__all__ = ['entropy_vn', 'entropy_linear', 'entropy_mutual', 'negativity',
'concurrence', 'entropy_conditional', 'entangling_power',
from .core.numpy_backend import np
from .partial_transpose import partial_transpose
from . import (ptrace, tensor, sigmay, ket2dm,
from .core import data as _data
def entropy_vn(rho, base=np.e, sparse=False):
Von-Neumann entropy of density matrix
rho : qobj
Density matrix.
base : {e, 2}, default: e
Base of logarithm.
sparse : bool, default: False
Use sparse eigensolver.
entropy : float
Von-Neumann entropy of `rho`.
>>> rho=0.5*fock_dm(2,0)+0.5*fock_dm(2,1)
>>> entropy_vn(rho,2)
if rho.type == 'ket' or rho.type == 'bra':
rho = ket2dm(rho)
vals = rho.eigenenergies(sparse=sparse)
threshold = 1e-17
nzvals = np.where(vals < threshold, threshold, vals)
if base == 2:
logvals = np.log2(nzvals)
elif base == np.e:
logvals = np.log(nzvals)
raise ValueError("Base must be 2 or e.")
return np.real(-sum(nzvals * logvals))
def entropy_linear(rho):
Linear entropy of a density matrix.
rho : qobj
sensity matrix or ket/bra vector.
entropy : float
Linear entropy of rho.
>>> rho=0.5*fock_dm(2,0)+0.5*fock_dm(2,1)
>>> entropy_linear(rho)
if rho.type == 'ket' or rho.type == 'bra':
rho = ket2dm(rho)
return np.real(1.0 - (rho ** 2).tr())
def concurrence(rho):
Calculate the concurrence entanglement measure for a two-qubit state.
state : qobj
Ket, bra, or density matrix for a two-qubit state.
concur : float
.. [1] `https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concurrence_(quantum_computing)`
if rho.isket and rho.dims != [[2, 2], [1, 1]]:
raise Exception("Ket must be tensor product of two qubits.")
elif rho.isbra and rho.dims != [[1, 1], [2, 2]]:
raise Exception("Bra must be tensor product of two qubits.")
elif rho.isoper and rho.dims != [[2, 2], [2, 2]]:
raise Exception("Density matrix must be tensor product of two qubits.")
if rho.isket or rho.isbra:
rho = ket2dm(rho)
sysy = tensor(sigmay(), sigmay())
rho_tilde = (rho * sysy) * (rho.conj() * sysy)
evals = rho_tilde.eigenenergies()
# abs to avoid problems with sqrt for very small negative numbers
evals = abs(np.sort(np.real(evals)))
sqrt_evals = np.sqrt(evals)
lsum = sqrt_evals[3] - sqrt_evals[2] - sqrt_evals[1] - sqrt_evals[0]
return np.maximum(0, lsum)
def negativity(rho, subsys, method='tracenorm', logarithmic=False):
Compute the negativity for a multipartite quantum system described
by the density matrix rho. The subsys argument is an index that
indicates which system to compute the negativity for.
.. note::
if rho.isket or rho.isbra:
rho = ket2dm(rho)
mask = [idx == subsys for idx, n in enumerate(rho.dims[0])]
rho_pt = partial_transpose(rho, mask)
if method == 'tracenorm':
N = ((rho_pt.dag() * rho_pt).sqrtm().tr().real - 1)/2.0
elif method == 'eigenvalues':
l = rho_pt.eigenenergies()
N = ((abs(l)-l)/2).sum()
raise ValueError("Unknown method %s" % method)
# Return the negativity value (or its logarithm if specified)
if logarithmic:
return np.log2(2 * N + 1)
return N
def entropy_mutual(rho, selA, selB, base=np.e, sparse=False):
Calculates the mutual information S(A:B) between selection
components of a system density matrix.
rho : qobj
Density matrix for composite quantum systems
selA : int/list
`int` or `list` of first selected density matrix components.
selB : int/list
`int` or `list` of second selected density matrix components.
base : {e, 2}, default: e
Base of logarithm.
sparse : bool, default: False
Use sparse eigensolver.
ent_mut : float
Mutual information between selected components.
if isinstance(selA, int):
selA = [selA]
if isinstance(selB, int):
selB = [selB]
if rho.type != 'oper':
raise TypeError("Input must be a density matrix.")
if (len(selA) + len(selB)) != len(rho.dims[0]):
raise TypeError("Number of selected components must match " +
"total number.")
rhoA = ptrace(rho, selA)
rhoB = ptrace(rho, selB)
out = (entropy_vn(rhoA, base, sparse=sparse) +
entropy_vn(rhoB, base, sparse=sparse) -
entropy_vn(rho, base, sparse=sparse))
return out
def entropy_relative(rho, sigma, base=np.e, sparse=False, tol=1e-12):
Calculates the relative entropy S(rho||sigma) between two density
rho : :class:`.Qobj`
First density matrix (or ket which will be converted to a density
sigma : :class:`.Qobj`
Second density matrix (or ket which will be converted to a density
base : {e, 2}, default: e
Base of logarithm. Defaults to e.
sparse : bool, default: False
Flag to use sparse solver when determining the eigenvectors
of the density matrices. Defaults to False.
tol : float, default: 1e-12
Tolerance to use to detect 0 eigenvalues or dot producted between
eigenvectors. Defaults to 1e-12.
rel_ent : float
Value of relative entropy. Guaranteed to be greater than zero
and should equal zero only when rho and sigma are identical.
First we define two density matrices:
>>> rho = qutip.ket2dm(qutip.ket("00"))
>>> sigma = rho + qutip.ket2dm(qutip.ket("01"))
>>> sigma = sigma.unit()
Then we calculate their relative entropy using base 2 (i.e. ``log2``)
and base e (i.e. ``log``).
>>> qutip.entropy_relative(rho, sigma, base=2)
>>> qutip.entropy_relative(rho, sigma)
See Nielsen & Chuang, "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information",
Section 11.3.1, pg. 511 for a detailed explanation of quantum relative
if rho.isket:
rho = ket2dm(rho)
if sigma.isket:
sigma = ket2dm(sigma)
if not rho.isoper or not sigma.isoper:
raise TypeError("Inputs must be density matrices.")
if rho.dims != sigma.dims:
raise ValueError("Inputs must have the same shape and dims.")
if base == 2:
log_base = np.log2
elif base == np.e:
log_base = np.log
raise ValueError("Base must be 2 or e.")
# S(rho || sigma) = sum_i(p_i log p_i) - sum_ij(p_i P_ij log q_i)
# S is +inf if the kernel of sigma (i.e. svecs[svals == 0]) has non-trivial
# intersection with the support of rho (i.e. rvecs[rvals != 0]).
rvals, rvecs = _data.eigs(rho.data, rho.isherm, True)
rvecs = rvecs.to_array().T
if any(abs(np.imag(rvals)) >= tol):
raise ValueError("Input rho has non-real eigenvalues.")
rvals = np.real(rvals)
svals, svecs = _data.eigs(sigma.data, sigma.isherm, True)
svecs = svecs.to_array().T
if any(abs(np.imag(svals)) >= tol):
raise ValueError("Input sigma has non-real eigenvalues.")
svals = np.real(svals)
# Calculate inner products of eigenvectors and return +inf if kernel
# of sigma overlaps with support of rho.
P = abs(np.inner(rvecs, np.conj(svecs))) ** 2
if (rvals >= tol) @ (P >= tol) @ (svals < tol):
return np.inf
# Avoid -inf from log(0) -- these terms will be multiplied by zero later
# anyway
svals[abs(svals) < tol] = 1
nzrvals = rvals[abs(rvals) >= tol]
# Calculate S
S = nzrvals @ log_base(nzrvals) - rvals @ P @ log_base(svals)
# the relative entropy is guaranteed to be >= 0, so we clamp the
# calculated value to 0 to avoid small violations of the lower bound.
return np.maximum(0, S)
def entropy_conditional(rho, selB, base=np.e, sparse=False):
Calculates the conditional entropy :math:`S(A|B)=S(A,B)-S(B)`
of a selected density matrix component.
rho : qobj
Density matrix of composite object
selB : int/list
Selected components for density matrix B
base : {e, 2}, default: e
Base of logarithm.
sparse : bool, default: False
Use sparse eigensolver.
ent_cond : float
Value of conditional entropy
if rho.type != 'oper':
raise TypeError("Input must be density matrix.")
if isinstance(selB, int):
selB = [selB]
B = ptrace(rho, selB)
out = (entropy_vn(rho, base, sparse=sparse) -
entropy_vn(B, base, sparse=sparse))
return out
def participation_ratio(rho):
Returns the effective number of states for a density matrix.
The participation is unity for pure states, and maximally N,
where N is the Hilbert space dimensionality, for completely
mixed states.
rho : qobj
Density matrix
pr : float
Effective number of states in the density matrix
if rho.type == 'ket' or rho.type == 'bra':
return 1.0
return 1.0 / (rho ** 2).tr()
def entangling_power(U):
Calculate the entangling power of a two-qubit gate U, which
is zero of nonentangling gates and 2/9 for maximally entangling gates.
U : qobj
Qobj instance representing a two-qubit gate.
ep : float
The entanglement power of U (real number between 0 and 2/9)
Explorations in Quantum Computing, Colin P. Williams (Springer, 2011)
if not U.isoper:
raise Exception("U must be an operator.")
if U.dims != [[2, 2], [2, 2]]:
raise Exception("U must be a two-qubit gate.")
from qutip.core.gates import swap
swap13 = expand_operator(swap(dtype=U.dtype), [2, 2, 2, 2], [1, 3])
a = tensor(U, U).dag() * swap13 * tensor(U, U) * swap13
Uswap = swap(dtype=U.dtype) * U
b = tensor(Uswap, Uswap).dag() * swap13 * tensor(Uswap, Uswap) * swap13
return 5.0/9 - 1.0/36 * (a.tr() + b.tr()).real