# Required for Sphinx to follow autodoc_type_aliases
from __future__ import annotations
__all__ = ["smesolve", "SMESolver", "ssesolve", "SSESolver"]
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from numpy.random import SeedSequence
from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, overload
from functools import partial
from time import time
from collections.abc import Sequence
from .multitrajresult import MultiTrajResult
from .sode.ssystem import StochasticOpenSystem, StochasticClosedSystem
from .sode._noise import PreSetWiener
from .result import Result, ExpectOp
from .multitraj import _MultiTrajRHS, MultiTrajSolver
from .. import Qobj, QobjEvo
from ..core.dimensions import Dimensions
from ..core import data as _data
from .solver_base import _solver_deprecation
from ._feedback import _QobjFeedback, _DataFeedback, _WienerFeedback
from ..typing import QobjEvoLike, EopsLike
class StochasticTrajResult(Result):
def _post_init(self, m_ops=(), dw_factor=(), heterodyne=False):
self.noise = []
self.heterodyne = heterodyne
if self.options["store_measurement"]:
self.m_ops = []
self.m_expect = []
self.dW_factor = dw_factor
for op in m_ops:
f = self._e_op_func(op)
self.m_ops.append(ExpectOp(op, f, self.m_expect[-1].append))
def add(self, t, state, noise=None):
super().add(t, state)
if noise is not None:
def wiener_process(self) -> np.typing.NDArray[float]:
Wiener processes for each stochastic collapse operators.
The output shape is
(len(sc_ops), len(tlist))
for homodyne detection, and
(len(sc_ops), 2, len(tlist))
for heterodyne detection.
W = np.zeros(
(self.noise[0].shape[0], len(self.times)),
np.cumsum(np.array(self.noise).T, axis=1, out=W[:, 1:])
if self.heterodyne:
W = W.reshape(-1, 2, W.shape[1])
return W
def dW(self) -> np.typing.NDArray[float]:
Wiener increment for each stochastic collapse operators.
The output shape is
(len(sc_ops), len(tlist)-1)
for homodyne detection, and
(len(sc_ops), 2, len(tlist)-1)
for heterodyne detection.
noise = np.array(self.noise).T
if self.heterodyne:
return noise.reshape(-1, 2, noise.shape[1])
return noise
def measurement(self) -> np.typing.NDArray[float]:
Measurements for each stochastic collapse operators.
The output shape is
(len(sc_ops), len(tlist)-1)
for homodyne detection, and
(len(sc_ops), 2, len(tlist)-1)
for heterodyne detection.
if not self.options["store_measurement"]:
return None
elif len(self.m_ops) == 0:
if self.heterodyne:
return np.empty(shape=(0, 2, len(self.times) - 1))
return np.empty(shape=(0, len(self.times) - 1))
elif self.options["store_measurement"] == "start":
m_expect = np.array(self.m_expect)[:, :-1]
elif self.options["store_measurement"] == "middle":
m_expect = np.apply_along_axis(
lambda m: np.convolve(m, [0.5, 0.5], "valid"),
axis=1, arr=self.m_expect,
elif self.options["store_measurement"] in ["end", True]:
m_expect = np.array(self.m_expect)[:, 1:]
raise ValueError(
"store_measurement must be in {'start', 'middle', 'end', ''}, "
f"not {self.options['store_measurement']}"
noise = np.array(self.noise).T
noise_scaled = np.einsum(
"i,ij,j->ij", self.dW_factor, noise, (1 / np.diff(self.times))
if self.heterodyne:
m_expect = m_expect.reshape(-1, 2, m_expect.shape[1])
noise_scaled = noise_scaled.reshape(-1, 2, noise_scaled.shape[1])
return m_expect + noise_scaled
class StochasticResult(MultiTrajResult):
def _post_init(self, heterodyne=False):
self.heterodyne = heterodyne
store_measurement = self.options["store_measurement"]
keep_runs = self.options["keep_runs_results"]
if not keep_runs and store_measurement:
partial(self._reduce_attr, attr="wiener_process")
self._wiener_process = []
self.add_processor(partial(self._reduce_attr, attr="dW"))
self._dW = []
if not keep_runs and store_measurement:
self.add_processor(partial(self._reduce_attr, attr="measurement"))
self._measurement = []
def _reduce_attr(self, trajectory, attr, *, rel=None, abs=None):
Add a result attribute to a list when the trajectories are not stored.
if abs is None:
getattr(self, "_" + attr).append(getattr(trajectory, attr))
def _trajectories_attr(self, attr):
Get the result associated to the attr, whether the trajectories are
saved or not.
if hasattr(self, "_" + attr):
return getattr(self, "_" + attr)
elif self.options["keep_runs_results"]:
return np.array([
getattr(traj, attr) for traj in self.trajectories
return None
def measurement(self) -> np.typing.NDArray[float]:
Measurements for each trajectories and stochastic collapse operators.
The output shape is
(ntraj, len(sc_ops), len(tlist)-1)
for homodyne detection, and
(ntraj, len(sc_ops), 2, len(tlist)-1)
for heterodyne detection.
return self._trajectories_attr("measurement")
def dW(self) -> np.typing.NDArray[float]:
Wiener increment for each trajectories and stochastic collapse
The output shape is
(ntraj, len(sc_ops), len(tlist)-1)
for homodyne detection, and
(ntraj, len(sc_ops), 2, len(tlist)-1)
for heterodyne detection.
return self._trajectories_attr("dW")
def wiener_process(self) -> np.typing.NDArray[float]:
Wiener processes for each trajectories and stochastic collapse
The output shape is
(ntraj, len(sc_ops), len(tlist)-1)
for homodyne detection, and
(ntraj, len(sc_ops), 2, len(tlist)-1)
for heterodyne detection.
return self._trajectories_attr("wiener_process")
def merge(self, other: "StochasticResult", p: float = None) -> "StochasticResult":
if not isinstance(other, StochasticResult):
return NotImplemented
if self.stats["solver"] != other.stats["solver"]:
raise ValueError("Can't merge smesolve and ssesolve results")
if self.heterodyne != other.heterodyne:
raise ValueError("Can't merge heterodyne and homodyne results")
if p is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Stochastic solvers does not support custom weights"
new = super().merge(other, p)
if (
and other.options["store_measurement"]
and not new.trajectories
new._measurement = np.concatenate(
(self.measurement, other.measurement), axis=0
new._wiener_process = np.concatenate(
(self.wiener_process, other.wiener_process), axis=0
new._dW = np.concatenate((self.dW, other.dW), axis=0)
return new
class _StochasticRHS(_MultiTrajRHS):
In between object to store the stochastic system.
It store the Hamiltonian (not Liouvillian when possible), and sc_ops.
dims and flags are provided to be usable the the base ``Solver`` class.
We don't want to use the cython rhs (``StochasticOpenSystem``, etc.) since
the rouchon integrator need the part but does not use the usual drift and
diffusion computation.
def __init__(self, issuper, H, sc_ops, c_ops, heterodyne):
if not isinstance(H, (Qobj, QobjEvo)) or not H.isoper:
raise TypeError("The Hamiltonian must be an operator")
self.H = QobjEvo(H)
if isinstance(sc_ops, (Qobj, QobjEvo)):
sc_ops = [sc_ops]
self.sc_ops = [QobjEvo(c_op) for c_op in sc_ops]
if isinstance(c_ops, (Qobj, QobjEvo)):
c_ops = [c_ops]
self.c_ops = [QobjEvo(c_op) for c_op in c_ops]
if any(not c_op.isoper for c_op in c_ops):
raise TypeError("c_ops must be operators")
if any(not c_op.isoper for c_op in sc_ops):
raise TypeError("sc_ops must be operators")
self.issuper = issuper
self.heterodyne = heterodyne
self._noise_key = None
if heterodyne:
sc_ops = []
for c_op in self.sc_ops:
sc_ops.append(c_op / np.sqrt(2))
sc_ops.append(c_op * (-1j / np.sqrt(2)))
self.sc_ops = sc_ops
if self.issuper and not self.H.issuper:
self.dims = [self.H.dims, self.H.dims]
self._dims = Dimensions([self.H._dims, self.H._dims])
self.dims = self.H.dims
self._dims = self.H._dims
def __call__(self, options):
if self.issuper:
return StochasticOpenSystem(
self.H, self.sc_ops, self.c_ops, options.get("derr_dt", 1e-6)
return StochasticClosedSystem(self.H, self.sc_ops)
def arguments(self, args):
for c_op in self.c_ops:
for sc_op in self.sc_ops:
def _register_feedback(self, val):
self.H._register_feedback({"wiener_process": val}, "stochastic solver")
for c_op in self.c_ops:
{"WienerFeedback": val}, "stochastic solver"
for sc_op in self.sc_ops:
{"WienerFeedback": val}, "stochastic solver"
def smesolve(
H: QobjEvoLike,
rho0: Qobj,
tlist: ArrayLike,
c_ops: Qobj | QobjEvo | Sequence[QobjEvoLike] = (),
sc_ops: Qobj | QobjEvo | Sequence[QobjEvoLike] = (),
heterodyne: bool = False,
e_ops: EopsLike | list[EopsLike] | dict[Any, EopsLike] = None,
args: dict[str, Any] = None,
ntraj: int = 500,
options: dict[str, Any] = None,
seeds: int | SeedSequence | Sequence[int | SeedSequence] = None,
target_tol: float | tuple[float, float] | list[tuple[float, float]] = None,
timeout: float = None,
) -> StochasticResult:
Solve stochastic master equation.
H : :obj:`.Qobj`, :obj:`.QobjEvo`, :obj:`.QobjEvo` compatible format.
System Hamiltonian as a Qobj or QobjEvo for time-dependent
Hamiltonians. List of [:obj:`.Qobj`, :obj:`.Coefficient`] or callable
that can be made into :obj:`.QobjEvo` are also accepted.
rho0 : :class:`.Qobj`
Initial density matrix or state vector (ket).
tlist : *list* / *array*
List of times for :math:`t`.
c_ops : list of (:obj:`.QobjEvo`, :obj:`.QobjEvo` compatible format), optional
Deterministic collapse operator which will contribute with a standard
Lindblad type of dissipation.
sc_ops : list of (:obj:`.QobjEvo`, :obj:`.QobjEvo` compatible format)
List of stochastic collapse operators.
e_ops : :obj:`.Qobj`, callable, list or dict, optional
Single operator, or list or dict of operators, for which to evaluate
expectation values. Operator can be Qobj, QobjEvo or callables with the
signature `f(t: float, state: Qobj) -> Any`.
args : dict, optional
Dictionary of parameters for time-dependent Hamiltonians and
collapse operators.
ntraj : int, default: 500
Number of trajectories to compute.
heterodyne : bool, default: False
Whether to use heterodyne or homodyne detection.
seeds : int, SeedSequence, list, optional
Seed for the random number generator. It can be a single seed used to
spawn seeds for each trajectory or a list of seeds, one for each
trajectory. Seeds are saved in the result and they can be reused with::
When using a parallel map, the trajectories can be re-ordered.
target_tol : {float, tuple, list}, optional
Target tolerance of the evolution. The evolution will compute
trajectories until the error on the expectation values is lower than
this tolerance. The maximum number of trajectories employed is
given by ``ntraj``. The error is computed using jackknife resampling.
``target_tol`` can be an absolute tolerance or a pair of absolute and
relative tolerance, in that order. Lastly, it can be a list of pairs of
``(atol, rtol)`` for each e_ops.
timeout : float, optional
Maximum time for the evolution in second. When reached, no more
trajectories will be computed. Overwrite the option of the same name.
options : dict, optional
Dictionary of options for the solver.
- | store_final_state : bool
| Whether or not to store the final state of the evolution in the
result class.
- | store_states : bool, None
| Whether or not to store the state vectors or density matrices.
On `None` the states will be saved if no expectation operators are
- | store_measurement: str, {'start', 'middle', 'end', ''}
| Whether and how to store the measurement for each trajectories.
'start', 'middle', 'end' indicate when in the interval the
expectation value of the ``m_ops`` is taken.
- | keep_runs_results : bool
| Whether to store results from all trajectories or just store the
- | normalize_output : bool
| Normalize output state to hide ODE numerical errors. Only normalize
the state if the initial state is already normalized.
- | progress_bar : str {'text', 'enhanced', 'tqdm', ''}
| How to present the solver progress.
'tqdm' uses the python module of the same name and raise an error
if not installed. Empty string or False will disable the bar.
- | progress_kwargs : dict
| kwargs to pass to the progress_bar. Qutip's bars use `chunk_size`.
- | method : str
| Which stochastic differential equation integration method to use.
Main ones are {"euler", "rouchon", "platen", "taylor1.5_imp"}
- | map : str {"serial", "parallel", "loky", "mpi"}
| How to run the trajectories. "parallel" uses the multiprocessing
module to run in parallel while "loky" and "mpi" use the "loky" and
"mpi4py" modules to do so.
- | num_cpus : NoneType, int
| Number of cpus to use when running in parallel. ``None`` detect the
number of available cpus.
- | dt : float
| The finite steps lenght for the Stochastic integration method.
Default change depending on the integrator.
Additional options are listed under
`options <./classes.html#qutip.solver.stochastic.SMESolver.options>`__.
More options may be available depending on the selected
differential equation integration method, see
`SIntegrator <./classes.html#classes-sode>`_.
output: :class:`.Result`
An instance of the class :class:`.Result`.
options = _solver_deprecation(kwargs, options, "stoc")
H = QobjEvo(H, args=args, tlist=tlist)
if not isinstance(sc_ops, Sequence):
sc_ops = [sc_ops]
if not isinstance(c_ops, Sequence):
c_ops = [c_ops]
c_ops = [QobjEvo(c_op, args=args, tlist=tlist) for c_op in c_ops]
sc_ops = [QobjEvo(c_op, args=args, tlist=tlist) for c_op in sc_ops]
sol = SMESolver(
H, sc_ops, c_ops=c_ops, options=options, heterodyne=heterodyne
return sol.run(
rho0, tlist, ntraj, e_ops=e_ops,
seeds=seeds, target_tol=target_tol, timeout=timeout,
def ssesolve(
H: QobjEvoLike,
psi0: Qobj,
tlist: ArrayLike,
sc_ops: QobjEvoLike | Sequence[QobjEvoLike] = (),
heterodyne: bool = False,
e_ops: EopsLike | list[EopsLike] | dict[Any, EopsLike] = None,
args: dict[str, Any] = None,
ntraj: int = 500,
options: dict[str, Any] = None,
seeds: int | SeedSequence | Sequence[int | SeedSequence] = None,
target_tol: float | tuple[float, float] | list[tuple[float, float]] = None,
timeout: float = None,
) -> StochasticResult:
Solve stochastic Schrodinger equation.
H : :obj:`.Qobj`, :obj:`.QobjEvo`, :obj:`.QobjEvo` compatible format.
System Hamiltonian as a Qobj or QobjEvo for time-dependent
Hamiltonians. List of [:obj:`.Qobj`, :obj:`.Coefficient`] or callable
that can be made into :obj:`.QobjEvo` are also accepted.
psi0 : :class:`.Qobj`
Initial state vector (ket).
tlist : *list* / *array*
List of times for :math:`t`.
sc_ops : list of (:obj:`.QobjEvo`, :obj:`.QobjEvo` compatible format)
List of stochastic collapse operators.
e_ops : :obj:`.Qobj`, callable, list or dict, optional
Single operator, or list or dict of operators, for which to evaluate
expectation values. Operator can be Qobj, QobjEvo or callables with the
signature `f(t: float, state: Qobj) -> Any`.
args : dict, optional
Dictionary of parameters for time-dependent Hamiltonians and
collapse operators.
ntraj : int, default: 500
Number of trajectories to compute.
heterodyne : bool, default: False
Whether to use heterodyne or homodyne detection.
seeds : int, SeedSequence, list, optional
Seed for the random number generator. It can be a single seed used to
spawn seeds for each trajectory or a list of seeds, one for each
trajectory. Seeds are saved in the result and they can be reused with::
target_tol : {float, tuple, list}, optional
Target tolerance of the evolution. The evolution will compute
trajectories until the error on the expectation values is lower than
this tolerance. The maximum number of trajectories employed is
given by ``ntraj``. The error is computed using jackknife resampling.
``target_tol`` can be an absolute tolerance or a pair of absolute and
relative tolerance, in that order. Lastly, it can be a list of pairs of
(atol, rtol) for each e_ops.
timeout : float, optional
Maximum time for the evolution in second. When reached, no more
trajectories will be computed. Overwrite the option of the same name.
options : dict, optional
Dictionary of options for the solver.
- | store_final_state : bool
| Whether or not to store the final state of the evolution in the
result class.
- | store_states : bool, None
| Whether or not to store the state vectors or density matrices.
On `None` the states will be saved if no expectation operators are
- | store_measurement: str, {'start', 'middle', 'end', ''}
| Whether and how to store the measurement for each trajectories.
'start', 'middle', 'end' indicate when in the interval the
expectation value of the ``m_ops`` is taken.
- | keep_runs_results : bool
| Whether to store results from all trajectories or just store the
- | normalize_output : bool
| Normalize output state to hide ODE numerical errors. Only normalize
the state if the initial state is already normalized.
- | progress_bar : str {'text', 'enhanced', 'tqdm', ''}
| How to present the solver progress.
'tqdm' uses the python module of the same name and raise an error
if not installed. Empty string or False will disable the bar.
- | progress_kwargs : dict
| kwargs to pass to the progress_bar. Qutip's bars use `chunk_size`.
- | method : str
| Which stochastic differential equation integration method to use.
Main ones are {"euler", "rouchon", "platen", "taylor1.5_imp"}
- | map : str {"serial", "parallel", "loky", "mpi"}
| How to run the trajectories. "parallel" uses the multiprocessing
module to run in parallel while "loky" and "mpi" use the "loky" and
"mpi4py" modules to do so.
- | num_cpus : NoneType, int
| Number of cpus to use when running in parallel. ``None`` detect the
number of available cpus.
- | dt : float
| The finite steps lenght for the Stochastic integration method.
Default change depending on the integrator.
Additional options are listed under
`options <./classes.html#qutip.solver.stochastic.SSESolver.options>`__.
More options may be available depending on the selected
differential equation integration method, see
`SIntegrator <./classes.html#classes-sode>`_.
output: :class:`.Result`
An instance of the class :class:`.Result`.
options = _solver_deprecation(kwargs, options, "stoc")
H = QobjEvo(H, args=args, tlist=tlist)
if not isinstance(sc_ops, Sequence):
sc_ops = [sc_ops]
sc_ops = [QobjEvo(c_op, args=args, tlist=tlist) for c_op in sc_ops]
sol = SSESolver(H, sc_ops, options=options, heterodyne=heterodyne)
return sol.run(
psi0, tlist, ntraj, e_ops=e_ops,
seeds=seeds, target_tol=target_tol, timeout=timeout,
class StochasticSolver(MultiTrajSolver):
Generic stochastic solver.
name = "StochasticSolver"
_avail_integrators = {}
_open = None
solver_options = {
"progress_bar": "text",
"progress_kwargs": {"chunk_size": 10},
"store_final_state": False,
"store_states": None,
"keep_runs_results": False,
"normalize_output": False,
"map": "serial",
"mpi_options": {},
"num_cpus": None,
"bitgenerator": None,
"method": "platen",
"store_measurement": "",
def _resultclass(self, e_ops, options, solver, stats):
return StochasticResult(
def _trajectory_resultclass(self, e_ops, options):
return StochasticTrajResult(
def _initialize_stats(self):
stats = super()._initialize_stats()
if self._open:
stats["solver"] = "Stochastic Master Equation Evolution"
stats["solver"] = "Stochastic Schrodinger Equation Evolution"
return stats
def __init__(
H: Qobj | QobjEvo,
sc_ops: Sequence[Qobj | QobjEvo],
heterodyne: bool,
c_ops: Sequence[Qobj | QobjEvo] = (),
options: dict[str, Any] = None,
self._heterodyne = heterodyne
if self.name == "ssesolve" and c_ops:
raise ValueError("c_ops are not supported by ssesolve.")
rhs = _StochasticRHS(self._open, H, sc_ops, c_ops, heterodyne)
super().__init__(rhs, options=options)
if heterodyne:
self._m_ops = []
for op in sc_ops:
self._m_ops += [op + op.dag(), -1j * (op - op.dag())]
self._dW_factors = np.ones(len(sc_ops) * 2) * 2**0.5
self._m_ops = [op + op.dag() for op in sc_ops]
self._dW_factors = np.ones(len(sc_ops))
def heterodyne(self) -> bool:
return self._heterodyne
def m_ops(self) -> list[QobjEvo | Qobj]:
return self._m_ops
def m_ops(self, new_m_ops: list[QobjEvo | Qobj]):
Measurements operators.
Default are:
m_ops = sc_ops + sc_ops.dag()
for homodyne detection, and
m_ops = sc_ops + sc_ops.dag(), -1j*(sc_ops - sc_ops.dag())
for heterodyne detection.
Measurements opput is computed as:
expect(m_ops_i, state(t)) + dW_i / dt * dW_factors
Where ``dW`` follows a gaussian distribution with norm 0 and derivation
of ``dt**0.5``. ``dt`` is the time difference between step in the
``m_ops`` can be overwritten, but the number of operators must be
if len(new_m_ops) != len(self.m_ops):
if self.heterodyne:
raise ValueError(
f"2 `m_ops` per `sc_ops`, {len(self.rhs.sc_ops)} operators"
" are expected for heterodyne measurement."
raise ValueError(
f"{len(self.rhs.sc_ops)} measurements "
"operators are expected."
if not all(
isinstance(op, Qobj) and op.dims == self.rhs.sc_ops[0].dims
for op in new_m_ops
raise ValueError(
"m_ops must be Qobj with the same dimensions"
" as the Hamiltonian"
self._m_ops = new_m_ops
def dW_factors(self) -> np.typing.NDArray[float]:
return self._dW_factors
def dW_factors(self, new_dW_factors: np.typing.NDArray[float]):
Scaling of the noise on the measurements.
Default are ``1`` for homodyne and ``sqrt(1/2)`` for heterodyne.
``dW_factors`` must be a list of the same length as ``m_ops``.
if len(new_dW_factors) != len(self._dW_factors):
if self.heterodyne:
raise ValueError(
f"2 `dW_factors` per `sc_ops`, {len(self.rhs.sc_ops)} "
"values are expected for heterodyne measurement."
raise ValueError(
f"{len(self.rhs.sc_ops)} dW_factors are expected."
self._dW_factors = new_dW_factors
def _integrate_one_traj(self, seed, tlist, result):
for t, state, noise in self._integrator.run(tlist):
result.add(t, self._restore_state(state, copy=False), noise)
return seed, result
def run_from_experiment(
state: Qobj,
tlist: ArrayLike,
noise: Sequence[float],
args: dict[str, Any] = None,
e_ops: EopsLike | list[EopsLike] | dict[Any, EopsLike] = None,
measurement: bool = False,
Run a single trajectory from a given state and noise.
state : Qobj
Initial state of the system.
tlist : array_like
List of times for which to evaluate the state. The tlist must
increase uniformly.
noise : array_like
Noise for each time step and each stochastic collapse operators.
For homodyne detection, ``noise[i, t_idx]`` is the Wiener
increments between ``tlist[t_idx]`` and ``tlist[t_idx+1]`` for the
i-th sc_ops.
For heterodyne detection, an extra dimension is added for the pair
of measurement: ``noise[i, j, t_idx]``with ``j`` in ``{0,1}``.
args : dict, optional
Arguments to pass to the Hamiltonian and collapse operators.
e_ops : :obj:`.Qobj`, callable, list or dict, optional
Single operator, or list or dict of operators, for which to
evaluate expectation values. Operator can be Qobj, QobjEvo or
callables with the signature `f(t: float, state: Qobj) -> Any`.
measurement : bool, default : False
Whether the passed noise is the Wiener increments ``dW`` (gaussian
noise with standard derivation of dt**0.5), or the measurement.
Homodyne measurement is::
noise[i][t] = dW/dt + expect(sc_ops[i] + sc_ops[i].dag, state[t])
Heterodyne measurement is::
noise[i][0][t] = dW/dt * 2**0.5
+ expect(sc_ops[i] + sc_ops[i].dag, state[t])
noise[i][1][t] = dW/dt * 2**0.5
-1j * expect(sc_ops[i] - sc_ops[i].dag, state[t])
Note that this function expects the expectation values to be taken
at the start of the time step, corresponding to the "start" setting
for the "store_measurements" option.
Only available for limited integration methods.
result : StochasticTrajResult
Result of the trajectory.
Only default values of `m_ops` and `dW_factors` are supported.
start_time = time()
stats = self._initialize_stats()
dt = tlist[1] - tlist[0]
if not np.allclose(dt, np.diff(tlist)):
raise ValueError("tlist must be evenly spaced.")
generator = PreSetWiener(
noise, tlist, len(self.rhs.sc_ops), self.heterodyne, measurement
state0 = self._prepare_state(state)
old_dt = None
if "dt" in self._integrator.options:
old_dt = self._integrator.options["dt"]
self._integrator.options["dt"] = dt
mid_time = time()
result = self._initialize_run_one_traj(
None, state0, tlist, e_ops, generator=generator
_, result = self._integrate_one_traj(None, tlist, result)
except Exception as err:
if old_dt is not None:
self._integrator.options["dt"] = old_dt
stats['preparation time'] += mid_time - start_time
stats['run time'] = time() - mid_time
return result
def step(
self, t: float,
args: dict[str, Any],
copy: bool,
wiener_increment: Literal[False],
) -> Qobj: ...
def step(
self, t: float,
args: dict[str, Any],
copy: bool,
wiener_increment: Literal[True],
) -> tuple[Qobj, np.typing.NDArray[float]]: ...
def step(self, t, *, args=None, copy=True, wiener_increment=False):
Evolve the state to ``t`` and return the state as a :obj:`.Qobj`.
t : double
Time to evolve to, must be higher than the last call.
args : dict, optional
Update the ``args`` of the system.
The change is effective from the beginning of the interval.
Changing ``args`` can slow the evolution.
copy : bool, default: True
Whether to return a copy of the data or the data in the ODE solver.
wiener_increment: bool, default: False
Whether to return ``dW`` in addition to the state.
if not self._integrator._is_set:
raise RuntimeError("The `start` method must called first.")
_, state, dW = self._integrator.integrate(t, copy=False)
state = self._restore_state(state, copy=copy)
if wiener_increment:
if self.heterodyne:
dW = dW.reshape(-1, 2)
return state, dW
return state
def avail_integrators(cls):
if cls is StochasticSolver:
return cls._avail_integrators.copy()
return {
def options(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
Options for stochastic solver:
store_final_state: bool, default: False
Whether or not to store the final state of the evolution in the
result class.
store_states: None, bool, default: None
Whether or not to store the state vectors or density matrices.
On `None` the states will be saved if no expectation operators are
store_measurement: str, {'start', 'middle', 'end', ''}, default: ""
Whether and how to store the measurement for each trajectories.
'start', 'middle', 'end' indicate when in the interval the
expectation value of the ``m_ops`` is taken.
Storing measurements will also store the wiener process, or
brownian noise for each trajectories.
progress_bar: str {'text', 'enhanced', 'tqdm', ''}, default: "text"
How to present the solver progress. 'tqdm' uses the python module
of the same name and raise an error if not installed. Empty string
or False will disable the bar.
progress_kwargs: dict, default: {"chunk_size":10}
Arguments to pass to the progress_bar. Qutip's bars use
keep_runs_results: bool, default: False
Whether to store results from all trajectories or just store the
normalize_output: bool
Normalize output state to hide ODE numerical errors.
method: str, default: "platen"
Which differential equation integration method to use.
map: str {"serial", "parallel", "loky", "mpi"}, default: "serial"
How to run the trajectories. "parallel" uses the multiprocessing
module to run in parallel while "loky" and "mpi" use the "loky" and
"mpi4py" modules to do so.
mpi_options: dict, default: {}
Only applies if map is "mpi". This dictionary will be passed as
keyword arguments to the `mpi4py.futures.MPIPoolExecutor`
constructor. Note that the `max_workers` argument is provided
separately through the `num_cpus` option.
num_cpus: None, int, default: None
Number of cpus to use when running in parallel. ``None`` detect the
number of available cpus.
bitgenerator: {None, "MT19937", "PCG64DXSM", ...}, default: None
Which of numpy.random's bitgenerator to use. With ``None``, your
numpy version's default is used.
return self._options
def options(self, new_options: dict[str, Any]):
MultiTrajSolver.options.fset(self, new_options)
def WienerFeedback(
default: Callable[[float], np.typing.NDArray[float]] = None,
Wiener function of the trajectory argument for time dependent systems.
When used as an args:
``QobjEvo([op, func], args={"W": SMESolver.WienerFeedback()})``
The ``func`` will receive a function as ``W`` that return an array of
wiener processes values at ``t``. The wiener process for the i-th
sc_ops is the i-th element for homodyne detection and the (2i, 2i+1)
pairs of process in heterodyne detection. The process is a step
function with step of length ``options["dt"]``.
.. note::
WienerFeedback can't be added to a running solver when updating
arguments between steps: ``solver.step(..., args={})``.
default : callable, optional
Default function used outside the solver.
When not passed, a function returning ``np.array([0])`` is used.
return _WienerFeedback(default)
def StateFeedback(
default: Qobj | _data.Data = None,
raw_data: bool = False
State of the evolution to be used in a time-dependent operator.
When used as an args:
``QobjEvo([op, func], args={"state": SMESolver.StateFeedback()})``
The ``func`` will receive the density matrix as ``state`` during the
.. note::
Not supported by the ``rouchon`` mehtod.
default : Qobj or qutip.core.data.Data, default : None
Initial value to be used at setup of the system.
raw_data : bool, default : False
If True, the raw matrix will be passed instead of a Qobj.
For density matrices, the matrices can be column stacked or square
depending on the integration method.
if raw_data:
return _DataFeedback(default, open=cls._open)
return _QobjFeedback(default, open=cls._open)
class SMESolver(StochasticSolver):
Stochastic Master Equation Solver.
H : :obj:`.Qobj`, :obj:`.QobjEvo`, :obj:`.QobjEvo` compatible format.
System Hamiltonian as a Qobj or QobjEvo for time-dependent
Hamiltonians. List of [:obj:`.Qobj`, :obj:`.Coefficient`] or callable
that can be made into :obj:`.QobjEvo` are also accepted.
sc_ops : list of (:obj:`.QobjEvo`, :obj:`.QobjEvo` compatible format)
List of stochastic collapse operators.
heterodyne : bool, default: False
Whether to use heterodyne or homodyne detection.
options : dict, optional
Options for the solver, see :obj:`SMESolver.options` and
`SIntegrator <./classes.html#classes-sode>`_ for a list of all options.
name = "smesolve"
_avail_integrators = {}
_open = True
solver_options = {
"progress_bar": "text",
"progress_kwargs": {"chunk_size": 10},
"store_final_state": False,
"store_states": None,
"keep_runs_results": False,
"normalize_output": False,
"map": "serial",
"mpi_options": {},
"num_cpus": None,
"bitgenerator": None,
"method": "platen",
"store_measurement": "",
class SSESolver(StochasticSolver):
Stochastic Schrodinger Equation Solver.
H : :obj:`.Qobj`, :obj:`.QobjEvo`, :obj:`.QobjEvo` compatible format.
System Hamiltonian as a Qobj or QobjEvo for time-dependent
Hamiltonians. List of [:obj:`.Qobj`, :obj:`.Coefficient`] or callable
that can be made into :obj:`.QobjEvo` are also accepted.
c_ops : list of (:obj:`.QobjEvo`, :obj:`.QobjEvo` compatible format)
Deterministic collapse operator which will contribute with a standard
Lindblad type of dissipation.
sc_ops : list of (:obj:`.QobjEvo`, :obj:`.QobjEvo` compatible format)
List of stochastic collapse operators.
heterodyne : bool, default: False
Whether to use heterodyne or homodyne detection.
options : dict, optional
Options for the solver, see :obj:`SSESolver.options` and
`SIntegrator <./classes.html#classes-sode>`_ for a list of all options.
name = "ssesolve"
_avail_integrators = {}
_open = False
solver_options = {
"progress_bar": "text",
"progress_kwargs": {"chunk_size": 10},
"store_final_state": False,
"store_states": None,
"keep_runs_results": False,
"normalize_output": False,
"map": "serial",
"mpi_options": {},
"num_cpus": None,
"bitgenerator": None,
"method": "platen",
"store_measurement": "",