Source code for qutip.utilities

This module contains utility functions that are commonly needed in other
qutip modules.

# Required for Sphinx to follow autodoc_type_aliases
from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ['n_thermal', 'clebsch', 'convert_unit', 'iterated_fit']

from typing import Callable

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

[docs] def n_thermal(w, w_th): """ Return the number of photons in thermal equilibrium for an harmonic oscillator mode with frequency 'w', at the temperature described by 'w_th' where :math:`\\omega_{\\rm th} = k_BT/\\hbar`. Parameters ---------- w : float or ndarray Frequency of the oscillator. w_th : float The temperature in units of frequency (or the same units as `w`). Returns ------- n_avg : float or array Return the number of average photons in thermal equilibrium for a an oscillator with the given frequency and temperature. """ w = np.array(w, dtype=float) result = np.zeros_like(w) if w_th <= 0: result[w < 0] = -1 return result.item() if w.ndim == 0 else result non_zero = w != 0 result[non_zero] = 1 / (np.exp(w[non_zero] / w_th) - 1) return result.item() if w.ndim == 0 else result
def _factorial_prod(N, arr): arr[:int(N)] += 1 def _factorial_div(N, arr): arr[:int(N)] -= 1 def _to_long(arr): prod = 1 for i, v in enumerate(arr): prod *= (i+1)**int(v) return prod
[docs] def clebsch(j1, j2, j3, m1, m2, m3): """Calculates the Clebsch-Gordon coefficient for coupling (j1,m1) and (j2,m2) to give (j3,m3). Parameters ---------- j1 : float Total angular momentum 1. j2 : float Total angular momentum 2. j3 : float Total angular momentum 3. m1 : float z-component of angular momentum 1. m2 : float z-component of angular momentum 2. m3 : float z-component of angular momentum 3. Returns ------- cg_coeff : float Requested Clebsch-Gordan coefficient. """ if m3 != m1 + m2: return 0 vmin = int(np.max([-j1 + j2 + m3, -j1 + m1, 0])) vmax = int(np.min([j2 + j3 + m1, j3 - j1 + j2, j3 + m3])) c_factor = np.zeros((int(j1 + j2 + j3 + 1)), np.int32) _factorial_prod(j3 + j1 - j2, c_factor) _factorial_prod(j3 - j1 + j2, c_factor) _factorial_prod(j1 + j2 - j3, c_factor) _factorial_prod(j3 + m3, c_factor) _factorial_prod(j3 - m3, c_factor) _factorial_div(j1 + j2 + j3 + 1, c_factor) _factorial_div(j1 - m1, c_factor) _factorial_div(j1 + m1, c_factor) _factorial_div(j2 - m2, c_factor) _factorial_div(j2 + m2, c_factor) C = np.sqrt((2.0 * j3 + 1.0)*_to_long(c_factor)) s_factors = np.zeros(((vmax + 1 - vmin), (int(j1 + j2 + j3))), np.int32) # `S` and `C` are large integer,s if `sign` is a np.int32 it could oveflow sign = int((-1) ** (vmin + j2 + m2)) for i, v in enumerate(range(vmin, vmax + 1)): factor = s_factors[i, :] _factorial_prod(j2 + j3 + m1 - v, factor) _factorial_prod(j1 - m1 + v, factor) _factorial_div(j3 - j1 + j2 - v, factor) _factorial_div(j3 + m3 - v, factor) _factorial_div(v + j1 - j2 - m3, factor) _factorial_div(v, factor) common_denominator = -np.min(s_factors, axis=0) numerators = s_factors + common_denominator S = sum([(-1)**i * _to_long(vec) for i, vec in enumerate(numerators)]) * \ sign / _to_long(common_denominator) return C * S
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions for unit conversions # _e = 1.602176565e-19 # C _kB = 1.3806488e-23 # J/K _h = 6.62606957e-34 # Js _unit_factor_tbl = { # "unit": "factor that convert argument from unit 'unit' to Joule" "J": 1.0, "eV": _e, "meV": 1.0e-3 * _e, "GHz": 1.0e9 * _h, "mK": 1.0e-3 * _kB, }
[docs] def convert_unit(value, orig="meV", to="GHz"): """ Convert an energy from unit `orig` to unit `to`. Parameters ---------- value : float / array The energy in the old unit. orig : str, {"J", "eV", "meV", "GHz", "mK"}, default: "meV" The name of the original unit. to : str, {"J", "eV", "meV", "GHz", "mK"}, default: "GHz" The name of the new unit. Returns ------- value_new_unit : float / array The energy in the new unit. """ if orig not in _unit_factor_tbl: raise TypeError("Unsupported unit %s" % orig) if to not in _unit_factor_tbl: raise TypeError("Unsupported unit %s" % to) return value * (_unit_factor_tbl[orig] / _unit_factor_tbl[to])
def convert_GHz_to_meV(w): """ Convert an energy from unit GHz to unit meV. Parameters ---------- w : float / array The energy in the old unit. Returns ------- w_new_unit : float / array The energy in the new unit. """ # 1 GHz = 4.1357e-6 eV = 4.1357e-3 meV w_meV = w * 4.1357e-3 return w_meV def convert_meV_to_GHz(w): """ Convert an energy from unit meV to unit GHz. Parameters ---------- w : float / array The energy in the old unit. Returns ------- w_new_unit : float / array The energy in the new unit. """ # 1 meV = 1.0/4.1357e-3 GHz w_GHz = w / 4.1357e-3 return w_GHz def convert_J_to_meV(w): """ Convert an energy from unit J to unit meV. Parameters ---------- w : float / array The energy in the old unit. Returns ------- w_new_unit : float / array The energy in the new unit. """ # 1 eV = 1.602e-19 J w_meV = 1000.0 * w / _e return w_meV def convert_meV_to_J(w): """ Convert an energy from unit meV to unit J. Parameters ---------- w : float / array The energy in the old unit. Returns ------- w_new_unit : float / array The energy in the new unit. """ # 1 eV = 1.602e-19 J w_J = 0.001 * w * _e return w_J def convert_meV_to_mK(w): """ Convert an energy from unit meV to unit mK. Parameters ---------- w : float / array The energy in the old unit. Returns ------- w_new_unit : float / array The energy in the new unit. """ # 1 mK = 0.0000861740 meV w_mK = w / 0.0000861740 return w_mK def convert_mK_to_meV(w): """ Convert an energy from unit mK to unit meV. Parameters ---------- w : float / array The energy in the old unit. Returns ------- w_new_unit : float / array The energy in the new unit. """ # 1 mK = 0.0000861740 meV w_meV = w * 0.0000861740 return w_meV def convert_GHz_to_mK(w): """ Convert an energy from unit GHz to unit mK. Parameters ---------- w : float / array The energy in the old unit. Returns ------- w_new_unit : float / array The energy in the new unit. """ # h v [Hz] = kB T [K] # h 1e9 v [GHz] = kB 1e-3 T [mK] # T [mK] = 1e12 * (h/kB) * v [GHz] w_mK = w * 1.0e12 * (_h / _kB) return w_mK def convert_mK_to_GHz(w): """ Convert an energy from unit mK to unit GHz. Parameters ---------- w : float / array The energy in the old unit. Returns ------- w_new_unit : float / array The energy in the new unit. """ w_GHz = w * 1.0e-12 * (_kB / _h) return w_GHz def _version2int(version_string): str_list = version_string.split( "-dev")[0].split("rc")[0].split("a")[0].split("b")[0].split( "post")[0].split('.') return sum([int(d if len(d) > 0 else 0) * (100 ** (3 - n)) for n, d in enumerate(str_list[:3])]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fitting utilities #
[docs] def iterated_fit( fun: Callable[..., complex], num_params: int, xdata: ArrayLike, ydata: ArrayLike, target_rmse: float = 1e-5, Nmin: int = 1, Nmax: int = 10, guess: ArrayLike | Callable[[int], ArrayLike] = None, lower: ArrayLike = None, upper: ArrayLike = None, sigma: float | ArrayLike = None, maxfev: int = None ) -> tuple[float, ArrayLike]: r""" Iteratively tries to fit the given data with a model of the form .. math:: y = \sum_{k=1}^N f(x; p_{k,1}, \dots, p_{k,n}) where `f` is a model function depending on `n` parameters, and the number `N` of terms is increased until the normalized rmse (root mean square error) falls below the target value. Parameters ---------- fun : callable The model function. Its first argument is the array `xdata`, its other arguments are the fitting parameters. num_params : int The number of fitting parameters per term (`n` in the equation above). The function `fun` must take `num_params+1` arguments. xdata : array_like The independent variable. ydata : array_like The dependent data. target_rmse : optional, float Desired normalized root mean squared error (default `1e-5`). Nmin : optional, int The minimum number of terms to be used for the fit (default 1). Nmax : optional, int The maximum number of terms to be used for the fit (default 10). If the number `Nmax` of terms is reached, the function returns even if the target rmse has not been reached yet. guess : optional, array_like or callable This can be either a list of length `n`, with the i-th entry being the guess for the parameter :math:`p_{k,i}` (for all terms :math:`k`), or a function that provides different initial guesses for each term. Specifically, given a number `N` of terms, the function returns an array `[[p11, ..., p1n], [p21, ..., p2n], ..., [pN1, ..., pNn]]` of initial guesses. lower : optional, list of length `num_params` Lower bounds on the parameters for the fit. upper : optional, list of length `num_params` Upper bounds on the parameters for the fit. sigma : optional, float or array_like The uncertainty in the dependent data, see the documentation of ``scipy.optimize.curve_fit``. maxfev : optional, int The maximum number of function evaluations (per value of ``N``). Returns ------- rmse : float The normalized mean squared error of the fit params : array_like The model parameters in the form `[[p11, ..., p1n], [p21, ..., p2n], ..., [pN1, ..., pNn]]`. """ if len(xdata) != len(ydata): raise ValueError( "The shape of the provided fit data is not consistent") if lower is None: lower = np.full(num_params, -np.inf) if upper is None: upper = np.full(num_params, np.inf) if not (len(lower) == num_params and len(upper) == num_params): raise ValueError( "The shape of the provided fit bounds is not consistent") N = Nmin rmse1 = np.inf while rmse1 > target_rmse and N <= Nmax: if guess is None: guesses = np.ones((N, num_params), dtype=float) elif callable(guess): guesses = np.array(guess(N)) if guesses.shape != (N, num_params): raise ValueError( "The shape of the provided fit guesses is not consistent") else: guesses = np.tile(guess, (N, 1)) lower_repeat = np.tile(lower, N) upper_repeat = np.tile(upper, N) rmse1, params = _fit(fun, num_params, xdata, ydata, guesses, lower_repeat, upper_repeat, sigma, maxfev) N += 1 return rmse1, params
def _pack(params): # Pack parameter lists for fitting. # Input: array of parameters like `[[p11, ..., p1n], ..., [pN1, ..., pNn]]` # Output: packed parameters like `[p11, ..., p1n, p21, ..., p2n, ...]` return params.ravel() # like flatten, but doesn't copy data def _unpack(params, num_params): # Inverse of _pack, `num_params` is "n" N = len(params) // num_params return np.reshape(params, (N, num_params)) def _evaluate(fun, x, params): result = 0 for term_params in params: result += fun(x, *term_params) return result def _rmse(fun, xdata, ydata, params): """ The normalized root mean squared error for the fit with the given parameters. (The closer to zero = the better the fit.) """ yhat = _evaluate(fun, xdata, params) if (yhat == ydata).all(): return 0 return ( np.sqrt(np.mean((yhat - ydata) ** 2) / len(ydata)) / (np.max(ydata) - np.min(ydata)) ) def _fit(fun, num_params, xdata, ydata, guesses, lower, upper, sigma, maxfev, method='trf'): # fun: model function # num_params: number of parameters in fun # xdata, ydata: data to be fit # N: number of terms # guesses: initial guesses [[p11, ..., p1n],..., [pN1, ..., pNn]] # lower, upper: parameter bounds # sigma: data uncertainty (useful to control when values are small) # maxfev: how many times the parameters can be altered, lower is faster but # less accurate if (upper <= lower).all(): return _rmse(fun, xdata, ydata, guesses), guesses # Depending on the method, scipy uses leastsq or least_squares, and the # `maxfev` parameter has different names in the two functions if method == 'lm': maxfev_arg = {'maxfev': maxfev} else: maxfev_arg = {'max_nfev': maxfev} # Scipy only supports scalar sigma since 1.12 if sigma is not None and not hasattr(sigma, "__len__"): sigma = [sigma] * len(xdata) packed_params, _ = curve_fit( lambda x, *packed_params: _evaluate( fun, x, _unpack(packed_params, num_params) ), xdata, ydata, p0=_pack(guesses), bounds=(lower, upper), method=method, sigma=sigma, **maxfev_arg ) params = _unpack(packed_params, num_params) rmse = _rmse(fun, xdata, ydata, params) return rmse, params