Quantum Objects
- class Qobj(
- arg: ArrayLike | Any = None,
- dims: DimensionLike = None,
- copy: bool = True,
- superrep: str = None,
- isherm: bool = None,
- isunitary: bool = None,
A class for representing quantum objects, such as quantum operators and states.
The Qobj class is the QuTiP representation of quantum operators and state vectors. This class also implements math operations +,-,* between Qobj instances (and / by a C-number), as well as a collection of common operator/state operations. The Qobj constructor optionally takes a dimension
and/or shapelist
as arguments.- Parameters:
- arg: array_like, data object or :obj:`.Qobj`
Data for vector/matrix representation of the quantum object.
- dims: list
Dimensions of object used for tensor products.
- copy: bool
Flag specifying whether Qobj should get a copy of the input data, or use the original.
- Attributes:
- dataobject
The data object storing the vector / matrix representation of the Qobj.
- dtypetype
The data-layer type used for storing the data. The possible types are described in Qobj.to.
- dimslist
List of dimensions keeping track of the tensor structure.
listReturn the shape of the Qobj data.
- typestr
Type of quantum object: ‘bra’, ‘ket’, ‘oper’, ‘operator-ket’, ‘operator-bra’, or ‘super’.
- superrepstr
Representation used if type is ‘super’. One of ‘super’ (Liouville form), ‘choi’ (Choi matrix with tr = dimension), or ‘chi’ (chi-matrix representation).
- ishermbool
Indicates if quantum object represents Hermitian operator.
- isunitarybool
Indictaes if quantum object represents unitary operator.
- iscpbool
Indicates if the quantum object represents a map, and if that map is completely positive (CP).
- ishpbool
Indicates if the quantum object represents a map, and if that map is hermicity preserving (HP).
- istpbool
Indicates if the quantum object represents a map, and if that map is trace preserving (TP).
- iscptpbool
Indicates if the quantum object represents a map that is completely positive and trace preserving (CPTP).
boolIndicates if the Qobj represents a ket state.
boolIndicates if the Qobj represents a bra state.
boolIndicates if the Qobj represents an operator.
boolIndicates if the Qobj represents a superoperator.
boolIndicates if the Qobj represents a operator-ket state.
boolIndicates if the Qobj represents a operator-bra state.
Create copy of Qobj
Conjugate of quantum object.
Contract subspaces of the tensor structure which are 1D.
Cosine of quantum object.
Adjoint (dagger) of quantum object.
data_as(format, copy)
Vector / matrix representation of quantum object.
Diagonal elements of quantum object.
Diamond norm of quantum operator.
Dual channel of quantum object representing a CP map.
eigenenergies(sparse=False, sort=’low’, eigvals=0, tol=0, maxiter=100000)
Returns eigenenergies (eigenvalues) of a quantum object.
eigenstates(sparse=False, sort=’low’, eigvals=0, tol=0, maxiter=100000)
Returns eigenenergies and eigenstates of quantum object.
Matrix exponential of quantum object.
Returns dense array of quantum object data attribute.
groundstate(sparse=False, tol=0, maxiter=100000)
Returns eigenvalue and eigenket for the groundstate of a quantum object.
Return a Qobj corresponding to the matrix inverse of the operator.
Matrix logarithm of quantum operator.
matrix_element(bra, ket)
Returns the matrix element of operator between bra and ket vectors.
norm(norm=’tr’, sparse=False, tol=0, maxiter=100000)
Returns norm of a ket or an operator.
Overlap between two state vectors or two operators.
Returns composite qobj with indices reordered.
Computes the projector for a ket or bra vector.
Returns quantum object for selected dimensions after performing partial trace.
Calculates the purity of a quantum object.
Sine of quantum object.
Matrix square root of quantum object.
Removes small elements from quantum object.
Trace of quantum object.
Transpose of quantum object.
transform(inpt, inverse=False)
Performs a basis transformation defined by inpt matrix.
Removes negative eigenvalues and returns a new Qobj that is a valid density operator.
unit(norm=’tr’, sparse=False, tol=0, maxiter=100000)
Returns normalized quantum object.
- __call__(other: Qobj) Qobj [source]
Acts this Qobj on another Qobj either by left-multiplication, or by vectorization and devectorization, as appropriate.
- check_herm() bool [source]
Check if the quantum object is hermitian.
- Returns:
- ishermbool
Returns the new value of isherm property.
- contract(inplace: bool = False) Qobj [source]
Contract subspaces of the tensor structure which are 1D. Not defined on superoperators. If all dimensions are scalar, a Qobj of dimension [[1], [1]] is returned, i.e. _multiple_ scalar dimensions are contracted, but one is left.
- Parameters:
- inplace: bool, optional
, modify the dimensions in place. IfFalse
, return a copied object.
- Returns:
- out:
Quantum object with dimensions contracted. Will be
- out:
- cosm() Qobj [source]
Cosine of a quantum operator.
Operator must be square.
- Returns:
- oper
Matrix cosine of operator.
- oper
- Raises:
- TypeError
Quantum object is not square.
Uses the Q.expm() method.
- data_as(format: str = None, copy: bool = True) Any [source]
Matrix from quantum object.
- Parameters:
- formatstr, default: None
Type of the output, “ndarray” for
, “csr_matrix” forCSR
. A ValueError will be raised if the format is not supported.- copybool {False, True}
Whether to return a copy
- Returns:
- datanumpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse.matrix_csr, etc.
Matrix in the type of the underlying libraries.
- diag() ndarray [source]
Diagonal elements of quantum object.
- Returns:
- diagsarray
Returns array of
values if operators is Hermitian, otherwisecomplex
values are returned.
- dnorm(B: Qobj = None) float [source]
Calculates the diamond norm, or the diamond distance to another operator.
- Parameters:
- B
or None If B is not None, the diamond distance d(A, B) = dnorm(A - B) between this operator and B is returned instead of the diamond norm.
- B
- Returns:
- dfloat
Either the diamond norm of this operator, or the diamond distance from this operator to B.
- eigenenergies(
- sparse: bool = False,
- sort: Literal['low', 'high'] = 'low',
- eigvals: int = 0,
- tol: float = 0,
- maxiter: int = 100000,
Eigenenergies of a quantum object.
Eigenenergies (eigenvalues) are defined for operators or superoperators only.
- Parameters:
- sparsebool
Use sparse Eigensolver
- sortstr
Sort eigenvalues ‘low’ to high, or ‘high’ to low.
- eigvalsint
Number of requested eigenvalues. Default is all eigenvalues.
- tolfloat
Tolerance used by sparse Eigensolver (0=machine precision). The sparse solver may not converge if the tolerance is set too low.
- maxiterint
Maximum number of iterations performed by sparse solver (if used).
- Returns:
- eigvalsarray
Array of eigenvalues for operator.
The sparse eigensolver is much slower than the dense version. Use sparse only if memory requirements demand it.
- eigenstates(
- sparse: bool = False,
- sort: Literal['low', 'high'] = 'low',
- eigvals: int = 0,
- tol: float = 0,
- maxiter: int = 100000,
- phase_fix: int = None,
Eigenstates and eigenenergies.
Eigenstates and eigenenergies are defined for operators and superoperators only.
- Parameters:
- sparsebool
Use sparse Eigensolver
- sortstr
Sort eigenvalues (and vectors) ‘low’ to high, or ‘high’ to low.
- eigvalsint
Number of requested eigenvalues. Default is all eigenvalues.
- tolfloat
Tolerance used by sparse Eigensolver (0 = machine precision). The sparse solver may not converge if the tolerance is set too low.
- maxiterint
Maximum number of iterations performed by sparse solver (if used).
- phase_fixint, None
If not None, set the phase of each kets so that ket[phase_fix,0] is real positive.
- Returns:
- eigvalsarray
Array of eigenvalues for operator.
- eigvecsarray
Array of quantum operators representing the oprator eigenkets. Order of eigenkets is determined by order of eigenvalues.
The sparse eigensolver is much slower than the dense version. Use sparse only if memory requirements demand it.
- expm(dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Matrix exponential of quantum operator.
Input operator must be square.
- Parameters:
- dtypetype
The data-layer type that should be output.
- Returns:
- oper
Exponentiated quantum operator.
- oper
- Raises:
- TypeError
Quantum operator is not square.
- full(
- order: Literal['C', 'F'] = 'C',
- squeeze: bool = False,
Dense array from quantum object.
- Parameters:
- orderstr {‘C’, ‘F’}
Return array in C (default) or Fortran ordering.
- squeezebool {False, True}
Squeeze output array.
- Returns:
- dataarray
Array of complex data from quantum objects data attribute.
- groundstate(
- sparse: bool = False,
- tol: float = 0,
- maxiter: int = 100000,
- safe: bool = True,
Ground state Eigenvalue and Eigenvector.
Defined for quantum operators or superoperators only.
- Parameters:
- sparsebool
Use sparse Eigensolver
- tolfloat
Tolerance used by sparse Eigensolver (0 = machine precision). The sparse solver may not converge if the tolerance is set too low.
- maxiterint
Maximum number of iterations performed by sparse solver (if used).
- safebool (default=True)
Check for degenerate ground state
- Returns:
- eigvalfloat
Eigenvalue for the ground state of quantum operator.
- eigvec
Eigenket for the ground state of quantum operator.
The sparse eigensolver is much slower than the dense version. Use sparse only if memory requirements demand it.
- inv(sparse: bool = False) Qobj [source]
Matrix inverse of a quantum operator
Operator must be square.
- Returns:
- oper
Matrix inverse of operator.
- oper
- Raises:
- TypeError
Quantum object is not square.
- property isbra: bool
Indicates if the Qobj represents a bra state.
- property isket: bool
Indicates if the Qobj represents a ket state.
- property isoper: bool
Indicates if the Qobj represents an operator.
- property isoperbra: bool
Indicates if the Qobj represents a operator-bra state.
- property isoperket: bool
Indicates if the Qobj represents a operator-ket state.
- property issuper: bool
Indicates if the Qobj represents a superoperator.
- logm() Qobj [source]
Matrix logarithm of quantum operator.
Input operator must be square.
- Returns:
- oper
Logarithm of the quantum operator.
- oper
- Raises:
- TypeError
Quantum operator is not square.
- matrix_element( ) Qobj [source]
Calculates a matrix element.
Gives the matrix element for the quantum object sandwiched between a bra and ket vector.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- elemcomplex
Complex valued matrix element.
It is slightly more computationally efficient to use a ket vector for the ‘bra’ input.
- norm(
- norm: Literal['l2', 'max', 'fro', 'tr', 'one'] = None,
- kwargs: dict[str, Any] = None,
Norm of a quantum object.
Default norm is L2-norm for kets and trace-norm for operators. Other ket and operator norms may be specified using the norm parameter.
- Parameters:
- normstr
Which type of norm to use. Allowed values for vectors are ‘l2’ and ‘max’. Allowed values for matrices are ‘tr’ for the trace norm, ‘fro’ for the Frobenius norm, ‘one’ and ‘max’.
- kwargsdict
Additional keyword arguments to pass on to the relevant norm solver. See details for each norm function in
- Returns:
- normfloat
The requested norm of the operator or state quantum object.
- overlap(other: Qobj) complex [source]
Overlap between two state vectors or two operators.
Gives the overlap (inner product) between the current bra or ket Qobj and and another bra or ket Qobj. It gives the Hilbert-Schmidt overlap when one of the Qobj is an operator/density matrix.
- Parameters:
- other
Quantum object for a state vector of type ‘ket’, ‘bra’ or density matrix.
- other
- Returns:
- overlapcomplex
Complex valued overlap.
- Raises:
- TypeError
Can only calculate overlap between a bra, ket and density matrix quantum objects.
- permute(order: list) Qobj [source]
Permute the tensor structure of a quantum object. For example,
qutip.tensor(x, y).permute([1, 0])
will give the same result as
qutip.tensor(y, x)
qutip.tensor(a, b, c).permute([1, 2, 0])
will be the same as
qutip.tensor(b, c, a)
For regular objects (bras, kets and operators) we expect
to be a flat list of integers, which specifies the new order of the tensor product.For superoperators, we expect
to be something like[[0, 2], [1, 3]]
which tells us to permute according to [0, 2, 1, 3], and then group indices according to the length of each sublist. As another example, permuting a superoperator with dimensions of
[[[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]], [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]]
by an
[[0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5]]
should give a new object with dimensions
[[[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]], [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]]
.- Parameters:
- orderlist
List of indices specifying the new tensor order.
- Returns:
- P
Permuted quantum object.
- P
- ptrace(
- sel: int | list[int],
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Take the partial trace of the quantum object leaving the selected subspaces. In other words, trace out all subspaces which are _not_ passed.
This is typically a function which acts on operators; bras and kets will be promoted to density matrices before the operation takes place since the partial trace is inherently undefined on pure states.
For operators which are currently being represented as states in the superoperator formalism (i.e. the object has type operator-ket or operator-bra), the partial trace is applied as if the operator were in the conventional form. This means that for any operator x,
operator_to_vector(x).ptrace(0) == operator_to_vector(x.ptrace(0))
and similar for operator-bra.The story is different for full superoperators. In the formalism that QuTiP uses, if an operator has dimensions (dims) of [[2, 3], [2, 3]] then it can be represented as a state on a Hilbert space of dimensions [2, 3, 2, 3], and a superoperator would be an operator which acts on this joint space. This function performs the partial trace on superoperators by letting the selected components refer to elements of the _joint_ _space_, and then returns a regular operator (of type oper).
- Parameters:
- selint or iterable of int
of components to keep after partial trace. The selected subspaces will _not_ be reordered, no matter order they are supplied to ptrace.
- Returns:
- oper
Quantum object representing partial trace with selected components remaining.
- oper
- purity() complex [source]
Calculate purity of a quantum object.
- Returns:
- state_purityfloat
Returns the purity of a quantum object. For a pure state, the purity is 1. For a mixed state of dimension d, 1/d<=purity<1.
- property shape: tuple[int, int]
Return the shape of the Qobj data.
- sinm() Qobj [source]
Sine of a quantum operator.
Operator must be square.
- Returns:
- oper
Matrix sine of operator.
- oper
- Raises:
- TypeError
Quantum object is not square.
Uses the Q.expm() method.
- sqrtm(
- sparse: bool = False,
- tol: float = 0,
- maxiter: int = 100000,
Sqrt of a quantum operator. Operator must be square.
- Parameters:
- sparsebool
Use sparse eigenvalue/vector solver.
- tolfloat
Tolerance used by sparse solver (0 = machine precision).
- maxiterint
Maximum number of iterations used by sparse solver.
- Returns:
- oper
Matrix square root of operator.
- oper
- Raises:
- TypeError
Quantum object is not square.
The sparse eigensolver is much slower than the dense version. Use sparse only if memory requirements demand it.
- tidyup(atol: float = None) Qobj [source]
Removes small elements from the quantum object.
- Parameters:
- atolfloat
Absolute tolerance used by tidyup. Default is set via qutip global settings parameters.
- Returns:
- oper
Quantum object with small elements removed.
- oper
- to(data_type: LayerType, copy: bool = False) Qobj [source]
Convert the underlying data store of this Qobj into a different storage representation.
The different storage representations available are the “data-layer types” which are known to
. By default, these areCSR
, which respectively construct a compressed sparse row matrix, diagonal matrix and a dense one. Certain algorithms and operations may be faster or more accurate when using a more appropriate data store.- Parameters:
- data_typetype, str
The data-layer type or its string alias that the data of this
should be converted to.- copyBool
If the data store is already in the format requested, whether the function should return returns self or a copy.
- Returns:
- Qobj
with the data stored in the requested format.
- tr() complex [source]
Trace of a quantum object.
- Returns:
- tracefloat
Returns the trace of the quantum object.
- trans() Qobj [source]
Get the matrix transpose of the quantum operator.
- Returns:
- oper
Transpose of input operator.
- oper
- transform(inpt: list[Qobj] | ArrayLike, inverse: bool = False) Qobj [source]
Basis transform defined by input array.
Input array can be a
defining the transformation, or alist
of kets that defines the new basis.- Parameters:
- inptarray_like
of kets defining the transformation.- inversebool
Whether to return inverse transformation.
- Returns:
- oper
Operator in new basis.
- oper
This function is still in development.
- trunc_neg(
- method: Literal['clip', 'sgs'] = 'clip',
Truncates negative eigenvalues and renormalizes.
Returns a new Qobj by removing the negative eigenvalues of this instance, then renormalizing to obtain a valid density operator.
- Parameters:
- methodstr
Algorithm to use to remove negative eigenvalues. “clip” simply discards negative eigenvalues, then renormalizes. “sgs” uses the SGS algorithm (doi:10/bb76) to find the positive operator that is nearest in the Shatten 2-norm.
- Returns:
- oper
A valid density operator.
- oper
- class CoreOptions(**options)[source]
Options used by the core of qutip such as the tolerance of
comparison or coefficient’s format.Values can be changed in
or by using context:with CoreOptions(atol=1e-6): ...
- auto_tidyupbool
Whether to tidyup during sparse operations.
- auto_tidyup_dimsbool [False]
Use auto tidyup dims on multiplication, tensor, etc. Without auto_tidyup_dims:
basis([2, 2]).dims == [[2, 2], [1, 1]]
With auto_tidyup_dims:
basis([2, 2]).dims == [[2, 2], [1]]
- atolfloat {1e-12}
General absolute tolerance. Used in various functions to round off small values.
- rtolfloat {1e-12}
General relative tolerance.
- auto_tidyup_atolfloat {1e-14}
The absolute tolerance used in automatic tidyup (see the
parameter above) and the default value ofatol
used inQobj.tidyup
.- function_coefficient_stylestr {“auto”}
The signature expected by function coefficients. The options are:
“pythonic”: the signature should be
f(t, ...)
is the time and the...
are the remaining arguments passed directly into the function. E.g.f(t, w, b=5)
.“dict”: the signature shoule be
f(t, args)
is the time andargs
is a dict containing the remaining arguments. E.g.f(t, {"w": w, "b": 5})
.“auto”: select automatically between the two options above based on the signature of the supplied function. If the function signature is exactly
f(t, args)
is used. Otherwisepythonic
is used.
- default_dtypeNonetype, str, type {None}
When set, functions creating
, such as :func:”qeye” or :func:”rand_herm”, will use the specified data type. Any data-layer known toqutip.data.to
is accepted. WhenNone
, these functions will default to a sensible data type.
Creation of States and Operators
Quantum States
- basis(
- dimensions: SpaceLike,
- n: int | list[int] = None,
- offset: int | list[int] = None,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Generates the vector representation of a Fock state.
- Parameters:
- dimensionsint or list of ints, Space
Number of basis states in Hilbert space. If a list, then the resultant object will be a tensor product over spaces with those dimensions.
- nint or list of ints, optional (default 0 for all dimensions)
Integer corresponding to desired number state, defaults to 0 for all dimensions if omitted. The shape must match
, e.g. ifdimensions
is a list, thenn
must either be omitted or a list of equal length.- offsetint or list of ints, optional (default 0 for all dimensions)
The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state representation of the state in the relevant dimension.
- dtypetype or str, optional
storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- state
Qobj representing the requested number state
- state
A subtle incompatibility with the quantum optics toolbox: In QuTiP:
basis(N, 0) = ground state
but in the qotoolbox:
basis(N, 1) = ground state
>>> basis(5,2) Quantum object: dims = [[5], [1]], shape = (5, 1), type = ket Qobj data = [[ 0.+0.j] [ 0.+0.j] [ 1.+0.j] [ 0.+0.j] [ 0.+0.j]] >>> basis([2,2,2], [0,1,0]) Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1]], shape = (8, 1), type = ket Qobj data = [[0.] [0.] [1.] [0.] [0.] [0.] [0.] [0.]]
- bell_state(
- state: Literal['00', '01', '10', '11'] = '00',
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Returns the selected Bell state:
\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \lvert B_{00}\rangle &= \frac1{\sqrt2}(\lvert00\rangle+\lvert11\rangle)\\ \lvert B_{01}\rangle &= \frac1{\sqrt2}(\lvert00\rangle-\lvert11\rangle)\\ \lvert B_{10}\rangle &= \frac1{\sqrt2}(\lvert01\rangle+\lvert10\rangle)\\ \lvert B_{11}\rangle &= \frac1{\sqrt2}(\lvert01\rangle-\lvert10\rangle)\\ \end{aligned}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
- statestr [‘00’, ‘01’, ‘10’, ‘11’]
Which bell state to return
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- Bell_stateqobj
Bell state
- bra(
- seq: list[int | str] | str,
- dim: int | list[int] = 2,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Produces a multiparticle bra state for a list or string, where each element stands for state of the respective particle.
- Parameters:
- seqstr / list of ints or characters
Each element defines state of the respective particle. (e.g. [1,1,0,1] or a string “1101”). For qubits it is also possible to use the following conventions:
‘g’/’e’ (ground and excited state)
‘u’/’d’ (spin up and down)
‘H’/’V’ (horizontal and vertical polarization)
Note: for dimension > 9 you need to use a list.
- dimint (default: 2) / list of ints
Space dimension for each particle: int if there are the same, list if they are different.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- braqobj
>>> bra("10") Quantum object: dims = [[1, 1], [2, 2]], shape = [1, 4], type = bra Qobj data = [[ 0. 0. 1. 0.]]
>>> bra("Hue") Quantum object: dims = [[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]], shape = [1, 8], type = bra Qobj data = [[ 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
>>> bra("12", 3) Quantum object: dims = [[1, 1], [3, 3]], shape = [1, 9], type = bra Qobj data = [[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0.]]
>>> bra("31", [5, 2]) Quantum object: dims = [[1, 1], [5, 2]], shape = [1, 10], type = bra Qobj data = [[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0.]]
- coherent(
- N: int,
- alpha: float,
- offset: int = 0,
- method: str = None,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Generates a coherent state with eigenvalue alpha.
Constructed using displacement operator on vacuum state.
- Parameters:
- Nint
Number of Fock states in Hilbert space.
- alphafloat/complex
Eigenvalue of coherent state.
- offsetint, default: 0
The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state representation of the state. Using a non-zero offset will make the default method ‘analytic’.
- methodstring {‘operator’, ‘analytic’}, optional
Method for generating coherent state.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- stateqobj
Qobj quantum object for coherent state
Select method ‘operator’ (default) or ‘analytic’. With the ‘operator’ method, the coherent state is generated by displacing the vacuum state using the displacement operator defined in the truncated Hilbert space of size ‘N’. This method guarantees that the resulting state is normalized. With ‘analytic’ method the coherent state is generated using the analytical formula for the coherent state coefficients in the Fock basis. This method does not guarantee that the state is normalized if truncated to a small number of Fock states, but would in that case give more accurate coefficients.
>>> coherent(5,0.25j) Quantum object: dims = [[5], [1]], shape = [5, 1], type = ket Qobj data = [[ 9.69233235e-01+0.j ] [ 0.00000000e+00+0.24230831j] [ -4.28344935e-02+0.j ] [ 0.00000000e+00-0.00618204j] [ 7.80904967e-04+0.j ]]
- coherent_dm(
- N: int,
- alpha: float,
- offset: int = 0,
- method: str = None,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Density matrix representation of a coherent state.
Constructed via outer product of
- Parameters:
- Nint
Number of basis states in Hilbert space.
- alphafloat/complex
Eigenvalue for coherent state.
- offsetint, default: 0
The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state representation of the state.
- methodstring {‘operator’, ‘analytic’}, optional
Method for generating coherent density matrix.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- dmqobj
Density matrix representation of coherent state.
Select method ‘operator’ (default) or ‘analytic’. With the ‘operator’ method, the coherent density matrix is generated by displacing the vacuum state using the displacement operator defined in the truncated Hilbert space of size ‘N’. This method guarantees that the resulting density matrix is normalized. With ‘analytic’ method the coherent density matrix is generated using the analytical formula for the coherent state coefficients in the Fock basis. This method does not guarantee that the state is normalized if truncated to a small number of Fock states, but would in that case give more accurate coefficients.
>>> coherent_dm(3,0.25j) Quantum object: dims = [[3], [3]], shape = [3, 3], type = oper, isHerm = True Qobj data = [[ 0.93941695+0.j 0.00000000-0.23480733j -0.04216943+0.j ] [ 0.00000000+0.23480733j 0.05869011+0.j 0.00000000-0.01054025j] [-0.04216943+0.j 0.00000000+0.01054025j 0.00189294+0.j ]]
- fock(
- dimensions: SpaceLike,
- n: int | list[int] = None,
- offset: int | list[int] = None,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Bosonic Fock (number) state.
Same as
.- Parameters:
- dimensionsint or list of ints, Space
Number of basis states in Hilbert space. If a list, then the resultant object will be a tensor product over spaces with those dimensions.
- nint or list of ints, default: 0 for all dimensions
Integer corresponding to desired number state, defaults to 0 for all dimensions if omitted. The shape must match
, e.g. ifdimensions
is a list, thenn
must either be omitted or a list of equal length.- offsetint or list of ints, default: 0 for all dimensions
The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state representation of the state in the relevant dimension.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- Requested number state \(\left|n\right>\).
>>> fock(4,3) Quantum object: dims = [[4], [1]], shape = [4, 1], type = ket Qobj data = [[ 0.+0.j] [ 0.+0.j] [ 0.+0.j] [ 1.+0.j]]
- fock_dm(
- dimensions: int | list[int] | Space,
- n: int | list[int] = None,
- offset: int | list[int] = None,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Density matrix representation of a Fock state
Constructed via outer product of
.- Parameters:
- dimensionsint or list of ints, Space
Number of basis states in Hilbert space. If a list, then the resultant object will be a tensor product over spaces with those dimensions.
- nint or list of ints, default: 0 for all dimensions
Integer corresponding to desired number state, defaults to 0 for all dimensions if omitted. The shape must match
, e.g. ifdimensions
is a list, thenn
must either be omitted or a list of equal length.- offsetint or list of ints, default: 0 for all dimensions
The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state representation of the state in the relevant dimension.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- dmqobj
Density matrix representation of Fock state.
>>> fock_dm(3,1) Quantum object: dims = [[3], [3]], shape = [3, 3], type = oper, isHerm = True Qobj data = [[ 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j] [ 0.+0.j 1.+0.j 0.+0.j] [ 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j]]
- ghz_state(N_qubit: int, *, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
- Returns the N-qubit GHZ-state:
[ |00...00> + |11...11> ] / sqrt(2)
- Parameters:
- N_qubitint
Number of qubits in state
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- Gqobj
N-qubit GHZ-state
- ket(
- seq: list[int | str] | str,
- dim: int | list[int] = 2,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Produces a multiparticle ket state for a list or string, where each element stands for state of the respective particle.
- Parameters:
- seqstr / list of ints or characters
Each element defines state of the respective particle. (e.g. [1,1,0,1] or a string “1101”). For qubits it is also possible to use the following conventions: - ‘g’/’e’ (ground and excited state) - ‘u’/’d’ (spin up and down) - ‘H’/’V’ (horizontal and vertical polarization) Note: for dimension > 9 you need to use a list.
- dimint or list of ints, default: 2
Space dimension for each particle: int if there are the same, list if they are different.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- ketqobj
>>> ket("10") Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2], [1, 1]], shape = [4, 1], type = ket Qobj data = [[ 0.] [ 0.] [ 1.] [ 0.]]
>>> ket("Hue") Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1]], shape = [8, 1], type = ket Qobj data = [[ 0.] [ 1.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.]]
>>> ket("12", 3) Quantum object: dims = [[3, 3], [1, 1]], shape = [9, 1], type = ket Qobj data = [[ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 1.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.]]
>>> ket("31", [5, 2]) Quantum object: dims = [[5, 2], [1, 1]], shape = [10, 1], type = ket Qobj data = [[ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 1.] [ 0.] [ 0.]]
- ket2dm(Q: Qobj) Qobj [source]
Takes input ket or bra vector and returns density matrix formed by outer product. This is completely identical to calling
.- Parameters:
- Q
Ket or bra type quantum object.
- Q
- Returns:
- dm
Density matrix formed by outer product of Q.
- dm
>>> x=basis(3,2) >>> ket2dm(x) Quantum object: dims = [[3], [3]], shape = [3, 3], type = oper, isHerm = True Qobj data = [[ 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j] [ 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j] [ 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 1.+0.j]]
- maximally_mixed_dm(
- dimensions: SpaceLike,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Returns the maximally mixed density matrix for a Hilbert space of dimension N.
- Parameters:
- dimensionsint or list of ints, Space
Number of basis states in Hilbert space. If a list, then the resultant object will be a tensor product over spaces with those dimensions.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- dm
Thermal state density matrix.
- dm
- phase_basis(
- N: int,
- m: int,
- phi0: float = 0,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Basis vector for the mth phase of the Pegg-Barnett phase operator.
- Parameters:
- Nint
Number of basis states in Hilbert space.
- mint
Integer corresponding to the mth discrete phase
phi_m = phi0 + 2 * pi * m / N
- phi0float, default: 0
Reference phase angle.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- stateqobj
Ket vector for mth Pegg-Barnett phase operator basis state.
The Pegg-Barnett basis states form a complete set over the truncated Hilbert space.
- projection(
- dimensions: int | list[int],
- n: int | list[int],
- m: int | list[int],
- offset: int | list[int] = None,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
The projection operator that projects state \(\lvert m\rangle\) on state \(\lvert n\rangle\).
- Parameters:
- dimensionsint or list of ints, Space
Number of basis states in Hilbert space. If a list, then the resultant object will be a tensor product over spaces with those dimensions.
- n, mint
The number states in the projection.
- offsetint, default: 0
The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state representation of the projector.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Requested projection operator.
- qutrit_basis(*, dtype: LayerType = None) list[Qobj] [source]
Basis states for a three level system (qutrit)
- dtypetype or str, optional
storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- qstatesarray
Array of qutrit basis vectors
- singlet_state(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Returns the two particle singlet-state:
\[\lvert S\rangle = \frac1{\sqrt2}(\lvert01\rangle-\lvert10\rangle)\]that is identical to the fourth bell state.
- Parameters:
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- Bell_stateqobj
\(\lvert B_{11}\rangle\) Bell state
- spin_coherent(
- j: float,
- theta: float,
- phi: float,
- type: Literal['ket', 'bra', 'dm'] = 'ket',
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Generate the coherent spin state \(\lvert \theta, \phi\rangle\).
- Parameters:
- jfloat
The spin of the state.
- thetafloat
Angle from z axis.
- phifloat
Angle from x axis.
- typestring {‘ket’, ‘bra’, ‘dm’}, default: ‘ket’
Type of state to generate.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- stateqobj
Qobj quantum object for spin coherent state
- spin_state(
- j: float,
- m: float,
- type: Literal['ket', 'bra', 'dm'] = 'ket',
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Generates the spin state \(\lvert j, m\rangle\), i.e. the eigenstate of the spin-j Sz operator with eigenvalue m.
- Parameters:
- jfloat
The spin of the state ().
- mfloat
Eigenvalue of the spin-j Sz operator.
- typestring {‘ket’, ‘bra’, ‘dm’}, default: ‘ket’
Type of state to generate.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- stateqobj
Qobj quantum object for spin state
- state_index_number(dims: list[int], index: int) tuple [source]
Return a quantum number representation given a state index, for a system of composite structure defined by dims.
>>> state_index_number([2, 2, 2], 6) [1, 1, 0]
- Parameters:
- dimslist or array
The quantum state dimensions array, as it would appear in a Qobj.
- indexinteger
The index of the state in standard enumeration ordering.
- Returns:
- statetuple
The state number tuple corresponding to index index in standard enumeration ordering.
- state_number_enumerate(
- dims: list[int],
- excitations: int = None,
An iterator that enumerates all the state number tuples (quantum numbers of the form (n1, n2, n3, …)) for a system with dimensions given by dims.
>>> for state in state_number_enumerate([2,2]): >>> print(state) ( 0 0 ) ( 0 1 ) ( 1 0 ) ( 1 1 )
- Parameters:
- dimslist
The quantum state dimensions array, as it would appear in a Qobj.
- excitationsinteger, optional
Restrict state space to states with excitation numbers below or equal to this value.
- Returns:
- state_numbertuple
Successive state number tuples that can be used in loops and other iterations, using standard state enumeration by definition.
- state_number_index(dims: list[int], state: list[int]) int [source]
Return the index of a quantum state corresponding to state, given a system with dimensions given by dims.
>>> state_number_index([2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 0]) 6
- Parameters:
- dimslist
The quantum state dimensions array, as it would appear in a Qobj.
- statelist
State number array.
- Returns:
- idxint
The index of the state given by state in standard enumeration ordering.
- state_number_qobj(
- dims: SpaceLike,
- state: int | list[int] = None,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Return a Qobj representation of a quantum state specified by the state array state.
Deprecated in QuTiP 5.0, use
>>> state_number_qobj([2, 2, 2], [1, 0, 1]) Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1]], shape = [8, 1], type = ket Qobj data = [[ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 0.] [ 1.] [ 0.] [ 0.]]
- thermal_dm(
- N: int,
- n: float,
- method: Literal['operator', 'analytic'] = 'operator',
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Density matrix for a thermal state of n particles
- Parameters:
- Nint
Number of basis states in Hilbert space.
- nfloat
Expectation value for number of particles in thermal state.
- methodstring {‘operator’, ‘analytic’}, default: ‘operator’
that sets the method used to generate the thermal state probabilities- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- dmqobj
Thermal state density matrix.
The ‘operator’ method (default) generates the thermal state using the truncated number operator
. This is the method that should be used in computations. The ‘analytic’ method uses the analytic coefficients derived in an infinite Hilbert space. The analytic form is not necessarily normalized, if truncated too aggressively.Examples
>>> thermal_dm(5, 1) Quantum object: dims = [[5], [5]], shape = [5, 5], type = oper, isHerm = True Qobj data = [[ 0.51612903 0. 0. 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0.25806452 0. 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0.12903226 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0. 0.06451613 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.03225806]]
>>> thermal_dm(5, 1, 'analytic') Quantum object: dims = [[5], [5]], shape = [5, 5], type = oper, isHerm = True Qobj data = [[ 0.5 0. 0. 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0.25 0. 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0.125 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0. 0.0625 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.03125]]
- triplet_states(*, dtype: LayerType = None) list[Qobj] [source]
Returns a list of the two particle triplet-states:
\[\lvert T_1\rangle = \lvert11\rangle \lvert T_2\rangle = \frac1{\sqrt2}(\lvert01\rangle + \lvert10\rangle) \lvert T_3\rangle = \lvert00\rangle\]- Parameters:
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- trip_stateslist
2 particle triplet states
- w_state(N_qubit: int, *, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
- Returns the N-qubit W-state:
[ |100..0> + |010..0> + |001..0> + ... |000..1> ] / sqrt(n)
- Parameters:
- N_qubitint
Number of qubits in state
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- W
N-qubit W-state
- W
- zero_ket(
- dimensions: SpaceLike,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Creates the zero ket vector with shape Nx1 and dimensions dims.
- Parameters:
- dimensionsint or list of ints, Space
Number of basis states in Hilbert space. If a list, then the resultant object will be a tensor product over spaces with those dimensions.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- zero_ketqobj
Zero ket on given Hilbert space.
Quantum Operators
This module contains functions for generating Qobj representation of a variety of commonly occuring quantum operators.
- charge(
- Nmax: int,
- Nmin: int = None,
- frac: float = 1,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Generate the diagonal charge operator over charge states from Nmin to Nmax.
- Parameters:
- Nmaxint
Maximum charge state to consider.
- Nminint, default: -Nmax
Lowest charge state to consider.
- fracfloat, default: 1
Specify fractional charge if needed.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- CQobj
Charge operator over [Nmin, Nmax].
Added in version 3.2.
- commutator( ) Qobj [source]
Return the commutator of kind kind (normal, anti) of the two operators A and B.
- Parameters:
- A, B
The operators to compute the commutator of.
- kind: str {“normal”, “anti”}, default: “anti”
Which kind of commutator to compute.
- A, B
- create(
- N: int,
- offset: int = 0,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Creation (raising) operator.
- Parameters:
- Nint
Number of basis states in the Hilbert space.
- offsetint, default: 0
The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state representation of the operator.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Qobj for raising operator.
>>> create(4) Quantum object: dims=[[4], [4]], shape=(4, 4), type='oper', isherm=False Qobj data = [[ 0.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j] [ 1.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j] [ 0.00000000+0.j 1.41421356+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j] [ 0.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 1.73205081+0.j 0.00000000+0.j]]
- destroy(
- N: int,
- offset: int = 0,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Destruction (lowering) operator.
- Parameters:
- Nint
Number of basis states in the Hilbert space.
- offsetint, default: 0
The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state representation of the operator.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Qobj for lowering operator.
>>> destroy(4) Quantum object: dims=[[4], [4]], shape=(4, 4), type='oper', isherm=False Qobj data = [[ 0.00000000+0.j 1.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j] [ 0.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 1.41421356+0.j 0.00000000+0.j] [ 0.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 1.73205081+0.j] [ 0.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.00000000+0.j]]
- displace(
- N: int,
- alpha: float,
- offset: int = 0,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Single-mode displacement operator.
- Parameters:
- Nint
Number of basis states in the Hilbert space.
- alphafloat/complex
Displacement amplitude.
- offsetint, default: 0
The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state representation of the operator.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Displacement operator.
>>> displace(4,0.25) Quantum object: dims = [[4], [4]], shape = [4, 4], type = oper, isHerm = False Qobj data = [[ 0.96923323+0.j -0.24230859+0.j 0.04282883+0.j -0.00626025+0.j] [ 0.24230859+0.j 0.90866411+0.j -0.33183303+0.j 0.07418172+0.j] [ 0.04282883+0.j 0.33183303+0.j 0.84809499+0.j -0.41083747+0.j] [ 0.00626025+0.j 0.07418172+0.j 0.41083747+0.j 0.90866411+0.j]]
- fcreate(n_sites: int, site, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Fermionic creation operator. We use the Jordan-Wigner transformation, making use of the Jordan-Wigner ZZ..Z strings, to construct this as follows:
\[a_j = \sigma_z^{\otimes j} \otimes (\frac{\sigma_x - i \sigma_y}{2}) \otimes I^{\otimes N-j-1}\]- Parameters:
- n_sitesint
Number of sites in Fock space.
- siteint
The site in Fock space to add a fermion to. Corresponds to j in the above JW transform.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Qobj for raising operator.
>>> fcreate(2) Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2], [2, 2]], shape = (4, 4), type = oper, isherm = False Qobj data = [[0. 0. 0. 0.] [0. 0. 0. 0.] [1. 0. 0. 0.] [0. 1. 0. 0.]]
- fdestroy(n_sites: int, site, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Fermionic destruction operator. We use the Jordan-Wigner transformation, making use of the Jordan-Wigner ZZ..Z strings, to construct this as follows:
\[a_j = \sigma_z^{\otimes j} \otimes (\frac{\sigma_x + i \sigma_y}{2}) \otimes I^{\otimes N-j-1}\]- Parameters:
- n_sitesint
Number of sites in Fock space.
- siteint
The site in Fock space to add a fermion to. Corresponds to j in the above JW transform.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Qobj for destruction operator.
>>> fdestroy(2) Quantum object: dims=[[2 2], [2 2]], shape=(4, 4), type='oper', isherm=False Qobj data = [[0. 0. 1. 0.] [0. 0. 0. 1.] [0. 0. 0. 0.] [0. 0. 0. 0.]]
- identity(
- dimensions: SpaceLike,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Identity operator.
- Parameters:
- dimensions(int) or (list of int) or (list of list of int), Space
Number of basis states in the Hilbert space. If provided as a list of ints, then the dimension is the product over this list, but the
property of the new Qobj are set to this list. This can produce either oper or super depending on the passed dimensions.- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Identity operator Qobj.
>>> qeye(3) Quantum object: dims = [[3], [3]], shape = (3, 3), type = oper, isherm = True Qobj data = [[ 1. 0. 0.] [ 0. 1. 0.] [ 0. 0. 1.]] >>> qeye([2,2]) Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2], [2, 2]], shape = (4, 4), type = oper, isherm = True Qobj data = [[1. 0. 0. 0.] [0. 1. 0. 0.] [0. 0. 1. 0.] [0. 0. 0. 1.]]
- jmat(
- j: float,
- which: Literal[None],
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
- jmat(
- j: float,
- which: Literal['x', 'y', 'z', '+', '-'],
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Higher-order spin operators:
- Parameters:
- jfloat
Spin of operator
- whichstr, optional
Which operator to return ‘x’,’y’,’z’,’+’,’-‘. If not given, then output is [‘x’,’y’,’z’]
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- jmatQobj or tuple of Qobj
for requested spin operator(s).
>>> jmat(1) [ Quantum object: dims = [[3], [3]], shape = [3, 3], type = oper, isHerm = True Qobj data = [[ 0. 0.70710678 0. ] [ 0.70710678 0. 0.70710678] [ 0. 0.70710678 0. ]] Quantum object: dims = [[3], [3]], shape = [3, 3], type = oper, isHerm = True Qobj data = [[ 0.+0.j 0.-0.70710678j 0.+0.j ] [ 0.+0.70710678j 0.+0.j 0.-0.70710678j] [ 0.+0.j 0.+0.70710678j 0.+0.j ]] Quantum object: dims = [[3], [3]], shape = [3, 3], type = oper, isHerm = True Qobj data = [[ 1. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. -1.]]]
- momentum(
- N: int,
- offset: int = 0,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Momentum operator p=-1j/sqrt(2)*(a-a.dag())
- Parameters:
- Nint
Number of basis states in the Hilbert space.
- offsetint, default: 0
The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state representation of the operator.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Momentum operator as Qobj.
- num(
- N: int,
- offset: int = 0,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Quantum object for number operator.
- Parameters:
- Nint
Number of basis states in the Hilbert space.
- offsetint, default: 0
The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state representation of the operator.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- oper: qobj
Qobj for number operator.
>>> num(4) Quantum object: dims=[[4], [4]], shape=(4, 4), type='oper', isherm=True Qobj data = [[0 0 0 0] [0 1 0 0] [0 0 2 0] [0 0 0 3]]
- phase(
- N: int,
- phi0: float = 0,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Single-mode Pegg-Barnett phase operator.
- Parameters:
- Nint
Number of basis states in the Hilbert space.
- phi0float, default: 0
Reference phase.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Phase operator with respect to reference phase.
The Pegg-Barnett phase operator is Hermitian on a truncated Hilbert space.
- position(
- N: int,
- offset: int = 0,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Position operator \(x = 1 / sqrt(2) * (a + a.dag())\)
- Parameters:
- Nint
Number of basis states in the Hilbert space.
- offsetint, default: 0
The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state representation of the operator.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Position operator as Qobj.
- qdiags(
- diagonals: _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | list[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes]],
- offsets: int | list[int] = None,
- dims: DimensionLike = None,
- shape: tuple[int, int] = None,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Constructs an operator from an array of diagonals.
- Parameters:
- diagonalsarray_like or sequence of array_like
Array of elements to place along the selected diagonals.
- offsetsint or sequence of ints, optional
- Sequence for diagonals to be set:
k=0 main diagonal
k>0 kth upper diagonal
k<0 kth lower diagonal
- dimslist, optional
Dimensions for operator
- shapelist, tuple, optional
Shape of operator. If omitted, a square operator large enough to contain the diagonals is generated.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
>>> qdiags(sqrt(range(1, 4)), 1) Quantum object: dims = [[4], [4]], shape = [4, 4], type = oper, isherm = False Qobj data = [[ 0. 1. 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. 1.41421356 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0. 1.73205081] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. ]]
- qeye(dimensions: SpaceLike, *, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Identity operator.
- Parameters:
- dimensions(int) or (list of int) or (list of list of int), Space
Number of basis states in the Hilbert space. If provided as a list of ints, then the dimension is the product over this list, but the
property of the new Qobj are set to this list. This can produce either oper or super depending on the passed dimensions.- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Identity operator Qobj.
>>> qeye(3) Quantum object: dims = [[3], [3]], shape = (3, 3), type = oper, isherm = True Qobj data = [[ 1. 0. 0.] [ 0. 1. 0.] [ 0. 0. 1.]] >>> qeye([2,2]) Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2], [2, 2]], shape = (4, 4), type = oper, isherm = True Qobj data = [[1. 0. 0. 0.] [0. 1. 0. 0.] [0. 0. 1. 0.] [0. 0. 0. 1.]]
- qeye_like(qobj: Qobj) Qobj [source]
Identity operator with the same dims and type as the reference quantum object.
- Parameters:
- qobjQobj, QobjEvo
Reference quantum object to copy the dims from.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Identity operator Qobj.
- qutrit_ops(*, dtype: LayerType = None) list[Qobj] [source]
Operators for a three level system (qutrit).
- Parameters:
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- opers: array
array of qutrit operators.
- qzero(
- dimensions: SpaceLike,
- dims_right: SpaceLike = None,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Zero operator.
- Parameters:
- dimensionsint, list of int, list of list of int, Space
Number of basis states in the Hilbert space. If provided as a list of ints, then the dimension is the product over this list, but the
property of the new Qobj are set to this list. This can produce either oper or super depending on the passed dimensions.- dims_rightint, list of int, list of list of int, Space, optional
Number of basis states in the right Hilbert space when the operator is rectangular.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- qzeroqobj
Zero operator Qobj.
- qzero_like(qobj: Qobj) Qobj [source]
Zero operator of the same dims and type as the reference.
- Parameters:
- qobjQobj, QobjEvo
Reference quantum object to copy the dims from.
- Returns:
- qzeroqobj
Zero operator Qobj.
- sigmam(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Annihilation operator for Pauli spins.
- Parameters:
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
>>> sigmam() Quantum object: dims = [[2], [2]], shape = [2, 2], type = oper, isHerm = False Qobj data = [[ 0. 0.] [ 1. 0.]]
- sigmap(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Creation operator for Pauli spins.
- Parameters:
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
>>> sigmap() Quantum object: dims = [[2], [2]], shape = [2, 2], type = oper, isHerm = False Qobj data = [[ 0. 1.] [ 0. 0.]]
- sigmax(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Pauli spin 1/2 sigma-x operator
- Parameters:
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
>>> sigmax() Quantum object: dims = [[2], [2]], shape = [2, 2], type = oper, isHerm = False Qobj data = [[ 0. 1.] [ 1. 0.]]
- sigmay(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Pauli spin 1/2 sigma-y operator.
- Parameters:
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
>>> sigmay() Quantum object: dims = [[2], [2]], shape = [2, 2], type = oper, isHerm = True Qobj data = [[ 0.+0.j 0.-1.j] [ 0.+1.j 0.+0.j]]
- sigmaz(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Pauli spin 1/2 sigma-z operator.
- Parameters:
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
>>> sigmaz() Quantum object: dims = [[2], [2]], shape = [2, 2], type = oper, isHerm = True Qobj data = [[ 1. 0.] [ 0. -1.]]
- spin_Jm(j: float, *, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Spin-j annihilation operator
- Parameters:
- jfloat
Spin of operator
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- opQobj
representation of the operator.
- spin_Jp(j: float, *, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Spin-j creation operator
- Parameters:
- jfloat
Spin of operator
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- opQobj
representation of the operator.
- spin_Jx(j: float, *, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Spin-j x operator
- Parameters:
- jfloat
Spin of operator
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- opQobj
representation of the operator.
- spin_Jy(j: float, *, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Spin-j y operator
- Parameters:
- jfloat
Spin of operator
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- opQobj
representation of the operator.
- spin_Jz(j: float, *, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Spin-j z operator
- Parameters:
- jfloat
Spin of operator
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- opQobj
representation of the operator.
- squeeze(
- N: int,
- z: float,
- offset: int = 0,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Single-mode squeezing operator.
- Parameters:
- Nint
Dimension of hilbert space.
- zfloat/complex
Squeezing parameter.
- offsetint, default: 0
The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state representation of the operator.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- oper
Squeezing operator.
- oper
>>> squeeze(4, 0.25) Quantum object: dims = [[4], [4]], shape = [4, 4], type = oper, isHerm = False Qobj data = [[ 0.98441565+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.17585742+0.j 0.00000000+0.j] [ 0.00000000+0.j 0.95349007+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.30142443+0.j] [-0.17585742+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.98441565+0.j 0.00000000+0.j] [ 0.00000000+0.j -0.30142443+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.95349007+0.j]]
- squeezing( ) Qobj [source]
Generalized squeezing operator.
\[S(z) = \exp\left(\frac{1}{2}\left(z^*a_1a_2 - za_1^\dagger a_2^\dagger\right)\right)\]
- tunneling(
- N: int,
- m: int = 1,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Tunneling operator with elements of the form \(\\sum |N><N+m| + |N+m><N|\).
- Parameters:
- Nint
Number of basis states in the Hilbert space.
- mint, default: 1
Number of excitations in tunneling event.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- TQobj
Tunneling operator.
Quantum Gates
- berkeley(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Quantum object representing the Berkeley gate.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- berkeley_gateqobj
Quantum object representation of Berkeley gate
- cnot(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Quantum object representing the CNOT gate.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- cnot_gateqobj
Quantum object representation of CNOT gate
- cphase(theta: float, *, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Returns quantum object representing the controlled phase shift gate.
- Parameters:
- thetafloat
Phase rotation angle.
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- Uqobj
Quantum object representation of controlled phase gate.
- cs_gate(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Controlled S gate.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- result
Quantum object for operator describing the rotation.
- result
- csign(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Quantum object representing the CSIGN gate.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- csign_gateqobj
Quantum object representation of CSIGN gate
- ct_gate(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Controlled T gate.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- result
Quantum object for operator describing the rotation.
- result
- cy_gate(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Controlled Y gate.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- result
Quantum object for operator describing the rotation.
- result
- cz_gate(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Controlled Z gate.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- result
Quantum object for operator describing the rotation.
- result
- fredkin(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Quantum object representing the Fredkin gate.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- fredkin_gateqobj
Quantum object representation of Fredkin gate.
- globalphase(
- theta: float,
- N: int = 1,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Returns quantum object representing the global phase shift gate.
- Parameters:
- thetafloat
Phase rotation angle.
- Nint:
Number of qubits
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- phase_gateqobj
Quantum object representation of global phase shift gate.
- hadamard_transform(
- N: int = 1,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Quantum object representing the N-qubit Hadamard gate.
- Parameters:
- Nint:
Number of qubits
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- qqobj
Quantum object representation of the N-qubit Hadamard gate.
- iswap(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Quantum object representing the iSWAP gate.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- iswap_gateqobj
Quantum object representation of iSWAP gate
- molmer_sorensen(
- theta: float,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Quantum object of a Mølmer–Sørensen gate.
- Parameters:
- theta: float
The duration of the interaction pulse.
- target: int
The indices of the target qubits.
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- molmer_sorensen_gate:
Quantum object representation of the Mølmer–Sørensen gate.
- molmer_sorensen_gate:
- phasegate(theta: float, *, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Returns quantum object representing the phase shift gate.
- Parameters:
- thetafloat
Phase rotation angle.
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- phase_gateqobj
Quantum object representation of phase shift gate.
- qrot(
- theta: float,
- phi: float,
- *,
- dtype: LayerType = None,
Single qubit rotation driving by Rabi oscillation with 0 detune.
- Parameters:
- phifloat
The inital phase of the rabi pulse.
- thetafloat
The duration of the rabi pulse.
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- qrot_gate
Quantum object representation of physical qubit rotation under a rabi pulse.
- qrot_gate
- qubit_clifford_group(*, dtype: LayerType = None) list[Qobj] [source]
Generates the Clifford group on a single qubit, using the presentation of the group given by Ross and Selinger (http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~selinger/newsynth/).
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- oplist of Qobj
Clifford operators, represented as Qobj instances.
- rx(phi: float, *, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Single-qubit rotation for operator sigmax with angle phi.
- Parameters:
- phifloat
Rotation angle
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- resultqobj
Quantum object for operator describing the rotation.
- ry(phi: float, *, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Single-qubit rotation for operator sigmay with angle phi.
- Parameters:
- phifloat
Rotation angle
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- resultqobj
Quantum object for operator describing the rotation.
- rz(phi: float, *, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Single-qubit rotation for operator sigmaz with angle phi.
- Parameters:
- phifloat
Rotation angle
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- resultqobj
Quantum object for operator describing the rotation.
- s_gate(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Single-qubit rotation also called Phase gate or the Z90 gate.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- result
Quantum object for operator describing a 90 degree rotation around the z-axis.
- result
- snot(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Quantum object representing the SNOT (Hadamard) gate.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- snot_gateqobj
Quantum object representation of SNOT gate.
- sqrtiswap(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Quantum object representing the square root iSWAP gate.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- sqrtiswap_gateqobj
Quantum object representation of square root iSWAP gate
- sqrtnot(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Single-qubit square root NOT gate.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- resultqobj
Quantum object for operator describing the square root NOT gate.
- sqrtswap(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Quantum object representing the square root SWAP gate.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- sqrtswap_gateqobj
Quantum object representation of square root SWAP gate
- swap(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Quantum object representing the SWAP gate.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- swap_gateqobj
Quantum object representation of SWAP gate
- swapalpha(alpha: float, *, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Quantum object representing the SWAPalpha gate.
- Parameters:
- alphafloat
Angle of the SWAPalpha gate.
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- swapalpha_gateqobj
Quantum object representation of SWAPalpha gate
- t_gate(*, dtype: LayerType = None) Qobj [source]
Single-qubit rotation related to the S gate by the relationship S=T*T.
- Parameters:
- dtypestr or type, [keyword only] [optional]
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- result
Quantum object for operator describing a phase shift of pi/4.
- result
Energy Restricted Operators
- enr_destroy(dims, excitations, *, dtype=None)[source]
Generate annilation operators for modes in a excitation-number-restricted state space. For example, consider a system consisting of 4 modes, each with 5 states. The total hilbert space size is 5**4 = 625. If we are only interested in states that contain up to 2 excitations, we only need to include states such as
(0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0, 1) (0, 0, 0, 2) (0, 0, 1, 0) (0, 0, 1, 1) (0, 0, 2, 0) …
This function creates annihilation operators for the 4 modes that act within this state space:
a1, a2, a3, a4 = enr_destroy([5, 5, 5, 5], excitations=2)
From this point onwards, the annihiltion operators a1, …, a4 can be used to setup a Hamiltonian, collapse operators and expectation-value operators, etc., following the usual pattern.
- Parameters:
- dimslist
A list of the dimensions of each subsystem of a composite quantum system.
- excitationsinteger
The maximum number of excitations that are to be included in the state space.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- a_opslist of qobj
A list of annihilation operators for each mode in the composite quantum system described by dims.
- enr_fock(dims, excitations, state, *, dtype=None)[source]
Generate the Fock state representation in a excitation-number restricted state space. The dims argument is a list of integers that define the number of quantums states of each component of a composite quantum system, and the excitations specifies the maximum number of excitations for the basis states that are to be included in the state space. The state argument is a tuple of integers that specifies the state (in the number basis representation) for which to generate the Fock state representation.
- Parameters:
- dimslist
A list of the dimensions of each subsystem of a composite quantum system.
- excitationsinteger
The maximum number of excitations that are to be included in the state space.
- statelist of integers
The state in the number basis representation.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- ketQobj
A Qobj instance that represent a Fock state in the exication-number- restricted state space defined by dims and exciations.
- enr_identity(dims, excitations, *, dtype=None)[source]
Generate the identity operator for the excitation-number restricted state space defined by the dims and exciations arguments. See the docstring for enr_fock for a more detailed description of these arguments.
- Parameters:
- dimslist
A list of the dimensions of each subsystem of a composite quantum system.
- excitationsinteger
The maximum number of excitations that are to be included in the state space.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- opQobj
A Qobj instance that represent the identity operator in the exication-number-restricted state space defined by dims and exciations.
- enr_state_dictionaries(dims, excitations)[source]
Return the number of states, and lookup-dictionaries for translating a state tuple to a state index, and vice versa, for a system with a given number of components and maximum number of excitations.
- Parameters:
- dims: list
A list with the number of states in each sub-system.
- excitationsinteger
The maximum numbers of dimension
- Returns:
- nstates, state2idx, idx2state: integer, dict, dict
The number of states nstates, a dictionary for looking up state indices from a state tuple, and a dictionary for looking up state state tuples from state indices. state2idx and idx2state are reverses of each other, i.e.,
state2idx[idx2state[idx]] = idx
andidx2state[state2idx[state]] = state
- enr_thermal_dm(dims, excitations, n, *, dtype=None)[source]
Generate the density operator for a thermal state in the excitation-number- restricted state space defined by the dims and exciations arguments. See the documentation for enr_fock for a more detailed description of these arguments. The temperature of each mode in dims is specified by the average number of excitatons n.
- Parameters:
- dimslist
A list of the dimensions of each subsystem of a composite quantum system.
- excitationsinteger
The maximum number of excitations that are to be included in the state space.
- ninteger
The average number of exciations in the thermal state. n can be a float (which then applies to each mode), or a list/array of the same length as dims, in which each element corresponds specifies the temperature of the corresponding mode.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to qutip.data.to is accepted.
- Returns:
- dmQobj
Thermal state density matrix.
Random Operators and States
This module is a collection of random state and operator generators.
- rand_dm(
- dimensions: int | list[int] | list[list[int]] | Space,
- density: float = 0.75,
- distribution: Literal['ginibre', 'hs', 'pure', 'eigen', 'uniform'] = 'ginibre',
- *,
- eigenvalues: Sequence[float] = (),
- rank: int = None,
- seed: int | SeedSequence | Generator = None,
- dtype: str | type = None,
Creates a random density matrix of the desired dimensions.
- Parameters:
- dimensions(int) or (list of int) or (list of list of int)
Dimension of Hilbert space. If provided as a list of ints, then the dimension is the product over this list, but the
property of the new Qobj are set to this list. This can produce eitheroper
depending on the passeddimensions
.- densityfloat, default: 0.75
Density between [0,1] of output density matrix. Used by the “pure”, “eigen” and “herm”.
distribution : str {“ginibre”, “hs”, “pure”, “eigen”, “uniform”},
- default: “ginibre”
Method used to obtain the density matrices.
“ginibre” : Ginibre random density operator of rank
by using the algorithm of [BCSZ08].“hs” : Hilbert-Schmidt ensemble, equivalent to a full rank ginibre operator.
“pure” : Density matrix created from a random ket.
“eigen” : A density matrix with the given
.“herm” : Build from a random hermitian matrix using
- eigenvaluesarray_like, optional
Eigenvalues of the output Hermitian matrix. The len must match the shape of the matrix.
- rankint, optional
When using the “ginibre” distribution, rank of the density matrix. Will default to a full rank operator when not provided.
- seedint, SeedSequence, Generator, optional
Seed to create the random number generator or a pre prepared generator. When none is suplied, a default generator is used.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Density matrix quantum operator.
- rand_herm(
- dimensions: int | list[int] | list[list[int]] | Space,
- density: float = 0.3,
- distribution: Literal['fill', 'pos_def', 'eigen'] = 'fill',
- *,
- eigenvalues: Sequence[float] = (),
- seed: int | SeedSequence | Generator = None,
- dtype: str | type = None,
Creates a random sparse Hermitian quantum object.
- Parameters:
- dimensions(int) or (list of int) or (list of list of int)
Dimension of Hilbert space. If provided as a list of ints, then the dimension is the product over this list, but the
property of the new Qobj are set to this list. This can produce either oper or super depending on the passed dimensions.- densityfloat, default: 0.30
Density between [0,1] of output Hermitian operator.
- distributionstr {“fill”, “pos_def”, “eigen”}, default: “fill”
Method used to obtain the density matrices.
“fill” : Uses \(H=0.5*(X+X^{+})\) where \(X\) is a randomly generated quantum operator with elements uniformly distributed between
[-1, 1] + [-1j, 1j]
.“eigen” : A density matrix with the given
. It uses random complex Jacobi rotations to shuffle the operator.“pos_def” : Return a positive semi-definite matrix by diagonal dominance.
- eigenvaluesarray_like, optional
Eigenvalues of the output Hermitian matrix. The len must match the shape of the matrix.
- seedint, SeedSequence, Generator, optional
Seed to create the random number generator or a pre prepared generator. When none is suplied, a default generator is used.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- oper
Hermitian quantum operator.
- oper
If given a list of eigenvalues the object is created using complex Jacobi rotations. While this method is fast for small matrices, it should not be repeatedly used for generating matrices larger than ~1000x1000.
- rand_ket(
- dimensions: int | list[int] | list[list[int]] | Space,
- density: float = 1,
- distribution: Literal['haar', 'fill'] = 'haar',
- *,
- seed: int | SeedSequence | Generator = None,
- dtype: str | type = None,
Creates a random ket vector.
- Parameters:
- dimensions(int) or (list of int) or (list of list of int)
Dimension of Hilbert space. If provided as a list of ints, then the dimension is the product over this list, but the
property of the new Qobj are set to this list. This can produce either oper or super depending on the passed dimensions.- densityfloat, default: 1
Density between [0,1] of output ket state when using the
method.- distributionstr {“haar”, “fill”}, default: “haar”
Method used to obtain the kets.
haar : Haar random pure state obtained by applying a Haar random unitary to a fixed pure state.
fill : Fill the ket with uniformly distributed random complex number.
- seedint, SeedSequence, Generator, optional
Seed to create the random number generator or a pre prepared generator. When none is suplied, a default generator is used.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Ket quantum state vector.
- rand_kraus_map(
- dimensions: int | list[int] | list[list[int]] | Space,
- *,
- seed: int | SeedSequence | Generator = None,
- dtype: str | type = None,
Creates a random CPTP map on an N-dimensional Hilbert space in Kraus form.
- Parameters:
- dimensions(int) or (list of int) or (list of list of int)
Dimension of Hilbert space. If provided as a list of ints, then the dimension is the product over this list, but the
property of the new Qobj are set to this list. This can produce either oper or super depending on the passed dimensions.- seedint, SeedSequence, Generator, optional
Seed to create the random number generator or a pre prepared generator. When none is suplied, a default generator is used.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- oper_listlist of qobj
N^2 x N x N qobj operators.
- rand_stochastic(
- dimensions: int | list[int] | list[list[int]] | Space,
- density: float = 0.75,
- kind: Literal['left', 'right'] = 'left',
- *,
- seed: int | SeedSequence | Generator = None,
- dtype: str | type = None,
Generates a random stochastic matrix.
- Parameters:
- dimensions(int) or (list of int) or (list of list of int)
Dimension of Hilbert space. If provided as a list of ints, then the dimension is the product over this list, but the
property of the new Qobj are set to this list. This can produce either oper or super depending on the passed dimensions.- densityfloat, default: 0.75
Density between [0,1] of output density matrix.
- kindstr {“left”, “right”}, default: “left”
Generate ‘left’ or ‘right’ stochastic matrix.
- seedint, SeedSequence, Generator, optional
Seed to create the random number generator or a pre prepared generator. When none is suplied, a default generator is used.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Quantum operator form of stochastic matrix.
- rand_super(
- dimensions: int | list[int] | list[list[int]] | Space,
- *,
- superrep: Literal['super', 'choi', 'chi'] = 'super',
- seed: int | SeedSequence | Generator = None,
- dtype: str | type = None,
Returns a randomly drawn superoperator acting on operators acting on N dimensions.
- Parameters:
- dimensions(int) or (list of int) or (list of list of int)
Dimension of Hilbert space. If provided as a list of ints, then the dimension is the product over this list, but the
property of the new Qobj are set to this list. This can produce either oper or super depending on the passed dimensions.- superropstr, default: “super”
Representation of the super operator
- seedint, SeedSequence, Generator, optional
Seed to create the random number generator or a pre prepared generator. When none is suplied, a default generator is used.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- rand_super_bcsz(
- dimensions: int | list[int] | list[list[int]] | Space,
- enforce_tp: bool = True,
- rank: int = None,
- *,
- superrep: Literal['super', 'choi', 'chi'] = 'super',
- seed: int | SeedSequence | Generator = None,
- dtype: str | type = None,
Returns a random superoperator drawn from the Bruzda et al ensemble for CPTP maps [BCSZ08]. Note that due to finite numerical precision, for ranks less than full-rank, zero eigenvalues may become slightly negative, such that the returned operator is not actually completely positive.
- Parameters:
- dimensions(int) or (list of int) or (list of list of int)
Dimension of Hilbert space. If an int is provided, it is understood as the Square root of the dimension of the superoperator to be returned, with the corresponding dims as
[[[N],[N]], [[N],[N]]]
. If provided as a list of ints, then the dimensions is understood as the space of density matrices this superoperator is applied to:dimensions=[2,2]
dims=[[[2,2],[2,2]], [[2,2],[2,2]]]
.- enforce_tpbool, default: True
If True, the trace-preserving condition of [BCSZ08] is enforced; otherwise only complete positivity is enforced.
- rankint, optional
Rank of the sampled superoperator. If None, a full-rank superoperator is generated.
- seedint, SeedSequence, Generator, optional
Seed to create the random number generator or a pre prepared generator. When none is suplied, a default generator is used.
- superropstr, default: “super”
representation of the
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- rhoQobj
A superoperator acting on vectorized dim × dim density operators, sampled from the BCSZ distribution.
- rand_unitary(
- dimensions: int | list[int] | list[list[int]] | Space,
- density: float = 1,
- distribution: Literal['haar', 'exp'] = 'haar',
- *,
- seed: int | SeedSequence | Generator = None,
- dtype: str | type = None,
Creates a random sparse unitary quantum object.
- Parameters:
- dimensions(int) or (list of int) or (list of list of int)
Dimension of Hilbert space. If provided as a list of ints, then the dimension is the product over this list, but the
property of the new Qobj are set to this list. This can produce either oper or super depending on the passed dimensions.- densityfloat, default: 1
Density between [0,1] of output unitary operator.
- distributionstr {“haar”, “exp”}, default: “haar”
Method used to obtain the unitary matrices.
haar : Haar random unitary matrix using the algorithm of [Mez07].
exp : Uses \(\exp(-iH)\), where H is a randomly generated Hermitian operator.
- seedint, SeedSequence, Generator, optional
Seed to create the random number generator or a pre prepared generator. When none is suplied, a default generator is used.
- dtypetype or str, optional
Storage representation. Any data-layer known to
is accepted.
- Returns:
- operqobj
Unitary quantum operator.
Manipulation of Qobj
Module for the creation of composite quantum objects via the tensor product.
- composite(*args: Qobj) Qobj [source]
- composite( ) QobjEvo
Given two or more operators, kets or bras, returns the Qobj corresponding to a composite system over each argument. For ordinary operators and vectors, this is the tensor product, while for superoperators and vectorized operators, this is the column-reshuffled tensor product.
If a mix of Qobjs supported on Hilbert and Liouville spaces are passed in, the former are promoted. Ordinary operators are assumed to be unitaries, and are promoted using
, while kets and bras are promoted by taking their projectors and usingoperator_to_vector(ket2dm(arg))
- super_tensor(*args: Qobj) Qobj [source]
- super_tensor( ) QobjEvo
Calculate the tensor product of input superoperators, by tensoring together the underlying Hilbert spaces on which each vectorized operator acts.
- Parameters:
- argsarray_like
of quantum objects withtype="super"
- Returns:
- objqobj
A composite quantum object.
- tensor(*args: Qobj) Qobj [source]
- tensor( ) QobjEvo
Calculates the tensor product of input operators.
- Parameters:
- argsarray_like
of quantum objects for tensor product.
- Returns:
- objqobj
A composite quantum object.
>>> tensor([sigmax(), sigmax()]) Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2], [2, 2]], shape = [4, 4], type = oper, isHerm = True Qobj data = [[ 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 1.+0.j] [ 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 1.+0.j 0.+0.j] [ 0.+0.j 1.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j] [ 1.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j]]
- tensor_contract(
- qobj: Qobj,
- *pairs: tuple[int, int],
Contracts a qobj along one or more index pairs.
Note that this uses dense representations and thus should not be used for very large Qobjs.
- Parameters:
- qobj: Qobj
Operator to contract subspaces on.
- pairstuple
One or more tuples
(i, j)
indicating that thei
dimensions of the original qobj should be contracted.
- Returns:
- cqobjQobj
The original Qobj with all named index pairs contracted away.
The Quantum Object (Qobj) class, for representing quantum states and operators, and related functions.
- ptrace(Q: Qobj, sel: int | list[int]) Qobj [source]
Partial trace of the Qobj with selected components remaining.
- Parameters:
- Q
Composite quantum object.
- selint/list
of components to keep after partial trace.
- Q
- Returns:
- oper
Quantum object representing partial trace with selected components remaining.
- oper
This function is for legacy compatibility only. It is recommended to use the
Qobj method.
- partial_transpose(rho, mask, method='dense')[source]
Return the partial transpose of a Qobj instance rho, where mask is an array/list with length that equals the number of components of rho (that is, the length of rho.dims[0]), and the values in mask indicates whether or not the corresponding subsystem is to be transposed. The elements in mask can be boolean or integers 0 or 1, where True/1 indicates that the corresponding subsystem should be tranposed.
- Parameters:
- rho
A density matrix.
- masklist / array
A mask that selects which subsystems should be transposed.
- methodstr {“dense”, “sparse”}, default: “dense”
Choice of method. The “sparse” implementation can be faster for large and sparse systems (hundreds of quantum states).
- rho
- Returns:
- rho_pr:
A density matrix with the selected subsystems transposed.
- rho_pr:
Superoperators and Liouvillians
- lindblad_dissipator( ) Qobj [source]
- lindblad_dissipator( ) QobjEvo
Lindblad dissipator (generalized) for a single pair of collapse operators (a, b), or for a single collapse operator (a) when b is not specified:
\[\mathcal{D}[a,b]\rho = a \rho b^\dagger - \frac{1}{2}a^\dagger b\rho - \frac{1}{2}\rho a^\dagger b\]- Parameters:
- aQobj or QobjEvo
Left part of collapse operator.
- bQobj or QobjEvo, optional
Right part of collapse operator. If not specified, b defaults to a.
- chifloat, optional
In some systems it is possible to determine the statistical moments (mean, variance, etc) of the probability distribution of the occupation numbers of states by numerically evaluating the derivatives of the steady state occupation probability as a function of an artificial phase parameter
which multiplies thea \rho a^dagger
term of the dissipator bye ^ (i * chi)
. The factore ^ (i * chi)
is introduced via the generating function of the statistical moments. For examples of the technique, see Full counting statistics of nano-electromechanical systems and Photon-mediated electron transport in hybrid circuit-QED. This parameter is deprecated and may be removed in QuTiP 5.- data_onlybool, default: False
Return the data object instead of a Qobj
- Returns:
- Dqobj, QobjEvo
Lindblad dissipator superoperator.
- liouvillian( ) Qobj [source]
- liouvillian( ) QobjEvo
Assembles the Liouvillian superoperator from a Hamiltonian and a
of collapse operators.- Parameters:
- HQobj or QobjEvo, optional
System Hamiltonian or Hamiltonian component of a Liouvillian. Considered 0 if not given.
- c_opsarray_like of Qobj or QobjEvo, optional
of collapse operators.- data_onlybool, default: False
Return the data object instead of a Qobj
- chiarray_like of float, optional
In some systems it is possible to determine the statistical moments (mean, variance, etc) of the probability distributions of occupation of various states by numerically evaluating the derivatives of the steady state occupation probability as a function of artificial phase parameters
which are included in thelindblad_dissipator
for each collapse operator. See the documentation oflindblad_dissipator
for references and further details. This parameter is deprecated and may be removed in QuTiP 5.
- Returns:
- LQobj or QobjEvo
Liouvillian superoperator.
- operator_to_vector(op: Qobj) Qobj [source]
Create a vector representation given a quantum operator in matrix form. The passed object should have a
of ‘oper’ or ‘super’; this function is not designed for general-purpose matrix reshaping.- Parameters:
- opQobj or QobjEvo
Quantum operator in matrix form. This must have a type of ‘oper’ or ‘super’.
- Returns:
- Qobj or QobjEvo
The same object, but re-cast into a column-stacked-vector form of type ‘operator-ket’. The output is the same type as the passed object.
- spost(A: AnyQobj) AnyQobj [source]
Superoperator formed from post-multiplication by operator A
- Parameters:
- AQobj or QobjEvo
Quantum operator for post multiplication.
- Returns:
- superQobj or QobjEvo
Superoperator formed from input qauntum object.
- spre(A: AnyQobj) AnyQobj [source]
Superoperator formed from pre-multiplication by operator A.
- Parameters:
- AQobj or QobjEvo
Quantum operator for pre-multiplication.
- Returns:
- super :Qobj or QobjEvo
Superoperator formed from input quantum object.
- sprepost( ) Qobj [source]
- sprepost( ) QobjEvo
Superoperator formed from pre-multiplication by A and post-multiplication by B.
- Parameters:
- AQobj or QobjEvo
Quantum operator for pre-multiplication.
- BQobj or QobjEvo
Quantum operator for post-multiplication.
- Returns:
- superQobj or QobjEvo
Superoperator formed from input quantum objects.
- vector_to_operator(op: Qobj) Qobj [source]
Create a matrix representation given a quantum operator in vector form. The passed object should have a
of ‘operator-ket’; this function is not designed for general-purpose matrix reshaping.- Parameters:
- opQobj or QobjEvo
Quantum operator in column-stacked-vector form. This must have a type of ‘operator-ket’.
- Returns:
- Qobj or QobjEvo
The same object, but re-cast into “standard” operator form. The output is the same type as the passed object.
Superoperator Representations
This module implements transformations between superoperator representations, including supermatrix, Kraus, Choi and Chi (process) matrix formalisms.
- kraus_to_choi(kraus_ops: list[Qobj]) Qobj [source]
Convert a list of Kraus operators into Choi representation of the channel.
Essentially, kraus operators are a decomposition of a Choi matrix, and its reconstruction from them should go as \(E = \sum_{i} |K_i\rangle\rangle \langle\langle K_i|\), where we use vector representation of Kraus operators.
- Parameters:
- kraus_opslist[Qobj]
The list of Kraus operators to be converted to Choi representation.
- Returns:
- choiQobj
A quantum object representing the same map as
, such thatchoi.superrep == "choi"
- kraus_to_super(
- kraus_list: list[Qobj],
- sparse=False,
Convert a list of Kraus operators to a superoperator.
- Parameters:
- kraus_listlist of Qobj
The list of Kraus super operators to convert.
- sparse: bool
Prevents dense intermediates if true.
- to_chi(q_oper: Qobj) Qobj [source]
Converts a Qobj representing a quantum map to a representation as a chi (process) matrix in the Pauli basis, such that the trace of the returned operator is equal to the dimension of the system.
- Parameters:
- q_operQobj
Superoperator to be converted to Chi representation. If
, then it is taken to act by conjugation, such thatto_chi(A) == to_chi(sprepost(A, A.dag()))
- Returns:
- chiQobj
A quantum object representing the same map as
, such thatchi.superrep == "chi"
- Raises:
- TypeError:
If the given quantum object is not a map, or cannot be converted to Chi representation.
- to_choi(q_oper: Qobj) Qobj [source]
Converts a Qobj representing a quantum map to the Choi representation, such that the trace of the returned operator is equal to the dimension of the system.
- Parameters:
- q_operQobj
Superoperator to be converted to Choi representation. If
, then it is taken to act by conjugation, such thatto_choi(A) == to_choi(sprepost(A, A.dag()))
- Returns:
- choiQobj
A quantum object representing the same map as
, such thatchoi.superrep == "choi"
- Raises:
- TypeError:
If the given quantum object is not a map, or cannot be converted to Choi representation.
- to_kraus(
- q_oper: Qobj,
- tol: float = 1e-09,
Converts a Qobj representing a quantum map to a list of quantum objects, each representing an operator in the Kraus decomposition of the given map.
- Parameters:
- q_operQobj
Superoperator to be converted to Kraus representation. If
, then it is taken to act by conjugation, such thatto_kraus(A) == to_kraus(sprepost(A, A.dag())) == [A]
.- tolFloat, default: 1e-9
Optional threshold parameter for eigenvalues/Kraus ops to be discarded.
- Returns:
- kraus_opslist of Qobj
A list of quantum objects, each representing a Kraus operator in the decomposition of
- Raises:
- TypeError: if the given quantum object is not a map, or cannot be
decomposed into Kraus operators.
- to_stinespring(
- q_oper: Qobj,
- threshold: float = 1e-10,
Converts a Qobj representing a quantum map \(\Lambda\) to a pair of partial isometries
such that \(\Lambda(X) = \Tr_2(A X B^\dagger)\) for all inputsX
, where the partial trace is taken over a a new index on the output dimensions ofA
.For completely positive inputs,
will always equalB
up to precision errors.- Parameters:
- q_operQobj
Superoperator to be converted to a Stinespring pair.
- thresholdfloat, default: 1e-10
Threshold parameter for eigenvalues/Kraus ops to be discarded.
- Returns:
- A, BQobj
Quantum objects representing each of the Stinespring matrices for the input Qobj.
- to_super(q_oper: Qobj) Qobj [source]
Converts a Qobj representing a quantum map to the supermatrix (Liouville) representation.
- Parameters:
- q_operQobj
Superoperator to be converted to supermatrix representation. If
, then it is taken to act by conjugation, such thatto_super(A) == sprepost(A, A.dag())
- Returns:
- superopQobj
A quantum object representing the same map as
, such thatsuperop.superrep == "super"
- Raises:
- TypeError
If the given quantum object is not a map, or cannot be converted to supermatrix representation.
Operators and Superoperator Dimensions
Internal use module for manipulating dims specifications.
- from_tensor_rep(tensorrep, dims)[source]
Reverse operator of
. Create a Qobj From a N-dimensions numpy array and dimensions with N indices.- Parameters:
- tensorrep: ndarray
Numpy array with one dimension for each index in dims.
- dims: list of list, Dimensions
Dimensions of the Qobj.
- Returns:
- Qobj
Re constructed Qobj
- to_tensor_rep(q_oper)[source]
Transform a
to a numpy array whose shape is the flattened dimensions.- Parameters:
- q_oper: Qobj
Object to reshape
- Returns:
- ndarray:
Numpy array with one dimension for each index in dims.
>>> ket.dims [[2, 3], [1]] >>> to_tensor_rep(ket).shape (2, 3, 1)
>>> oper.dims [[2, 3], [2, 3]] >>> to_tensor_rep(oper).shape (2, 3, 2, 3)
>>> super_oper.dims [[[2, 3], [2, 3]], [[2, 3], [2, 3]]] >>> to_tensor_rep(super_oper).shape (2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3)
- simdiag(
- ops,
- evals: bool = True,
- *,
- tol: float = 1e-14,
- safe_mode: bool = True,
- use_dense_solver: bool = True,
Simultaneous diagonalization of commuting Hermitian matrices.
- Parameters:
- opslist, array
of qobjs representing commuting Hermitian operators.- evalsbool, default: True
Whether to return the eigenvalues for each ops and eigenvectors or just the eigenvectors.
- tolfloat, default: 1e-14
Tolerance for detecting degenerate eigenstates.
- safe_modebool, default: True
Whether to check that all ops are Hermitian and commuting. If set to
and operators are not commuting, the eigenvectors returned will often be eigenvectors of only the first operator.- use_dense_solver: bool, default: True
Whether to force use of numpy dense eigen solver. When
sparse operators will use scipy sparse eigen solver which is not appropriate for this use.
- Returns:
- eigstuple
Tuple of arrays representing eigvals and eigvecs of quantum objects corresponding to simultaneous eigenvectors and eigenvalues for each operator.
Extracting data from Qobj
Expectation Values
- expect(oper: Qobj, state: Qobj) complex [source]
- expect( ) ndarray[Any, dtype[complex]]
- expect( ) list[complex]
- expect( ) list[ndarray[Any, dtype[complex]]]
Calculate the expectation value for operator(s) and state(s). The expectation of state
on operatorA
is defined ask.dag() @ A @ k
, and for density matrixR
on operatorA
it istrace(A @ R)
.- Parameters:
- operqobj / list of Qobj
A single or a list of operators for expectation value.
- stateqobj / list of Qobj
A single or a list of quantum states or density matrices.
- Returns:
- exptfloat / complex / list / array
Expectation value(s).
is Hermitian,complex
otherwise. If multipleoper
are passed, a list of array. A (nested) array of expectaction values ifstate
are arrays.
>>> expect(num(4), basis(4, 3)) == 3 True
- variance(oper: Qobj, state: Qobj) complex [source]
- variance( ) ndarray[Any, dtype[complex]]
Variance of an operator for the given state vector or density matrix.
- Parameters:
- operQobj
Operator for expectation value.
- stateQobj / list of Qobj
A single or
of quantum states or density matrices..
- Returns:
- varfloat
Variance of operator ‘oper’ for given state.
Entropy Functions
- concurrence(rho)[source]
Calculate the concurrence entanglement measure for a two-qubit state.
- Parameters:
- stateqobj
Ket, bra, or density matrix for a two-qubit state.
- Returns:
- concurfloat
- entropy_conditional(rho, selB, base=2.718281828459045, sparse=False)[source]
Calculates the conditional entropy \(S(A|B)=S(A,B)-S(B)\) of a selected density matrix component.
- Parameters:
- rhoqobj
Density matrix of composite object
- selBint/list
Selected components for density matrix B
- base{e, 2}, default: e
Base of logarithm.
- sparsebool, default: False
Use sparse eigensolver.
- Returns:
- ent_condfloat
Value of conditional entropy
- entropy_linear(rho)[source]
Linear entropy of a density matrix.
- Parameters:
- rhoqobj
sensity matrix or ket/bra vector.
- Returns:
- entropyfloat
Linear entropy of rho.
>>> rho=0.5*fock_dm(2,0)+0.5*fock_dm(2,1) >>> entropy_linear(rho) 0.5
- entropy_mutual(rho, selA, selB, base=2.718281828459045, sparse=False)[source]
Calculates the mutual information S(A:B) between selection components of a system density matrix.
- Parameters:
- rhoqobj
Density matrix for composite quantum systems
- selAint/list
int or list of first selected density matrix components.
- selBint/list
int or list of second selected density matrix components.
- base{e, 2}, default: e
Base of logarithm.
- sparsebool, default: False
Use sparse eigensolver.
- Returns:
- ent_mutfloat
Mutual information between selected components.
- entropy_relative(rho, sigma, base=2.718281828459045, sparse=False, tol=1e-12)[source]
Calculates the relative entropy S(rho||sigma) between two density matrices.
- Parameters:
- rho
First density matrix (or ket which will be converted to a density matrix).
- sigma
Second density matrix (or ket which will be converted to a density matrix).
- base{e, 2}, default: e
Base of logarithm. Defaults to e.
- sparsebool, default: False
Flag to use sparse solver when determining the eigenvectors of the density matrices. Defaults to False.
- tolfloat, default: 1e-12
Tolerance to use to detect 0 eigenvalues or dot producted between eigenvectors. Defaults to 1e-12.
- rho
- Returns:
- rel_entfloat
Value of relative entropy. Guaranteed to be greater than zero and should equal zero only when rho and sigma are identical.
See Nielsen & Chuang, “Quantum Computation and Quantum Information”, Section 11.3.1, pg. 511 for a detailed explanation of quantum relative entropy.
First we define two density matrices:
>>> rho = qutip.ket2dm(qutip.ket("00")) >>> sigma = rho + qutip.ket2dm(qutip.ket("01")) >>> sigma = sigma.unit()
Then we calculate their relative entropy using base 2 (i.e.
) and base e (i.e.log
).>>> qutip.entropy_relative(rho, sigma, base=2) 1.0 >>> qutip.entropy_relative(rho, sigma) 0.6931471805599453
- entropy_vn(rho, base=2.718281828459045, sparse=False)[source]
Von-Neumann entropy of density matrix
- Parameters:
- rhoqobj
Density matrix.
- base{e, 2}, default: e
Base of logarithm.
- sparsebool, default: False
Use sparse eigensolver.
- Returns:
- entropyfloat
Von-Neumann entropy of rho.
>>> rho=0.5*fock_dm(2,0)+0.5*fock_dm(2,1) >>> entropy_vn(rho,2) 1.0
Density Matrix Metrics
This module contains a collection of functions for calculating metrics (distance measures) between states and operators.
- average_gate_fidelity(oper, target=None)[source]
Returns the average gate fidelity of a quantum channel to the target channel, or to the identity channel if no target is given.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fidfloat
Average gate fidelity between oper and target, or between oper and identity.
The average gate fidelity is defined for example in: A. Gilchrist, N.K. Langford, M.A. Nielsen, Phys. Rev. A 71, 062310 (2005). The definition of state fidelity that the average gate fidelity is based on is the one from R. Jozsa, Journal of Modern Optics, 41:12, 2315 (1994). It is the square of the fidelity implemented in
which follows Nielsen & Chuang, “Quantum Computation and Quantum Information”
- bures_angle(A, B)[source]
Returns the Bures Angle between two density matrices A & B.
The Bures angle ranges from 0, for states with unit fidelity, to pi/2.
- Parameters:
- Aqobj
Density matrix or state vector.
- Bqobj
Density matrix or state vector with same dimensions as A.
- Returns:
- anglefloat
Bures angle between density matrices.
- bures_dist(A, B)[source]
Returns the Bures distance between two density matrices A & B.
The Bures distance ranges from 0, for states with unit fidelity, to sqrt(2).
- Parameters:
- Aqobj
Density matrix or state vector.
- Bqobj
Density matrix or state vector with same dimensions as A.
- Returns:
- distfloat
Bures distance between density matrices.
- dnorm(A, B=None, solver='CVXOPT', verbose=False, force_solve=False, sparse=True)[source]
Calculates the diamond norm of the quantum map q_oper, using the simplified semidefinite program of [Wat13].
The diamond norm SDP is solved by using CVXPY.
If B is provided and both A and B are unitary, then the diamond norm of the difference is calculated more efficiently using the following geometric interpretation: \(\|A - B\|_{\diamond}\) equals \(2 \sqrt(1 - d^2)\), where \(d`is the distance between the origin and the convex hull of the eigenvalues of :math:`A B^{\dagger}\). See [AKN98] page 18, in the paragraph immediately below the proof of 12.6, as a reference.
- Parameters:
- AQobj
Quantum map to take the diamond norm of.
- BQobj or None
If provided, the diamond norm of \(A - B\) is taken instead.
- solverstr {“CVXOPT”, “SCS”}, default: “CVXOPT”
Solver to use with CVXPY. “SCS” tends to be significantly faster, but somewhat less accurate.
- verbosebool, default: False
If True, prints additional information about the solution.
- force_solvebool, default: False
If True, forces dnorm to solve the associated SDP, even if a special case is known for the argument.
- sparsebool, default: True
Whether to use sparse matrices in the convex optimisation problem. Default True.
- Returns:
- dnfloat
Diamond norm of q_oper.
- Raises:
- ImportError
If CVXPY cannot be imported.
- fidelity(A, B)[source]
Calculates the fidelity (pseudo-metric) between two density matrices.
- Parameters:
- Aqobj
Density matrix or state vector.
- Bqobj
Density matrix or state vector with same dimensions as A.
- Returns:
- fidfloat
Fidelity pseudo-metric between A and B.
Uses the definition from Nielsen & Chuang, “Quantum Computation and Quantum Information”. It is the square root of the fidelity defined in R. Jozsa, Journal of Modern Optics, 41:12, 2315 (1994), used in
>>> x = fock_dm(5,3) >>> y = coherent_dm(5,1) >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(fidelity(x,y), 0.24104350624628332)
- hellinger_dist(A, B, sparse=False, tol=0)[source]
Calculates the quantum Hellinger distance between two density matrices.
hellinger_dist(A, B) = sqrt(2 - 2 * tr(sqrt(A) * sqrt(B)))
See: D. Spehner, F. Illuminati, M. Orszag, and W. Roga, “Geometric measures of quantum correlations with Bures and Hellinger distances” arXiv:1611.03449
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- hellinger_distfloat
Quantum Hellinger distance between A and B. Ranges from 0 to sqrt(2).
>>> x = fock_dm(5,3) >>> y = coherent_dm(5,1) >>> np.allclose(hellinger_dist(x, y), 1.3725145002591095) True
- hilbert_dist(A, B)[source]
Returns the Hilbert-Schmidt distance between two density matrices A & B.
- Parameters:
- Aqobj
Density matrix or state vector.
- Bqobj
Density matrix or state vector with same dimensions as A.
- Returns:
- distfloat
Hilbert-Schmidt distance between density matrices.
See V. Vedral and M. B. Plenio, Phys. Rev. A 57, 1619 (1998).
- process_fidelity(oper, target=None)[source]
Returns the process fidelity of a quantum channel to the target channel, or to the identity channel if no target is given. The process fidelity between two channels is defined as the state fidelity between their normalized Choi matrices.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fidfloat
Process fidelity between oper and target, or between oper and identity.
Since Qutip 5.0, this function computes the process fidelity as defined for example in: A. Gilchrist, N.K. Langford, M.A. Nielsen, Phys. Rev. A 71, 062310 (2005). Previously, it computed a function that is now implemented as
in qutip-qtrl.The definition of state fidelity that the process fidelity is based on is the one from R. Jozsa, Journal of Modern Optics, 41:12, 2315 (1994). It is the square of the one implemented in
which follows Nielsen & Chuang, “Quantum Computation and Quantum Information”
- tracedist(A, B, sparse=False, tol=0)[source]
Calculates the trace distance between two density matrices.. See: Nielsen & Chuang, “Quantum Computation and Quantum Information”
- Parameters:
- Aqobj
Density matrix or state vector.
- Bqobj
Density matrix or state vector with same dimensions as A.
- tolfloat, default: 0
Tolerance used by sparse eigensolver, if used. (0 = Machine precision)
- sparsebool, default: False
Use sparse eigensolver.
- Returns:
- tracedistfloat
Trace distance between A and B.
>>> x=fock_dm(5,3) >>> y=coherent_dm(5,1) >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(tracedist(x,y), 0.9705143161472971)
Measurement of quantum states
Module for measuring quantum objects.
- measure(state, ops, tol=None)[source]
A dispatch method that provides measurement results handling both observable style measurements and projector style measurements (POVMs and PVMs).
For return signatures, please check:
for observable measurements.measure_povm
for POVM measurements.
- measure_observable(state, op, tol=None)[source]
Perform a measurement specified by an operator on the given state.
This function simulates the classic quantum measurement described in many introductory texts on quantum mechanics. The measurement collapses the state to one of the eigenstates of the given operator and the result of the measurement is the corresponding eigenvalue.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- measured_valuefloat
The result of the measurement (one of the eigenvalues of op).
- state
The new state (a ket if a ket was given, otherwise a density matrix).
Measure the z-component of the spin of the spin-up basis state:
>>> measure_observable(basis(2, 0), sigmaz()) (1.0, Quantum object: dims = [[2], [1]], shape = (2, 1), type = ket Qobj data = [[-1.] [ 0.]])
Since the spin-up basis is an eigenstate of sigmaz, this measurement always returns 1 as the measurement result (the eigenvalue of the spin-up basis) and the original state (up to a global phase).
Measure the x-component of the spin of the spin-down basis state:
>>> measure_observable(basis(2, 1), sigmax()) (-1.0, Quantum object: dims = [[2], [1]], shape = (2, 1), type = ket Qobj data = [[-0.70710678] [ 0.70710678]])
This measurement returns 1 fifty percent of the time and -1 the other fifty percent of the time. The new state returned is the corresponding eigenstate of sigmax.
One may also perform a measurement on a density matrix. Below we perform the same measurement as above, but on the density matrix representing the pure spin-down state:
>>> measure_observable(ket2dm(basis(2, 1)), sigmax()) (-1.0, Quantum object: dims = [[2], [2]], shape = (2, 2), type = oper Qobj data = [[ 0.5 -0.5] [-0.5 0.5]])
The measurement result is the same, but the new state is returned as a density matrix.
- measure_povm(state, ops, tol=None)[source]
Perform a measurement specified by list of POVMs.
This function simulates a POVM measurement. The measurement collapses the state to one of the resultant states of the measurement and returns the index of the operator corresponding to the collapsed state as well as the collapsed state.
- Parameters:
- state
The ket or density matrix specifying the state to measure.
- opslist of
List of measurement operators \(M_i\) or kets. Either:
specifying a POVM s.t. \(E_i = M_i^\dagger M_i\)
projection operators if ops correspond to projectors (s.t. \(E_i = M_i^\dagger = M_i\))
kets (transformed to projectors)
- tolfloat, optional
Smallest value for the probabilities. Default is qutip’s core settings’
- state
- Returns:
- indexfloat
The resultant index of the measurement.
- state
The new state (a ket if a ket was given, otherwise a density matrix).
- measurement_statistics(state, ops, tol=None)[source]
A dispatch method that provides measurement statistics handling both observable style measurements and projector style measurements(POVMs and PVMs).
For return signatures, please check:
for observable measurements.measurement_statistics_povm
for POVM measurements.
- Parameters:
- state
The ket or density matrix specifying the state to measure.
- ops
or list ofQobj
measurement observable (:class:.Qobj); or
list of measurement operators \(M_i\) or kets (list of
) Either:specifying a POVM s.t. \(E_i = M_i^\dagger * M_i\)
projection operators if ops correspond to projectors (s.t. \(E_i = M_i^\dagger = M_i\))
kets (transformed to projectors)
- tolfloat, optional
Smallest value for the probabilities. Default is qutip’s core settings’
- state
- measurement_statistics_observable(state, op, tol=None)[source]
Return the measurement eigenvalues, eigenstates (or projectors) and measurement probabilities for the given state and measurement operator.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- eigenvalues: list of float
The list of eigenvalues of the measurement operator.
- projectors: list of
Return the projectors onto the eigenstates.
- probabilities: list of float
The probability of measuring the state as being in the corresponding eigenstate (and the measurement result being the corresponding eigenvalue).
- measurement_statistics_povm(state, ops, tol=None)[source]
Returns measurement statistics (resultant states and probabilities) for a measurement specified by a set of positive operator valued measurements on a specified ket or density matrix.
- Parameters:
- state
The ket or density matrix specifying the state to measure.
- opslist of
List of measurement operators \(M_i\) or kets. Either:
specifying a POVM s.t. \(E_i = M_i^\dagger M_i\)
projection operators if ops correspond to projectors (s.t. \(E_i = M_i^\dagger = M_i\))
kets (transformed to projectors)
- tolfloat, optional
Smallest value for the probabilities. Smaller probabilities will be rounded to
. Default is qutip’s core settings’atol
- state
- Returns:
- collapsed_stateslist of
The collapsed states obtained after measuring the qubits and obtaining the qubit specified by the target in the state specified by the index.
- probabilitieslist of floats
The probability of measuring a state in a the state specified by the index.
- collapsed_stateslist of