Source code for qutip.solver.sode.itotaylor

from . import _sode
from .sode import _Explicit_Simple_Integrator, _Implicit_Simple_Integrator
from ..stochastic import StochasticSolver, SMESolver

__all__ = [
    "EulerSODE", "Milstein_SODE", "Taylor1_5_SODE", "Explicit1_5_SODE",
    "Implicit_Milstein_SODE", "Implicit_Taylor1_5_SODE"

[docs] class EulerSODE(_Explicit_Simple_Integrator): """ A simple generalization of the Euler method for ordinary differential equations to stochastic differential equations. Only solver which could take non-commuting ``sc_ops``. - Order: 0.5 """ integrator_options = { "dt": 0.001, "tol": 1e-10, } stepper = _sode.Euler N_dw = 1 _stepper_options = ["measurement_noise"]
[docs] class Milstein_SODE(_Explicit_Simple_Integrator): """ An order 1.0 strong Taylor scheme. Better approximate numerical solution to stochastic differential equations. See eq. (3.12) of chapter 10.3 of Peter E. Kloeden and Exkhard Platen, *Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations*.. - Order strong 1.0 """ integrator_options = { "dt": 0.001, "tol": 1e-10, } stepper = _sode.Milstein N_dw = 1 _stepper_options = ["measurement_noise"]
[docs] class Taylor1_5_SODE(_Explicit_Simple_Integrator): """ Order 1.5 strong Taylor scheme. Solver with more terms of the Ito-Taylor expansion. See eq. (4.6) of chapter 10.4 of Peter E. Kloeden and Exkhard Platen, *Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations*. - Order strong 1.5 """ integrator_options = { "dt": 0.001, "tol": 1e-10, "derr_dt": 1e-6, } stepper = _sode.Taylor15 N_dw = 2 @property def options(self): """ Supported options by Order 1.5 strong Taylor Stochastic Integrators: dt : float, default: 0.001 Internal time step. tol : float, default: 1e-10 Relative tolerance. derr_dt : float, default: 1e-6 Finite time difference used to compute the derrivative of the hamiltonian and ``sc_ops``. """ return self._options @options.setter def options(self, new_options): _Explicit_Simple_Integrator.options.fset(self, new_options)
[docs] class Explicit1_5_SODE(_Explicit_Simple_Integrator): """ Explicit order 1.5 strong schemes. Reproduce the order 1.5 strong Taylor scheme using finite difference instead of derivatives. Slower than ``taylor15`` but usable when derrivatives cannot be analytically obtained. See eq. (2.13) of chapter 11.2 of Peter E. Kloeden and Exkhard Platen, *Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations.* - Order: strong 1.5 """ stepper = _sode.Explicit15 N_dw = 2
[docs] class Implicit_Milstein_SODE(_Implicit_Simple_Integrator): """ An order 1.0 implicit strong Taylor scheme. Implicit Milstein scheme for the numerical simulation of stiff stochastic differential equations. Eq. (2.11) with alpha=0.5 of chapter 12.2 of Peter E. Kloeden and Exkhard Platen, *Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations*. - Order strong 1.0 """ stepper = _sode.Milstein_imp N_dw = 1
[docs] class Implicit_Taylor1_5_SODE(_Implicit_Simple_Integrator): """ Order 1.5 implicit strong Taylor scheme. Solver with more terms of the Ito-Taylor expansion. Eq. (2.18) with ``alpha=0.5`` of chapter 12.2 of Peter E. Kloeden and Exkhard Platen, *Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations*. - Order strong 1.5 """ integrator_options = { "dt": 0.001, "tol": 1e-10, "solve_method": None, "solve_options": {}, "deff_dt": 1e-6 } stepper = _sode.Taylor15_imp N_dw = 2 @property def options(self): """ Supported options by Implicit Order 1.5 strong Taylor Stochastic Integrators: dt : float, default: 0.001 Internal time step. tol : float, default: 1e-10 Tolerance for the time steps. solve_method : str, default: None Method used for solver the ``Ax=b`` of the implicit step. Accept methods supported by :func:``. When the system is constant, the inverse of the matrix ``A`` can be used by entering ``inv``. solve_options : dict, default: {} Options to pass to the call to :func:``. derr_dt : float, default: 1e-6 Finite time difference used to compute the derrivative of the hamiltonian and ``sc_ops``. """ return self._options @options.setter def options(self, new_options): _Implicit_Simple_Integrator.options.fset(self, new_options)
StochasticSolver.add_integrator(EulerSODE, "euler") StochasticSolver.add_integrator(Explicit1_5_SODE, "explicit1.5") SMESolver.add_integrator(Taylor1_5_SODE, "taylor1.5") SMESolver.add_integrator(Milstein_SODE, "milstein") SMESolver.add_integrator(Implicit_Milstein_SODE, "milstein_imp") SMESolver.add_integrator(Implicit_Taylor1_5_SODE, "taylor1.5_imp")