Photon scattering in quantum optical systems
This module includes a collection of functions for numerically computing photon
scattering in driven arbitrary systems coupled to some configuration of output
waveguides. The implementation of these functions closely follows the
mathematical treatment given in K.A. Fischer, et. al., Scattering of Coherent
Pulses from Quantum Optical Systems (2017, arXiv:1710.02875).
# Author: Ben Bartlett
# Contact: benbartlett@stanford.edu
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import trapezoid
from itertools import product, combinations_with_replacement
from ..core import basis, tensor, zero_ket, Qobj, QobjEvo
from .propagator import propagator, Propagator
__all__ = ['temporal_basis_vector',
def set_partition(collection, num_sets):
Enumerate all ways of partitioning collection into num_sets different
lists, e.g. :
list(set_partition([1,2], 2))
>>> [[[1, 2], []], [[1], [2]], [[2], [1]], [[], [1, 2]]]
collection : iterable
Collection to generate a set partition of.
num_sets : int
Number of sets to partition collection into.
partition : iterable
The partitioning of collection into num_sets sets.
for partitioning in product(range(num_sets), repeat=len(collection)):
partition = [[] for _ in range(num_sets)]
for i, set_index in enumerate(partitioning):
yield tuple(tuple(indices) for indices in partition)
def photon_scattering_amplitude(propagator, c_ops, tlist, taus, psi, psit):
Compute the scattering amplitude for a system emitting into multiple
propagator : :class:`.Propagator`
c_ops : list
list of collapse operators for each waveguide; these are assumed to
include spontaneous decay rates, e.g.
:math:`\\sigma = \\sqrt \\gamma \\cdot a`
tlist : array_like
List of times starting at the beginning and ending at the end of the
taus : list-like
List of (list of emission times) for each waveguide.
psi : Qobj
State at the start of the evolution
psit : Qobj
State at the end of the evolution.
# Extract the full list of taus
tau_collapse = []
for i, tau_wg in enumerate(taus):
for t in tau_wg:
tau_collapse.append((t, i))
tau_collapse.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0]) # sort tau_collapse by time
tq = tlist[0]
# Compute Prod Ueff(tq, tq-1)
for tau in tau_collapse:
tprev = tq
tq, q = tau
psi = c_ops[q] * propagator(tq, tprev) * psi
psi = propagator(tlist[-1], tq) * psi
return psit.overlap(psi)
def _temporal_basis_idx(waveguide_emission_indices, n_time_bins):
Generate a the global index for the excitation.
idx = []
for i, wg_indices in enumerate(waveguide_emission_indices):
for index in wg_indices:
idx += [i * n_time_bins + index]
idx = idx or [0]
return tuple(idx)
def _temporal_basis_dims(waveguide_emission_indices, n_time_bins,
Return the dims of the ``temporal_basis_vector``.
# TODO: Review n_emissions: change the number of dims but the equivalent
# does not exist in _temporal_basis_idx
num_col = len(waveguide_emission_indices)
if n_emissions is None:
n_emissions = sum(
for waveguide_indices in waveguide_emission_indices])
n_emissions = n_emissions or 1
return [num_col * n_time_bins] * n_emissions
def temporal_basis_vector(waveguide_emission_indices, n_time_bins):
Generate a temporal basis vector for emissions at specified time bins into
specified waveguides.
waveguide_emission_indices : list or tuple
List of indices where photon emission occurs for each waveguide,
e.g. [[t1_wg1], [t1_wg2, t2_wg2], [], [t1_wg4, t2_wg4, t3_wg4]].
n_time_bins : int
Number of time bins; the range over which each index can vary.
temporal_basis_vector : :class:`.Qobj`
A basis vector representing photon scattering at the specified indices.
If there are W waveguides, T times, and N photon emissions, then the
basis vector has dimensionality (W*T)^N.
idx = _temporal_basis_idx(waveguide_emission_indices, n_time_bins)
dims = _temporal_basis_dims(waveguide_emission_indices, n_time_bins, None)
return basis(dims, list(idx))
def _temporal_scattered_matrix(H, psi0, n_emissions, c_ops, tlist,
Compute the scattered n-photon state as an ndarray.
T = len(tlist)
W = len(c_ops)
em_dims = max(n_emissions, 1)
phi_n = np.zeros([W * T] * em_dims, dtype=complex)
if construct_effective_hamiltonian:
# Construct an effective Hamiltonian from system hamiltonian and c_ops
Heff = QobjEvo(H) - 1j / 2 * sum([op.dag() * op for op in c_ops])
Heff = H
evolver = Propagator(Heff, memoize=len(tlist))
all_emission_indices = combinations_with_replacement(range(T), n_emissions)
if system_zero_state is None:
system_zero_state = psi0
# Compute <omega_tau> for all combinations of tau
for emission_indices in all_emission_indices:
# Consider unique partitionings of emission times into waveguides
partition = tuple(set(set_partition(emission_indices, W)))
# Consider all possible partitionings of time bins by waveguide
for indices in partition:
taus = [[tlist[i] for i in wg_indices] for wg_indices in indices]
phi_n_amp = photon_scattering_amplitude(
evolver, c_ops, tlist,
taus, psi0, system_zero_state
# Add scatter amplitude times temporal basis to overall state
idx = _temporal_basis_idx(indices, T)
phi_n[idx] = phi_n_amp
return phi_n
def temporal_scattered_state(H, psi0, n_emissions, c_ops, tlist,
Compute the scattered n-photon state projected onto the temporal basis.
H : :class:`.Qobj` or list
System-waveguide(s) Hamiltonian or effective Hamiltonian in Qobj or
list-callback format. If construct_effective_hamiltonian is not
specified, an effective Hamiltonian is constructed from `H` and
psi0 : :class:`.Qobj`
Initial state density matrix :math:`\\rho(t_0)` or state vector
n_emissions : int
Number of photon emissions to calculate.
c_ops : list
List of collapse operators for each waveguide; these are assumed to
include spontaneous decay rates, e.g.
:math:`\\sigma = \\sqrt \\gamma \\cdot a`
tlist : array_like
List of times for :math:`\\tau_i`. tlist should contain 0 and exceed
the pulse duration / temporal region of interest.
system_zero_state : :class:`.Qobj`, optional
State representing zero excitations in the system. Defaults to
construct_effective_hamiltonian : bool, default: True
Whether an effective Hamiltonian should be constructed from H and
:math:`H_{eff} = H - \\frac{i}{2} \\sum_n \\sigma_n^\\dagger \\sigma_n`
Default: True.
phi_n : :class:`.Qobj`
The scattered bath state projected onto the temporal basis given by
tlist. If there are W waveguides, T times, and N photon emissions, then
the state is a tensor product state with dimensionality T^(W*N).
T = len(tlist)
W = len(c_ops)
em_dims = max(n_emissions, 1)
phi_n = _temporal_scattered_matrix(
H, psi0, n_emissions, c_ops, tlist,
system_zero_state, construct_effective_hamiltonian
return Qobj(phi_n.ravel(), dims=[[W * T] * em_dims, [1] * em_dims])
def scattering_probability(H, psi0, n_emissions, c_ops, tlist,
Compute the integrated probability of scattering n photons in an arbitrary
system. This function accepts a nonlinearly spaced array of times.
H : :class:`.Qobj` or list
System-waveguide(s) Hamiltonian or effective Hamiltonian in Qobj or
list-callback format. If construct_effective_hamiltonian is not
specified, an effective Hamiltonian is constructed from H and
psi0 : :class:`.Qobj`
Initial state density matrix :math:`\\rho(t_0)` or state vector
n_emissions : int
Number of photons emitted by the system (into any combination of
c_ops : list
List of collapse operators for each waveguide; these are assumed to
include spontaneous decay rates, e.g.
:math:`\\sigma = \\sqrt \\gamma \\cdot a`.
tlist : array_like
List of times for :math:`\\tau_i`. tlist should contain 0 and exceed
the pulse duration / temporal region of interest; tlist need not be
linearly spaced.
system_zero_state : :class:`.Qobj`, optional
State representing zero excitations in the system. Defaults to
`basis(systemDims, 0)`.
construct_effective_hamiltonian : bool, default: True
Whether an effective Hamiltonian should be constructed from H and
:math:`H_{eff} = H - \\frac{i}{2} \\sum_n \\sigma_n^\\dagger \\sigma_n`
Default: True.
scattering_prob : float
The probability of scattering n photons from the system over the time
range specified.
phi_n = _temporal_scattered_matrix(H, psi0, n_emissions, c_ops, tlist,
T = len(tlist)
W = len(c_ops)
# Compute <omega_tau> for all combinations of tau
all_emission_indices = combinations_with_replacement(range(T), n_emissions)
probs = np.zeros([T] * n_emissions)
# Project scattered state onto temporal basis
for emit_indices in all_emission_indices:
# Consider unique emission time partitionings
partition = tuple(set(set_partition(emit_indices, W)))
# wg_indices_list = list(set_partition(indices, W))
for wg_indices in partition:
idx = _temporal_basis_idx(wg_indices, T)
amplitude = phi_n[idx]
probs[emit_indices] += np.real(amplitude.conjugate() * amplitude)
# Iteratively integrate to obtain single value
while probs.shape != ():
probs = trapezoid(probs, x=tlist)
return np.abs(probs)