the dims to match,
    # since the superpauli_basis function makes different assumptions
    # about indices than we need here.
    B.dims = sqobj.dims
    return B.dag() @ sqobj @ B

def _choi_to_kraus(q_oper, tol=1e-9):
    Takes a Choi matrix and returns a list of Kraus operators.
    TODO: Create a new class structure for quantum channels, perhaps as a
    strict sub-class of Qobj.
    vals, vecs = q_oper.eigenstates()
    dims = [q_oper.dims[0][1], q_oper.dims[0][0]]
    shape = ([0][1]),[0][0]))
    return [Qobj(_data.mul(unstack_columns(, shape=shape), np.sqrt(val)),
                 dims=dims, copy='False')
            for val, vec in zip(vals, vecs) if abs(val) >= tol]

# Individual conversions from Kraus operators are public because the output
# list of Kraus operators is not itself a quantum object.

[docs] def kraus_to_choi(kraus_ops: list[Qobj]) -> Qobj: r""" Convert a list of Kraus operators into Choi representation of the channel. Essentially, kraus operators are a decomposition of a Choi matrix, and its reconstruction from them should go as :math:`E = \sum_{i} |K_i\rangle\rangle \langle\langle K_i|`, where we use vector representation of Kraus operators. Parameters ---------- kraus_ops : list[Qobj] The list of Kraus operators to be converted to Choi representation. Returns ------- choi : Qobj A quantum object representing the same map as ``kraus_ops``, such that ``choi.superrep == "choi"``. """ len_op =[0].shape) # If Kraus ops have dims [M, N] in qutip notation (act on [N, N] density # matrix and produce [M, M] d.m.), Choi matrix Hilbert space will # be [[M, N], [M, N]] because Choi Hilbert space # is (output space) x (input space). choi_dims = [kraus_ops[0].dims] * 2 # transform a list of Qobj matrices list[sum_ij k_ij |i><j|] # into an array of array vectors sum_ij k_ij |i, j>> = sum_I k_I |I>> kraus_vectors = np.asarray([ np.reshape(kraus_op.full(), len_op, order="F") for kraus_op in kraus_ops ]) # sum_{I} |k_I|^2 |I>><<I| choi_array = np.tensordot( kraus_vectors, kraus_vectors.conj(), axes=([0], [0]) ) return Qobj(choi_array, choi_dims, superrep="choi", copy=False)
[docs] def kraus_to_super(kraus_list: list[Qobj], sparse=False) -> Qobj: """ Convert a list of Kraus operators to a superoperator. Parameters ---------- kraus_list : list of Qobj The list of Kraus super operators to convert. sparse: bool Prevents dense intermediates if true. """ if sparse: return sum(sprepost(k, k.dag()) for k in kraus_list) else: return to_super(kraus_to_choi(kraus_list))
def _super_tofrom_choi(q_oper): """ We exploit that the basis transformation between Choi and supermatrix representations squares to the identity, so that if we munge Qobj.type, we can use the same function. """ if not q_oper.issuper: raise ValueError("needs to be a superoperator") if q_oper.superrep not in ('super', 'choi'): raise ValueError("operator is not in super or choi format") data = dims = q_oper.dims new_dims = [[dims[1][1], dims[0][1]], [dims[1][0], dims[0][0]]] d0 =[0])) d1 =[1])) s0 =[0][0]) s1 =[1][1]) data = ( data.reshape([s0, s1, s0, s1]).transpose(3, 1, 2, 0).reshape([d0, d1]) ) return Qobj(data, dims=new_dims, superrep='super' if q_oper.superrep == 'choi' else 'choi', copy=False) def _choi_to_chi(q_oper): """ Converts a Choi matrix to a Chi matrix in the Pauli basis. NOTE: this is only supported for qubits right now. Need to extend to Heisenberg-Weyl for other subsystem dimensions. """ nq = _nq(q_oper.dims) B = _superpauli_basis(nq).data return Qobj(_data.matmul(_data.matmul(B.adjoint(),, B), dims=q_oper.dims, superrep='chi', copy=False) def _chi_to_choi(q_oper): """ Converts a Chi matrix to a Choi matrix. NOTE: this is only supported for qubits right now. Need to extend to Heisenberg-Weyl for other subsystem dimensions. """ nq = _nq(q_oper.dims) B = _superpauli_basis(nq).data # The Chi matrix has tr(chi) == d², so we need to divide out # by that to get back to the Choi form. return Qobj(_data.mul( _data.matmul(_data.matmul(B,, B.adjoint()), 1 / q_oper.shape[0] ), dims=q_oper.dims, superrep='choi', copy=False) def _svd_u_to_kraus(U, S, d, dK, indims, outdims): """ Given a partial isometry U and a vector of square-roots of singular values S obtained from a SVD, produces the Kraus operators represented by U. Returns ------- Ks : list of Qobj Quantum objects represnting each of the Kraus operators. """ # We use U * S since S is 1-index, such that this is equivalent to # U . diag(S), but easier to write down. data = np.array(U * S).reshape((d, d, dK), order='F').transpose((2, 0, 1)) return [ Qobj(x, dims=[outdims, indims], copy=False) for x in data ] def _generalized_kraus(q_oper, threshold=1e-10): # TODO: document! # TODO: use this to generalize to_kraus to the case where U != V. # This is critical for non-CP maps, as appear in (for example) # diamond norm differences between two CP maps. if not q_oper.issuper or q_oper.superrep != "choi": raise ValueError("".join([ "Expected a Choi matrix, got a ", repr(q_oper.type), " (superrep ", repr(q_oper.superrep), ")." ])) # Remember the shape of the underlying space, # as we'll need this to make Kraus operators later. dL, dR = int(np.sqrt(q_oper.shape[0])), int(np.sqrt(q_oper.shape[1])) # Also remember the dims breakout. out_dims, in_dims = q_oper.dims out_left, out_right = out_dims in_left, in_right = in_dims # Find the SVD. U, S, V = scipy.linalg.svd(q_oper.full()) # Truncate away the zero singular values, up to a threshold. nonzero_idxs = S > threshold dK = nonzero_idxs.sum() U = np.array(U)[:, nonzero_idxs] # We also want S to be a single index array, which np.matrix # doesn't allow for. This is stripped by calling array() on it. S = np.sqrt(np.array(S)[nonzero_idxs]) # Since NumPy returns V and not V+, we need to take the dagger # to get back to quantum info notation for Stinespring pairs. V = np.array(V.conj().T)[:, nonzero_idxs] # Next, we convert each of U and V into Kraus operators. # Finally, we want the Kraus index to be left-most so that we # can map over it when making Qobjs. # FIXME: does not preserve dims! kU = _svd_u_to_kraus(U, S, dL, dK, out_right, out_left) kV = _svd_u_to_kraus(V, S, dL, dK, in_right, in_left) return kU, kV def _choi_to_stinespring(q_oper, threshold=1e-10): # TODO: document! kU, kV = _generalized_kraus(q_oper, threshold=threshold) assert len(kU) == len(kV) dK = len(kU) dL = kU[0].shape[0] dR = kV[0].shape[1] # Also remember the dims breakout. out_dims, in_dims = q_oper.dims out_left, out_right = out_dims in_left, in_right = in_dims A = Qobj(_data.zeros(dK * dL, dL), dims=[out_left + [dK], out_right + [1]], isherm=True, isunitary=False, copy=False) B = Qobj(_data.zeros(dK * dR, dR), dims=[in_left + [dK], in_right + [1]], isherm=True, isunitary=False, copy=False) for idx_kraus, (KL, KR) in enumerate(zip(kU, kV)): A += tensor(KL, basis(dK, idx_kraus)) B += tensor(KR, basis(dK, idx_kraus)) # There is no input (right) Kraus index, so strip that off. A.dims = [out_left + [dK], out_right] B.dims = [in_left + [dK], in_right] return A, B
[docs] def to_choi(q_oper: Qobj) -> Qobj: """ Converts a Qobj representing a quantum map to the Choi representation, such that the trace of the returned operator is equal to the dimension of the system. Parameters ---------- q_oper : Qobj Superoperator to be converted to Choi representation. If ``q_oper`` is ``type="oper"``, then it is taken to act by conjugation, such that ``to_choi(A) == to_choi(sprepost(A, A.dag()))``. Returns ------- choi : Qobj A quantum object representing the same map as ``q_oper``, such that ``choi.superrep == "choi"``. Raises ------ TypeError: If the given quantum object is not a map, or cannot be converted to Choi representation. """ if q_oper.type == 'super': if q_oper.superrep == 'choi': return q_oper if q_oper.superrep == 'super': return _super_tofrom_choi(q_oper) if q_oper.superrep == 'chi': return _chi_to_choi(q_oper) else: raise TypeError(q_oper.superrep) elif q_oper.type == 'oper': return _super_tofrom_choi(sprepost(q_oper, q_oper.dag())) else: raise TypeError( "Conversion of Qobj with type = {0.type} " "and superrep = {0.choi} to Choi not supported.".format(q_oper) )
[docs] def to_chi(q_oper: Qobj) -> Qobj: """ Converts a Qobj representing a quantum map to a representation as a chi (process) matrix in the Pauli basis, such that the trace of the returned operator is equal to the dimension of the system. Parameters ---------- q_oper : Qobj Superoperator to be converted to Chi representation. If ``q_oper`` is ``type="oper"``, then it is taken to act by conjugation, such that ``to_chi(A) == to_chi(sprepost(A, A.dag()))``. Returns ------- chi : Qobj A quantum object representing the same map as ``q_oper``, such that ``chi.superrep == "chi"``. Raises ------ TypeError: If the given quantum object is not a map, or cannot be converted to Chi representation. """ if q_oper.type == 'super': if q_oper.superrep == 'chi': return q_oper elif q_oper.superrep == 'choi': return _choi_to_chi(q_oper) elif q_oper.superrep == 'super': return _choi_to_chi(to_choi(q_oper)) else: raise TypeError(q_oper.superrep) elif q_oper.type == 'oper': return to_chi(sprepost(q_oper, q_oper.dag())) else: raise TypeError( "Conversion of Qobj with type = {0.type} " "and superrep = {0.choi} to Choi not supported.".format(q_oper) )
[docs] def to_super(q_oper: Qobj) -> Qobj: """ Converts a Qobj representing a quantum map to the supermatrix (Liouville) representation. Parameters ---------- q_oper : Qobj Superoperator to be converted to supermatrix representation. If ``q_oper`` is ``type="oper"``, then it is taken to act by conjugation, such that ``to_super(A) == sprepost(A, A.dag())``. Returns ------- superop : Qobj A quantum object representing the same map as ``q_oper``, such that ``superop.superrep == "super"``. Raises ------ TypeError If the given quantum object is not a map, or cannot be converted to supermatrix representation. """ if q_oper.type == 'super': if q_oper.superrep == "super": return q_oper elif q_oper.superrep == 'choi': return _super_tofrom_choi(q_oper) elif q_oper.superrep == 'chi': return to_super(to_choi(q_oper)) else: raise ValueError( "Unrecognized superrep '{}'.".format(q_oper.superrep)) elif q_oper.type == 'oper': # Assume unitary return sprepost(q_oper, q_oper.dag()) else: raise TypeError( "Conversion of Qobj with type = {0.type} " "and superrep = {0.superrep} to supermatrix not " "supported.".format(q_oper) )
[docs] def to_kraus(q_oper: Qobj, tol: float=1e-9) -> list[Qobj]: """ Converts a Qobj representing a quantum map to a list of quantum objects, each representing an operator in the Kraus decomposition of the given map. Parameters ---------- q_oper : Qobj Superoperator to be converted to Kraus representation. If ``q_oper`` is ``type="oper"``, then it is taken to act by conjugation, such that ``to_kraus(A) == to_kraus(sprepost(A, A.dag())) == [A]``. tol : Float, default: 1e-9 Optional threshold parameter for eigenvalues/Kraus ops to be discarded. Returns ------- kraus_ops : list of Qobj A list of quantum objects, each representing a Kraus operator in the decomposition of ``q_oper``. Raises ------ TypeError: if the given quantum object is not a map, or cannot be decomposed into Kraus operators. """ if q_oper.issuper: if q_oper.superrep != 'choi': q_oper = to_choi(q_oper) return _choi_to_kraus(q_oper, tol) elif q_oper.isoper: # Assume unitary return [q_oper] raise TypeError( "Conversion of Qobj with type={0.type} " "and superrep={0.superrep} to Kraus decomposition not " "supported.".format(q_oper) )
[docs] def to_stinespring(q_oper: Qobj, threshold: float=1e-10) -> tuple[Qobj, Qobj]: r""" Converts a Qobj representing a quantum map :math:`\Lambda` to a pair of partial isometries ``A`` and ``B`` such that :math:`\Lambda(X) = \Tr_2(A X B^\dagger)` for all inputs ``X``, where the partial trace is taken over a a new index on the output dimensions of ``A`` and ``B``. For completely positive inputs, ``A`` will always equal ``B`` up to precision errors. Parameters ---------- q_oper : Qobj Superoperator to be converted to a Stinespring pair. threshold : float, default: 1e-10 Threshold parameter for eigenvalues/Kraus ops to be discarded. Returns ------- A, B : Qobj Quantum objects representing each of the Stinespring matrices for the input Qobj. """ return _choi_to_stinespring(to_choi(q_oper), threshold)