Utility Functions

Utility Functions

This module contains utility functions that are commonly needed in other qutip modules.

clebsch(j1, j2, j3, m1, m2, m3)[source]

Calculates the Clebsch-Gordon coefficient for coupling (j1,m1) and (j2,m2) to give (j3,m3).


Total angular momentum 1.


Total angular momentum 2.


Total angular momentum 3.


z-component of angular momentum 1.


z-component of angular momentum 2.


z-component of angular momentum 3.


Requested Clebsch-Gordan coefficient.

convert_unit(value, orig='meV', to='GHz')[source]

Convert an energy from unit orig to unit to.

valuefloat / array

The energy in the old unit.

origstr, {“J”, “eV”, “meV”, “GHz”, “mK”}, default: “meV”

The name of the original unit.

tostr, {“J”, “eV”, “meV”, “GHz”, “mK”}, default: “GHz”

The name of the new unit.

value_new_unitfloat / array

The energy in the new unit.

fun: Callable[..., complex],
num_params: int,
xdata: ArrayLike,
ydata: ArrayLike,
target_rmse: float = 1e-05,
Nmin: int = 1,
Nmax: int = 10,
guess: ArrayLike | Callable[[int], ArrayLike] = None,
lower: ArrayLike = None,
upper: ArrayLike = None,
sigma: float | ArrayLike = None,
maxfev: int = None,
) tuple[float, ArrayLike][source]

Iteratively tries to fit the given data with a model of the form

\[y = \sum_{k=1}^N f(x; p_{k,1}, \dots, p_{k,n})\]

where f is a model function depending on n parameters, and the number N of terms is increased until the normalized rmse (root mean square error) falls below the target value.


The model function. Its first argument is the array xdata, its other arguments are the fitting parameters.


The number of fitting parameters per term (n in the equation above). The function fun must take num_params+1 arguments.


The independent variable.


The dependent data.

target_rmseoptional, float

Desired normalized root mean squared error (default 1e-5).

Nminoptional, int

The minimum number of terms to be used for the fit (default 1).

Nmaxoptional, int

The maximum number of terms to be used for the fit (default 10). If the number Nmax of terms is reached, the function returns even if the target rmse has not been reached yet.

guessoptional, array_like or callable

This can be either a list of length n, with the i-th entry being the guess for the parameter \(p_{k,i}\) (for all terms \(k\)), or a function that provides different initial guesses for each term. Specifically, given a number N of terms, the function returns an array [[p11, …, p1n], [p21, …, p2n], …, [pN1, …, pNn]] of initial guesses.

loweroptional, list of length num_params

Lower bounds on the parameters for the fit.

upperoptional, list of length num_params

Upper bounds on the parameters for the fit.

sigmaoptional, float or array_like

The uncertainty in the dependent data, see the documentation of scipy.optimize.curve_fit.

maxfevoptional, int

The maximum number of function evaluations (per value of N).


The normalized mean squared error of the fit


The model parameters in the form [[p11, …, p1n], [p21, …, p2n], …, [pN1, …, pNn]].

n_thermal(w, w_th)[source]

Return the number of photons in thermal equilibrium for an harmonic oscillator mode with frequency ‘w’, at the temperature described by ‘w_th’ where \(\omega_{\rm th} = k_BT/\hbar\).

wfloat or ndarray

Frequency of the oscillator.


The temperature in units of frequency (or the same units as w).

n_avgfloat or array

Return the number of average photons in thermal equilibrium for a an oscillator with the given frequency and temperature.

File I/O Functions

file_data_read(filename, sep=None)[source]

Retrieves an array of data from the requested file.

filenamestr or pathlib.Path

Name of file containing reqested data.

sepstr, optional

Seperator used to store data.


Data from selected file.

file_data_store(filename, data, numtype='complex', numformat='decimal', sep=',')[source]

Stores a matrix of data to a file to be read by an external program.

filenamestr or pathlib.Path

Name of data file to be stored, including extension.

data: array_like

Data to be written to file.

numtypestr {‘complex, ‘real’}, default: ‘complex’

Type of numerical data.

numformatstr {‘decimal’,’exp’}, default: ‘decimal’

Format for written data.

sepstr, default: ‘,’

Single-character field seperator. Usually a tab, space, comma, or semicolon.


Loads data file from file filename in current directory.

filenamestr or pathlib.Path

Name of data file to be loaded.

qobjectinstance / array_like

Object retrieved from requested file.

qsave(data, name='qutip_data')[source]

Saves given data to file named ‘filename.qu’ in current directory.


Input Python object to be stored.

filenamestr or pathlib.Path, default: “qutip_data”

Name of output data file.

IPython Notebook Tools

This module contains utility functions for using QuTiP with IPython notebooks.


Print an HTML-formatted table with version numbers for QuTiP and its dependencies. Use it in a IPython notebook to show which versions of different packages that were used to run the notebook. This should make it possible to reproduce the environment and the calculation later on.

verbosebool, default: False

Add extra information about install location.

version_table: str

Return an HTML-formatted string containing version information for QuTiP dependencies.


Command line output of information on QuTiP and dependencies.


About box for QuTiP. Gives version numbers for QuTiP, NumPy, SciPy, Cython, and MatPlotLib.