Source code for qutip.solver.spectrum

__all__ = ['spectrum', 'spectrum_correlation_fft']

import numpy as np
import scipy.fftpack

from .steadystate import steadystate
from ..core import liouvillian, spre, expect
from ..core import data as _data
from qutip.settings import settings

[docs] def spectrum(H, wlist, c_ops, a_op, b_op, solver="es"): r""" Calculate the spectrum of the correlation function :math:`\lim_{t \to \infty} \left<A(t+\tau)B(t)\right>`, i.e., the Fourier transform of the correlation function: .. math:: S(\omega) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \lim_{t \to \infty} \left<A(t+\tau)B(t)\right> e^{-i\omega\tau} d\tau. using the solver indicated by the ``solver`` parameter. Note: this spectrum is only defined for stationary statistics (uses steady state rho0) Parameters ---------- H : :class:`.qobj` system Hamiltonian. wlist : array_like List of frequencies for :math:`\omega`. c_ops : list List of collapse operators. a_op : :class:`.Qobj` Operator A. b_op : :class:`.Qobj` Operator B. solver : str, {'es', 'pi', 'solve'}, default: 'es' Choice of solver, ``es`` for exponential series and ``pi`` for psuedo-inverse, ``solve`` for generic solver. Returns ------- spectrum : array An array with spectrum :math:`S(\omega)` for the frequencies specified in `wlist`. """ if not H.issuper: L = liouvillian(H, c_ops) else: L = H + sum([lindblad_dissipator(c) for c in c_ops]) if solver == "es": return _spectrum_es(L, wlist, a_op, b_op) elif solver in ["pi", "solve"]: return _spectrum_pi(L, wlist, a_op, b_op, use_pinv=solver=="pi") raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized choice of solver {solver} (use 'es', 'pi' or 'solve')." )
[docs] def spectrum_correlation_fft(tlist, y, inverse=False): """ Calculate the power spectrum corresponding to a two-time correlation function using FFT. Parameters ---------- tlist : array_like list/array of times :math:`t` which the correlation function is given. y : array_like list/array of correlations corresponding to time delays :math:`t`. inverse: bool, default: False boolean parameter for using a positive exponent in the Fourier Transform instead. Default is False. Returns ------- w, S : tuple Returns an array of angular frequencies 'w' and the corresponding two-sided power spectrum 'S(w)'. """ tlist = np.asarray(tlist) N = tlist.shape[0] dt = tlist[1] - tlist[0] if not np.allclose(np.diff(tlist), dt * np.ones(N - 1, dtype=float)): raise ValueError('tlist must be equally spaced for FFT.') F = (N * scipy.fftpack.ifft(y)) if inverse else scipy.fftpack.fft(y) # calculate the frequencies for the components in F f = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(N, dt) # re-order frequencies from most negative to most positive (centre on 0) idx = np.array([], dtype='int') idx = np.append(idx, np.where(f < 0.0)) idx = np.append(idx, np.where(f >= 0.0)) return 2 * np.pi * f[idx], 2 * dt * np.real(F[idx])
def _spectrum_es(L, wlist, a_op, b_op): r""" Internal function for calculating the spectrum of the correlation function :math:`\left<A(\tau)B(0)\right>`. """ # find the steady state density matrix and a_op and b_op expecation values rho0 = steadystate(L) a_op_ss = expect(a_op, rho0) b_op_ss = expect(b_op, rho0) # eseries solution for (b * rho0)(t) states, rates = _diagonal_evolution(L, b_op * rho0) # correlation ampls = [_data.expect(, state) for state in states] # make covariance ampls += [-a_op_ss * b_op_ss] rates += [0] # Tidy up similar rates. order = np.argsort(rates) clean_rates = [] clean_ampls = [] prev_rate = np.nan for idx in order: if np.abs(rates[idx] - prev_rate) < settings.core["atol"]: clean_ampls[-1] += ampls[idx] else: clean_rates.append(rates[idx]) clean_ampls.append(ampls[idx]) prev_rate = rates[idx] # Remove 0 amplitude rates, ampls = zip(*[ (rate, ampl) for rate, ampl in zip(clean_rates, clean_ampls) if np.abs(ampl) > settings.core["atol"] ]) ampls, rates = np.array(ampls), np.array(rates) LW = np.subtract.outer(1j * np.array(wlist), rates).T return (ampls @ (2 / LW)).real # # pseudo-inverse solvers def _spectrum_pi(L, wlist, a_op, b_op, use_pinv=False): r""" Internal function for calculating the spectrum of the correlation function :math:`\left<A(\tau)B(0)\right>`. """ dtype = type( rho_ss = steadystate(L) tr_mat = _data.identity[dtype](rho_ss.shape[0]) tr_vec = _data.column_stack(tr_mat).transpose() rho = _data.column_stack( A = ket = spre(b_op).data @ rho bra = tr_vec @ spre(a_op).data I = _data.identity[dtype](L.shape[0]) P = _data.kron(rho, tr_vec) Q = I - P spectrum = np.zeros(len(wlist)) for idx, w in enumerate(wlist): if use_pinv and np.abs(w) > settings.core["atol"]: # At w == 0., "L - iw" is singular MMR = _data.inv(-1.0j * w * I + A) else: MMR = Q @ _data.solve(-1.0j * w * I + A, Q) spectrum[idx] = -2 * _data.inner_op(bra, MMR, ket).real return spectrum def _diagonal_evolution(L, rho0, sparse=False): if rho0.norm() < settings.core["atol"]: return [_data.zeros["CSR"](*rho0.shape)], [0] if isinstance(, _data.CSR) and not sparse: L = evals, evecs = _data.eigs( size = rho0.shape[0] * rho0.shape[1] r0 = _data.column_stack( v0 = _data.solve(evecs, r0) vv = evecs @ _data.diag(v0.to_array().flatten(), [0]) states = [] rates = [] for ket, rate in zip(_data.split_columns(vv), evals): if _data.norm.l2(ket) < settings.core["atol"]: continue states.append(_data.column_unstack(ket, rho0.shape[0])) rates.append(rate) return states, rates